We are hoping to keep to the following “pause schedule,” in order to allow people to catch up to the same part of the movie.
If you’re just arriving, ask an op (those friendly folks with an @ in front of their name) where we are in the movie.
We will pause at each stop long enough to make sure that we’re all at the same point. At intermission, we will take a 15-minute break for restocking of snacks and such. At the end of the movie we will break for 30-minutes.
"Fellowship of the Ring" schedule | |
DISC ONE: FIRST STOP: End of Chapter 7, "Keep it Secret, Keep it Safe." The chapter ends with Gandalf leaving Bag End, warning Frodo to keep the ring hidden. Chapter 8 begins with the sweeping shot of Mount Doom. (32:08) SECOND STOP: End of Chapter 17, "The Midgewater Marshes." The chapter ends Aragorn singng the Lay of Luthien. We’ll stop right after Aragorn says "Get some sleep, Frodo." Chapter 18 begins with the creepy shot of Saruman’s pointy fingernails. (1:08) THIRD STOP: End of Chapter 21, "Flight to the Ford" The chapter ends with Arwen crying over Frodo on the shore of the Ford of Bruien. We stop after the shot of Elrond hovering over Frodo babbling in Elvish. Chapter 22 begins with Frodo waking up, muttering "Where am I?" (1:23) STOP: End of Disc One. 15-MINUTE BREAK |
DISC TWO: FIRST STOP: End of Chapter 9/36, "The Bridge of Khazad-dum." The chapter ends with the Fellowship sobbing in slo-mo outside the Mines of Moria. We’ll pause here before moving on to Chapter 10/37, which beings with the Fellowship running through the grass toward Lothlorien. (44:00) SECOND STOP: End of Chapter 15/42, "The Great River." The chapter ends with the Fellowship passing underneath the massive statues of the Argonath, heading toward Parth Galen. We’ll stop at the very beginning of Chapter 16/43, as the boats are pulled up on the shore. (1:12) STOP: End of Disc Two. 30-MINUTE BREAK |
"The Two Towers" schedule (beginning 2:30 p.m. EDT) | |
DISC ONE: FIRST STOP: End of Chapter 8, “The Banishment of Eomer.” Scene ends with Eomer being dragged away by Wormtongue’s bullies. Chapter 9 opens with Uruk Hai running away from the camera. (27:05) SECOND STOP: End of Chapter 16, “The Song of the Entwives.” Scene ends with Treebeard sending Merry and Pippin off to sleep. Chapter 17 opens with Gandalf and Aragorn looking out eastwards. (1:00:35) THIRD STOP: End of Chapter 23, “The King’s Decision.” Scene ends with Gandalf riding out of Rohan toward … somewhere. Chapter 24 opens with Aragorn and others in Rohan’s stables, trying to ready the horses. (1:30:37) STOP: End of Disc One. 15-MINUTE BREAK |
DISC TWO: FIRST STOP: End of Chapter 7/37 "The Grace of the Valar." Scene ends with Aragorn snogging Brego, or is it Brego snogging Aragorn? Chapter 8/38 opens with Elrond speaking with a despondent Arwen. (00:21:31) SECOND STOP: End of Chapter 16/46 "Where is the Horse and the Rider?" Scene ends with moving speech from Theoden as he is armed for battle. Chapter 17/27 opens with the Entmoot. (00:55:34) THIRD STOP: End of Chapter 28/58 "Forth Eorlingas." Scene ends with Gandalf and Eomer riding down the hill as the sun rises over the crest. Just Brilliant! Chapter 29/59 opens with the Ents throwing boulders at Isengard. (01:30:48) STOP: End of Disc Two. 30-MINUTE BREAK |
"Return of the King" schedule | |
DISC ONE: FIRST STOP: End of Chapter 7, "Eowyn’s Dream." The chapter ends with Aragorn leaving Eowyn sleeping on her couch, after she’s told him of her dream. Chapter 8 begins with Aragorn stepping outside onto the steps of the Golden Hall. (29:00) SECOND STOP: End of Chapter 18, "Osgiliath Invaded." The chapter ends with the Orcs storming across a bridge into Osgiliath, bearing torches and spears. Chapter 19 begins with Pippin crossing the narrow traverse bridge to the Beacon tower. (1:04:25) THIRD STOP: End of Chapter 28, "The Sacrifice of Faramir."Chapter ends with Gandalf sitting silently after Pippin finishes singing to Denethor. Chapter 29 begins with Orcs pushing siege towers toward Osgiliath (1:33) STOP: End of Disc One. 15-MINUTE BREAK |
DISC TWO: FIRST STOP: End of Chapter 11/47, "The Pyre of Denethor." We’ll hit pause right after Denethor takes a dive off of the White Tower. Chapter 12/48 begins with Eomer on his horse, fighting mad.(31:00) SECOND STOP: End of Chapter 25/56, "The Houses of Healing." We pause just as every woman starts sighing over Faramir and Eowyn embracing. Chapter 26/57 begins with Frodo and Sam, wearing their Orc gear, sliding down a hill. (1:00) THIRD STOP: End of Chapter 36/72 "The End of All Things." Hit pause right after the eagle takes off with Frodo and fades into white. Chapter 36/72 begins with fuzzy-focus Frodo waking up to Gandalf standing at the bottom of his bed. Watch out for the bouncing hobbits. (1:32) STOP: End of Disc Two. THAT’S ALL, FOLKS! |