David writes: There is a brilliant extract in the Wall Street Journal today from A.N. Wilson’s recent book, “Our Times: The Age of Elizabeth II”. A.N. Wilson describes LOTR as “one of the great masterpieces of twentieth century literature”. He explains in detail why Tolkien and the Lord of Rings is so prophetic and resonant with our worries about the modern world. It is well worth reading and (from a personal perspective) encapsulates why I think LOTR is as powerful today as it was 55 years ago. More..
Order “Our Times: The Age of Elizabeth II” on Amazon.com
There is a very informative article in the Wall Street Journal today that covers the past and upcoming projects of Peter Jackson. There is a particularly interesting tidbit on his decision to not direct ‘The Hobbit’ flims:
Mr. Jackson is co-writing and producing an adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The Hobbit,” but he’s handing the directing reins to Guillermo del Toro, known for his fantastical hit “Pan’s Labyrinth.”
“In some respects, I’m still not sure if I made the right decision in not directing, because I’m enjoying it so much,” Mr Jackson says of “The Hobbit.”
Thanks to forum member Loresilme for the heads up and you can read the full article through the following link. [Read More]