On April 1, 2023, Twitter is sunsetting Verified blue checkmarks from the previous 15 years. Many actors, writers and production people were verified to prevent spoofing and shenanigans, so fans could be safe and secure knowing they are following the real person and not a fake or bot. Since most are expected not to pay for a bluecheck going forward, here’s a handy list of all (we believe!) the official Twitter accounts of people involved with The Lord of the Rings:
LOTR fans started to embrace twitter as a community platform during The Hobbit years, ultimately helping #VoteBilbo win an MTV Movie Award. Twitter became the default social network for many fans over the years, including the most recent focus on (and disagreements over) The Rings of Power. Billionaire Elon Musk bought the website in 2022 and spent the first 6 months downsizing the company and free features, making blue-check verification pay-to-play instead of on merit. Many celebrities deal with imposters on social media, tricking fans into giving money to fake accounts. It is generally expected that with the removal of “fame” verification, there will be more copycat accounts showing up. As Gandalf would tell us, ‘Be on your guard!’
Hey y’all , I’ll loose the blue tick on Saturday I’m opposed to spending money on social media . I’ll go checkless . Please be careful of Imposters & money soliciting scams . I will never ask you for money on any social media platform . Cheers ✌🏽K
If we missed anyone, let us know in Discord and this post will be updated with the official accounts of our favorite LOTR people.
Update 21/04/2023: It appears that Nazanin Boniadi no longer has a presence on twitter. The best way to find Boniadi’s official online presence is probably via https://nazaninboniadi.com/. Thanks to Mirthfather on our Discord for the heads-up.
While we put our finishing touches on the official Ringer Reviews section, we thought it would be fun to collect your immediate reaction to The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug right here on this post. (That is of course IF the film has released in your country)
If you are new to commenting on TheOneRing.net, we use a rather popular system called Disqus, located at the bottom of every article page. You can decide to login with Facebook, Twitter or Google, or you can simply comment as a guest.
Comments are moderated, so please play nice 🙂 The basic rules? Don’t swear and treat others with respect. If you are posting spoilers, please be nice and post a SPOILER WARNING before your comments. Our staff will be working around the clock to get your comments approved. And as you can see by the diversity of our own staff reactions to the film, you can be as positive or negative about the film as you’d like. We will not be moderating based on your review.
Then, stay tuned in the next few days when we raise the curtain on the new Ringer Reviews for The Desolation of Smaug. Along with the ability to post your comprehensive review of the film, you will have the chance to rate 20+ specific aspects of the film. Details coming soon.
We’ve teamed up with always awesome LOTRProject to track fan sentiment coming out of Desolation of Smaug. As evidenced by the variedreviews by our ownstaff, fans are either going to fall in love all over again or scratch their heads asking, “why PJ, why?!” In an effort to follow what fans worldwide really think of The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug, LOTRProject has assembled a visual twitter tracking page of fan opinions of #TheHobbit and any of the characters.
Tweet your true feelings with #TheHobbit
Did you find the film amazing and fulfilling?
Who is the most popular Desolation character, by tweet mentions?
Do fans love the changes Peter Jackson has made to the story?
Tag your tweets with “Desolation of Smaug” or “hobbit” or #thehobbit along with your immediate reaction to seeing Desolation. We will continue to monitor fan reactions through the weekend, and look for the relaunching Ringer Reviews section in the coming days to voice your full nuanced opinions!
As you are aware, many Hobbit cast members have their own twitter accounts. After Evangeline Lilly participated in a live Twitter Q&A the other day, we thought it would be a great time to remind you of the official accounts. As far as we know each actor manages their twitter personally, offering a great way to keep up with them. Continue reading “Company of Tweets: Follow Your Favourite Hobbit Actors on Twitter”
Carlene writes: Wired.com is having a vote on which book “everyone” should be reading at the same time to form “one big international book club.” My suggestion was “The Hobbit.”. According to the article ,”the aim with One Book, One Twitter is — like the one city, one book program which inspired it — is to get a zillion people all reading and talking about a single book.” Let’s try to get more folks to vote for “The Hobbit!” Wired.com Article and voting here!
If you were hesitating to join the Facebook revolution, let us gently push you over the edge. TORn now has an official Facebook presence! Most of our staff already have profiles, so getting an official TORn page up and running was only a matter of time. And while it would be nice to see you more often directly on TORn, we know that many fans plug into Facebook just a wee bit more often. For those of you looking to get TORn headlines via SMS, we’ve also opened up an official TORnTwitter account (theoneringnet). Our commitment is to send our BIG headlines via tweet so you can be on top of all the latest ‘Hobbit’ happenings. We hope you will join us on both services and look forward to your friend requests! And oh yes, we’ve added icons to both sites conveniently to the top of all pages so you can quickly visit us. [Join us on Facebook] [Join us on Twitter]