Rick “Sapience” Heaton, Online Community Specialist for Turbine, writes: Greetings! Here’s this week’s round up.
Reminder: Scheduled Maintenance Tuesday February 23
As the final stage of our datacenter move, all Turbine games will be offline on Tuesday February 23, from 4:00AM – 4:00PM Eastern Time (-5 GMT). Websites, including myaccount.turbine.com, forums, wikis, and social networks will be available, but players may be unable to log in or access their account information during this time. We thank you for your patience while we complete the move! Continue reading “LOTR Online Update”
Rick “Sapience” Heaton, Online Community Specialist for Turbine, writes: Greetings once again and welcome to your LOTRO Update!
Release notes for Siege of Mirkwood, Patch 1 are now available! The servers will be unavailable on Tuesday January 19 from 7:00AM -11:00AM Eastern (-5 GMT) while we perform an update to the game. More..Continue reading “LOTR Online Update”
Turbine has just released new screenshots for The Lord of the Rings Online: Siege of Mirkwood, the digital expansion to the award-winning MMO. The images depict skirmishes from Mirkwood and can be accessed at the ftp site below, along with the Siege of Mirkwood logo, and additional assets.
Siege of Mirkwood, which launched last week (12/1), expands the online world of Middle-earth where players join forces to press further eastward into the dark, foreboding and treacherous forest of Mirkwood and take part in the epic conclusion to Volume II of The Lord of the Rings Online. More..
Turbine has just released new screenshots for The Lord of the Rings Online: Siege of Mirkwood, the upcoming digital expansion to the award-winning MMO, which will launch on December 1st in North America. The images depict scenes from the epic story in Mirkwood.
Siege of Mirkwood will expand the online world of Middle-earth where players will join forces to press further eastward into the dark, foreboding and treacherous forest of Mirkwood and take part in the epic conclusion to Volume II of The Lord of the Rings Online. More..
Turbine has just released new screenshots for The Lord of the Rings Online: Siege of Mirkwood, the upcoming digital expansion to the award-winning MMO, which is scheduled to launch on December 1st in North America.
Siege of Mirkwood will expand the online world of Middle-earth where players will join forces to press further eastward into the dark, foreboding and treacherous forest of Mirkwood and take part in the epic conclusion to Volume II of The Lord of the Rings Online. More..
Turbine has just announced the extension of pre-launch offers for The Lord of the Rings Online: Siege of Mirkwood, the upcoming digital expansion to the award-winning MMO, which is scheduled to launch on December 1st in North America. A media alert follows with more information. In addition, Turbine has released a new Siege of Mirkwood trailer, which can be accessed on Turbine’s YouTube Page