Tubine, Inc. has announced that they will be shutting down 19 of the servers that host their Lord of the Rings Online interactive game. The worlds that are currently hosted on those servers will be consolidated to the remaining ten worlds. Characters that exist in one of the worlds being shut down will be able to transfer to one of the remaining worlds free of charge. According to gamer Lady_Celebrian:
“We’re losing 10 US and 9 EU servers. In the U.S.: Elendilmir, Riddermark, Firefoot, Nimrodel, Windfola, Imladris, Dwarrowdelf, Silverlode, Vilya, and Meneldor. In the European Union: Estel, Gilrain, Eldar, Anduin, Morthond, Maiar, Vanya, Withywindle, and Snowbourn. Servers remaining are: U.S.: Arkenstone, Crickhollow, Landroval, Gladden, and Brandywine. European Unoin: Belegaer, Gwaihir, Sirannon, Laurelin, and Evernight.”
You can read and lean more about it in the World Transfers article, which also contains a good FAQ.
“The Barliman’s group who play together on Imladris are all moving to Arkenstone. You can come join their kin if you wish. They include the chatters Lady_Celebrian, Delta, Pippin, wisey, Lord_Elrond, and LadyArwen. Shadowfax is currently on Firefoot, I think. Message me (Lady_Celebrian) If you have questions, and we’ll try to help any players who need it.”
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Today, Turbine has released a new batch of screenshots from The Lord of the Rings Online: Rise of Isengard, the upcoming expansion to the award-winning MMO, which will launch on September 27th. The new screenshots provide a first look at the Tower of Orthanc, as well as the Gap of Rohan! Continue reading “LOTRO: Rise of Isengard Expansion – First Screens of Orthanc and Gap of Rohan!”
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NEEDHAM, MA – APRIL 26, 2011 — Turbine announced today that it will be expanding its global operations and will assume full control of The Lord of the Rings Online™ (LOTRO) in Europe beginning June 1, 2011. As part of this transition, Codemasters Online will continue to operate the European LOTRO service until June 1st when the existing European players will begin the migration to Turbine’s global service. For more information on the transition, please visit: http://www.lotro.com/news/latestnews/1157.
“We are working very closely with our partner Codemasters Online to facilitate a smooth transition to our new global service. We will be providing free account transfers to our new global service and players will be notified when the transfer utility is available,” said Kate Paiz, Executive Producer of The Lord of the Rings Online. “We thank Codemasters for the outstanding job they have done publishing and operating LOTRO and we look forward to continuing to deliver one of the world’s best online entertainment experiences to the gamers of Europe.” Continue reading “Turbine Assumes Control of LOTRO in Europe”
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From the guys at Turbine: The Epic Story Continues with Volume III, Book 3: “Echoes of the Dead” — At the conclusion of Volume III, Book 2: “Ride of the Grey Company,” a great deal of intrigue surrounded the dwarf Nár: what compelled him to speak of the Paths of the Dead when he seems oblivious to everything else? The Rangers have decided to investigate the library at Zudrugund before continuing their journey south. Continue reading “LOTRO: Epic ‘Echoes of the Dead’ Pics”
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Turbine has just released the first batch of screenshots from the upcoming Book 3, Echoes of the Dead content update for the award-winning The Lord of the Rings Online. This new Book will continue the Epic Story, with a major quest arc & raid, and new cosmetic upgrades, among other updates.
The new screenshots depict Character UI changes that will come with Book 3, as well as an image of Echoes of the Dead.
Turbine will be at PAX East showing Book 3 for The Lord of the Rings Online, as well as new content for Dungeons & Dragons Online. Continue reading “Lord of the Rings Online Upcoming Content Update – New Screens!”
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From joystiq.com: It may sound counterintuitive, but it seems that going free is a great way to make money. On the Ten Ton Hammer podcast, Turbine’s Adam Mersky announced that monthly revenue has tripled for Lord of the Rings Online since the game went free-to-play in September — “which is obviously making us very happy.” The effects of the freemium transition were already noticeable in October, when revenue doubled. Executive producer Kate Paiz said that Turbine is “super-pleased” with the response to the change. “We’re getting so many new players in and the world feels alive and vibrant.” We’re convinced. Starting right now, Joystiq is going free-to-read. No longer will you have to pay a monthly subscription fee to read our content. We’re looking into microtransaction-based quests and weapons.
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