Yesterday, March 25, was officially Tolkien Reading Day. Celebrated annually by the Tolkien Society since 2003, Reading Day is exactly what it sounds like: a day “to encourage fans to celebrate and promote the life and works of J.R.R. Tolkien by reading favourite passages.” March 25th was chosen to commemorate the day in Middle-earth history of the destruction of the One Ring and the downfall of Sauron, but events are often held throughout the week surrounding the official date.
The theme for this year’s Reading Day is Friendship, chosen not only to commemorate how Frodo and Sam’s friendship triumphed in Mordor, but also to “celebrate the deep friendships that Tolkien developed in his own life and in his work.” By extension, a shared love of Tolkien’s work has inspired countless friendships, traversing continents and oceans. So share your love of Tolkien by joining a Reading Day event, or simply sharing your favorite passage with a friend!
Over the last few weeks I’ve had the pleasure of chatting with Shaun Gunner, Chairman of The Tolkien Society. We discussed what he thinks of the Peter Jackson films and where he sees the Tolkien Society heading to in the 21st Century. And because he said he didn’t mind answering some silly questions, I just couldn’t resist putting grammaboodawg’s favourite question from our Getting to know you Q&A’s to him.
J. R. R. Tolkien was born on January 3, 1892 in Bloemfontein in the Orange Free State in South Africa to English parents. If he’d lived, today he would be 121 years old — almost as many years as The Old Took!
To celebrate this event, The Tolkien Society invites Tolkien fans around the world each year to raise a glass and toast the birthday of our much-loved author. When? Today, January 3 at 21:00 hours (9pm) in your local timezone. Continue reading “January 3: time for the Tolkien Toast!”
Bilbo and SmaugDenmark is hosting a Tolkien event, a reading from The Hobbit no less, approved by royalty. While we really wish we were in the neighborhood, it might be a little distant for our staff to drop in. However, for readers in Europe, this sounds pretty great! The info we received:
“The royal Danish Court has approved of Bri – The Tolkien Society of Copenhagen doing a reading from the Hobbit at the art museum Arken for this year’s Reading Day, by the LotR-inspired art of Queen Margrethe II of Denmark. We hope to see as many interested and inspired people as possible there, in your finest get-ups. We can’t wait to meet you!
The event will be marts 25, 13.00-15.00.
Skovvej 100
2635 Ishøj
Further info can be found here and here.
The Tolkien Society Seminar for 2010 is happening in two parts, one in the UK and one in Australia arranged by the Tolkien Society in partnership with Tol Harndor: The Australian Tolkien Society. The Tolkien Society Seminars provide academics, students and independent scholars with a venue for interdisciplinary dialogue. Continue reading “2 Hemispheres, 2 Seminars, 2 Calls for Papers”
From The Tolkien Society: Oxonmoot 2009, 25th – 27th September, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford. A weekend of Talks and Papers, a fiendish quiz, an Art Show, Merry & Pippin’s Dance Workshop, a Dealers’Room, and Enyalië (act of remembrance at Tolkien’s grave). Oxonmoot is the special event of the Tolkien Society year held on a weekend close to Bilbo & Frodo’s birthdays. There is a range of activities such as academic talks & papers, workshops (see the Call for Papers below if you wish to offer something), new, second-hand and rare book dealers, an art show (with professional and amateur works), plus a quiet area where you can drink tea, fill up the corners and chat with old or new friends. Of course there is also a party including a masquerade (costume is optional) and entertainments. It is a great time for making new friends in the Society. On Sunday there is a wreath laying and short act of remembrance, Enyalië, at Tolkien’s grave. Continue reading “Oxonmoot 2009 News”