Hobbit_BoFA_AD hc cOur friends at Harper Collins Publishers, along with our friends at Weta Workshop, have a new Chronicles book coming out for The Hobbit Trilogy. We’re pleased to team up with them to unveil the cover for the new book The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies Chronicles: Art & Design. This book, like all the others in this series, is going to be fantastic allowing fans to see the amazing process of bringing this movie to life. You can Pre-order the book right now and have it in your collection on December 17th just before the movie comes out.

Another great book coming out for The Hobbit Trilogy is the The Hobbit Motion Picture Trilogy Location Guide that will take you from Bag End to Erebor and beyond. Ian Brodie is back taking us across Middle-earth much as he did with The Lord of the Rings Location Guides so expect to add another fantastic book to your collection. You can order this book right now with it arriving on October 28th.

Continue reading “Collecting The Precious – The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies Chronicles: Art & Design”

SDCC Hobbit BOTFASeveral Cast interviews have started showing up on YouTube after The Hobbit Panel on Saturday.  Message board regular Arannir shared these ones on the boards and we thought we’d share them with you here.  Something else for us all to enjoy while we impatiently await the teaser trailer to appear online.

Many thanks to Ringer Piet for bringing this video of The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies Panel to our attention.  Before you get your hopes too high, the teaser trailer has been excised from the video, so it only shows the Panel, but it’s still worth watching for that.  Meanwhile we’ll all keep hoping they’ll release the trailer online soon.


smaug_bard_split_a_lSome of the coolest things you’ll see at Comic-Con are the Lego built characters either at their booth, other booths, and even outside of the convention center itself.

This year if you happen to make it to the Warner Bros. booth (#4545) you will get to see a Lego Smaug standing over six feet tall and weighing 411 pounds. Smaug took 625 hours to complete and includes 83,433 pieces. The folks at Lego also have some surprises for fans showing off new sets for The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies as well as an exclusive Bard figure. Continue reading “Lego Smaug coming to Comic-Con 2014”

gandalf If you’re going to be at Comic-Con this year we have a couple of items you will want to add to your shopping list of exclusives. Our Comic-Con exclusive T-Shirt follows the War Effort we started last year with the our Tauriel poster.

This year Gandalf the Grey himself is asking you to join the Battle of the Five Armies! Gandalf is created by our friend and artist David Powell who as you know created Tauriel for us last year. You will be able to grab Gandalf on a T-Shirt as well as poster, and even be able to get both together for a special price. Continue reading “TheOneRing.net San Diego Comic-Con 2014 exclusive poster and t-shirt”

SDCC exclusive teeWe’re marching ever closer to Comic-Con 2014 and we now know what the exclusive item that our friends at Weta Workshop will be selling is.  Just like last year fans that are going to the show will be able to snag one of their great shirts. This years fantastic limited edition shirt plays up on Smaug’s scales and especially a certain missing piece of those scales.  Also like last year this shirt will sell out fast as it is being limited to only 500 pieces worldwide and comes in with a price tag of $40. So, if you’re going to the show make sure you grab this one ASAP as it’s sure to fly out fast.