Yesterday was the last day of principal photography for The Hobbit films. Peter Jackson live blogged the event, and earlier today we asked fans to send us videos of their thanks to PJ and the entire Crew. The response was overwhelming! (in fact, we will have a Part II video posted later) Enjoy!
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UPDATE: Thanks for all the quick submissions! We’ve sent the video over to the production crew but you can still upload your own video to youtube and title it THANKS PJ
We’re making a “thank you” video for PJ and the cast and crew and we’d like you to take part!
Simply email Justin an iPhone video or something from your laptop tonight and he will string them all together and upload to YouTube in the morning.
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We’re happy to say that our Founder’s Day 2011 celebration has been a resounding success (see Founder’s Day story below)! Of the many wonderful contributions of the day, one stood out as especially representative of the camaraderie that many of us share as fans of J.R.R. Tolkien, Peter Jackson’s movies, and fantasy in general. Discussion board member One Ringer put together a wonderful retrospective of fan gatherings to mark the special day. In One Ringer’s own words:
“After twelves years of constant coverage of everything Tolkien, stands as the top site for a social gathering for fans of the late Professor and his work. In honor of Founders Day comes the One Slideshow to (hopefully) show many of the great memories that the members of TORn have had in the past years. Click on the link below and watch at your desired video quality. I hope you enjoy.” — One Ringer
We definitely *will* enjoy, One Ringer! Click on the link below to see this wonderful video.
TORn Founder\’s Day Video
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