hobbitazogblrg2We recently interviewed Steven Saunders of Weta Workshop who as you know has been responsible for several of the awesome collectibles that Weta Workshop has been turning out. Today, we bring you an interview with another very talented artist who makes her living by helping bring Middle-earth to life. Lindsey Crummett is new to creating collectibles for Weta Workshop but if what we’ve gotten already or saw at Comic-Con is any clue of what’s to come we’re in for a real treat. Some of the pieces Lindsey has sculpted are the Balin Statue, Kili Statue, Bofur Statue, and the statue that stole the show at the Weta booth during Comic-Con Azog the Defiler on Warg.

1. What sparked your interest in art?

I’ve loved drawing since I could hold a pencil.  There are some talented artists in my family, so when I saw pictures being drawn in front of me, I became determined to create art as well. I continued to draw from the time I was little, throughout high school, and eventually on into University where I majored in Fine Arts.  In University I branched out and began sculpting as well as drawing and painting. I have always been fascinated about becoming better at bringing what’s in my head out into the real world.

2.  What medium do you like to work in best (paint, pencil, sculpting, electronic, etc.)?

That is a very difficult question! I have a real soft spot for where I began; simply pencil and paper.  As I learned more about sculpting prosthetics I also began to really love learning techniques for creating skin textures through layer upon layer.  I came into digital sculpting and painting very late in my art career, but it gives me amazing freedom to be bold like never before in other mediums. So I have favourite aspects to all mediums, but at the moment I am really loving the endless possibilities of digital programs like Z-brush and Photoshop.

3. Can you pinpoint for us any of your work we may have seen in past films or those coming up? Any character or creature design or landscape we might recognize?

Some of my design work can be seen in The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey in characters like Bofur, Kili, Fili, and Oin. Many characters and creatures have several talented individuals that contribute to the final look of a character. For these dwarves I was involved in the design of their Hair, beards, and prosthetics.  I was also involved in prosthetic sculpting for scale doubles, prosthetic hands for the dwarves, Orc Prosthetics, and maquettes for early designs of the dwarven collumns in Erebor to name a few things.

I also had the pleasure to work on District 9.  I sculpted on prosthetics for Wikus’s transformation and model made, moulded, and cast the Gas Projector gun.  I also helped with model making, moulding and casting of guns in Avatar.

4.   What project (book, film, poem, song, etc.) would you most want to help bring to  life with your art?

My all time favourite novels are Anne Rice’s Vampire Chronicles. The film Interview With the Vampire did an absolutely amazing job and captured my imagination when I was little it still remains in my top 3 favourite films.  In the series, I’ve always wanted to see the second book, The Vampire Lestat turned into a film. It is incredibly epic and spans over centuries- I would LOVE to help bring that to the screen.

5. What tends to be your favorite subject to draw? In other words, if you were offered a million dollars to create a piece of artwork on whatever *you* wanted it to be, what would you create? 

I adore any subject matter where you can see the character or creature’s history in its eyes.  Anything with depth.  Particularly I love predators… tigers, wolves, dinosaurs, these all make me so inspired.  I think my favourite subject would have to be dragons, since in my eyes; they are just the summation of all the cool predators that actually exist.

 6. You work in a very competitive industry. What’s one tip you have for those aspiring to be in similar positions as yourselves one day?

Persistence and perseverance, both in your artwork and in your career.

7. Do Weta’s artists get to keep a version of everything they sculpt? Say no.1 of every statue? Or would it feel weird to own and display your own work?

I’d love a copy of the piece’s I’ve sculpted!  These statues take a lot of hours and time and money, I don’t think it’d be viable to give a free one away to the sculptors. Then you’d have to give one away to the painters and mould makers for their contribution and the company might go broke! 😉

9. If you could choose only one, who would you say is your favorite middle-earth character? And why is this particular character your favorite.

In all of Middle Earth? Oh man, tough questions!  …Smaug! (See above dragon comment)

10. You’ve now done several pieces involving The Hobbit Trilogy. What would you say has been your favorite piece to work on or have we not seen it yet?

So far I really particularly enjoyed sculpting on Azog on the Warg. There was a lot of freedom to find a really unusual pose that would be really captivating for collectors.  It was the first piece I’d done with that much movement being conveyed, and I really enjoyed that!

hobbitkilialrg211. Following up with the last question. Is there a something you’ve not worked on yet that you would love to work on be it an environment, statue, shield, etc.

I would be really happy with any of the subject matter that will be done from this next film, seeing as there isn’t really any piece I’ve worked on that I haven’t enjoyed sculpting.

12. Could you tell us how you got your start with Weta and what is been like working there?

I started work at Weta in May 2007 as a huge Rings nerd bearing an elvish tattoo on my arm.  I was at University when the Rings trilogy came out, and while I was studying to get my Bachelor of Fine Arts in California in 2003, I took a summer vacation in New Zealand where I got a job as an extra being an Orc on set of pick ups for Return of the King. That solidified my determination to one day finish University, move to New Zealand and get a job at Weta Workshop by the time they began working on the Hobbit (which hadn’t even been confirmed yet). Low and behold here I am!  I have learned so much from the multitude of talented individuals that work at Weta, and continue learning from them every day.

13. Can you point to any one particular artist who has most influenced you, or the direction your career has taken? And which of your contemporaries would you list amongst your personal favorites?

I’d say Alan Lee, John Howe, and Wayne Barlowe are all artists that inspired my imagination and career choice.  I poured over all of their books from a very young age and can definitely attribute my love of fantasy and Sci-fi art to them.  I have the privilige of actually being able to say I’ve met all of them as well, and they’re inspiring people as well as inspiring artists.

14. The Lord of the Rings has been around for over 50 years and The Hobbit has been around for over 75 years. These two stories have become huge in many fans lives. When did you first become familiar with Middle-Earth and what have you taken away from reading or watching the happenings in that world?

I’m the youngest of five siblings, and my parents and older siblings all had a love for The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings trilogy long before the films came out. I’d seen the cartoons and known the story just from hearing my family talk about it when the films came out.  After seeing The Fellowship of the Ring, my imagination spun out of control! I don’t know how many times I watched that dvd at home.  I loved it so much that it actually motivated me to pursue a career path in art and film.  My sister who also lives in New Zealand was on set as an Orc too and met her husband while he covered her costume in mud and fake blood!  I met my partner who’s a fellow designer at Weta, whilst working on The Hobbit together.  These stories have technically completely changed the course of my life, so they hold a pretty special place in my heart.

15. What is the hardest part for you as a sculptor in order to bring these characters to life? Do you do anything to help make it easier? Say, watch some of the movies to
get things down.

I’d say the hardest thing is capturing the feeling of a character in a pose.  If you get the pose wrong, suddenly it doesn’t feel like that character.  Yes, absolutely watching the films would help, but at the time of sculpting most of these collectibles, the first film hadn’t come out yet!  So I had to go from descriptions of the character and on set photos as they trickled through, taking care not to reference old versions of costume that were outdated. Tricky stuff! In some instances it was very helpful when the actor playing a character would come in to talk about their character and comment on pose ideas.

16. Finally, If you could be any character from within Middle-Earth whom would you choose to be? Following that up why would you choose to be this character?

Well there aren’t a whole lot of female characters to choose from, but I think I’d have to go with Eowyn as I love horses and love that she was a warrior.  If I weren’t being gender biased I’d say Aragorn, as being a Ranger he seems to be able to enjoy being apart of several cultures. And he’s just a badass!


hobbitgandalfalrg2As we know Weta Workshop is responsible for so many great things dealing with Middle-earth from the movies themselves to the collectibles we bring into our homes. So we wanted to take a chance to sit down with one of their amazing artists who, like so many there,has worked on both the movies and the collectibles. Today, we’re going to interview Steven Saunders who is responsible for the prosthetics for several of the Dwarves in The Hobbit as well as collectibles like mini-Arwen, mini-Strider, mini-Gandalf, Gandalf the Grey from The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, and Bombur Barrel Rider from The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug.

1. What sparked their interest in art?

Most of us start off interested in art but grow out of it as adults, I just kept going.

2. What medium do they like to work in best (paint, pencil, sculpting, electronic, etc)?

Once I started sculpting in clay I probably got hooked for life

3. Can they pinpoint for us any of their work we may have seen in past films or those coming up? Any character or creature design or landscape we might recognize?

I can mention a few of my favorites:

I did a great deal of prehistoric skeleton sculptures for Roland Emmerich’s 10,000bc. In the Hobbit films I sculpted the prosthetics for Dori, Gloin, Bombur, a few orcs, and a few goblins. On Elysium I sculpted prosthetics for both Matt Damon and Sharlto Copley.

4. What project (book, film, poem, song, etc.) would you most want to help bring to life with your art?

Frank Herbert’s Dune, Phillip Pullman’s His Dark Materials Trilogy, and Stephen King’s Dark Tower series. I was lucky enough to have already worked on a Tolkien adaptation project otherwise that would have been first on the list.

5. What tends to be your favorite subject to draw? In other words, if you were offered a million dollars to create a piece of artwork on whatever *you* wanted it to be, what would you create?

Time spent as a contractor doing reconstructions of extinct life for a South African Museum has convinced me that bridging the gap between scientific discovery and public awareness through pop culture could be the best possible application for my craft.

6. You work in a very competitive industry. What’s one tip you have for those aspiring to be in similar positions as yourselves one day?

Talent only provides you with a little extra initial potential. What you really need is to nurture perseverance, tenacity, practice constantly and the ability to work extremely well with others. Practice your craft constantly!

7.  Do Weta’s artists get to keep a version of everything they sculpt? Say no.1 of every statue? Or would it feel weird to own and display your own work?

I have unpainted castings of my collectables at work but I enjoy buying my sculptures in the Weta Cave just like everyone else, still a very surreal experience as a collector.

8.  As a high end sculptor that pays very fine attention to detail in your sculpts, how do you feel about the possibility of poor painting by contracted workers causing an outcry from some collectors on various fan forums?

We take very special care to ensure a very high standard of reproductions. I have been very happy with the paint jobs on my sculpts so far.



9. If you could choose only one, who would you say is your favorite middle-earth character? And why is this particular character your favorite.

That would be Gandalf I guess. He seems the most proactive in events but still very humble throughout.

10.  You’ve now done several pieces involving The Lord of the Rings Trilogy or The Hobbit Trilogy. What would you say has been your favorite piece to work on or have we not seen it yet?

I am fond of my Hobbit Wizards Gandalf and Radagast, Barad Dur environment and the little Arwen.


11.  Following up with the last question. Is there a something you’ve not worked on yet that you would love to work on be it an environment, statue, shield, etc.

Absolutely, lots

12. Could you tell us how you got your start with Weta and what is been like working there?

I would like to think I got in through my quality of work and reputation but I think I really got a job offer through persistence. Weta is magical; I am at my happiest amongst a community of highly driven slightly crazy creative overachievers.

13.  Can you point to any one particular artist who has most influenced you, or the direction your career has taken? And which of your contemporaries would you list amongst your personal favorites?

I draw inspiration from everywhere but if I had to pick one I think my mother and her support early in life definitely pulled me through. Contemporaries? Everyone at Weta but particularly the elusive Jamie Beswarick,

14.  The Lord of the Rings has been around for over 50 years and The Hobbit has been around for over 75 years. These two stories have become huge in many fans lives. When did you first become familiar with Middle-Earth and what have you taken away from reading or watching the happenings in that world?

I read Hobbit and LOTR back to back as a teenager. I have always found it fascinating how we humans blur the lines between fantasy and physical reality. Tolkien’s writing manage beautifully to create a fantasy that feels like a real alternate history.

15.   What is the hardest part for you as a sculptor in order to bring these characters to life? Do you do anything to help make it easier? Say, watch some of the movies to get things down.

For me the hardest part is to not start too many sculpts at once. I do watch the films every two years or so but find that a mountain of printed reference is all I need

16.   Finally, If you could be any character from within Middle-Earth whom would you choose to be? Following that up why would you choose to be this character?

I could be a fat little Hobbit that goes on road trips twice a year to carve wooden sculpture first for Edoras and move on to do some stone carving in Minas Tirith then take the coastal road from the mouth of the Anduin via the Grey Havens all the way back to Hobbiton to spend the rest of my time gardening, drinking, eating and hanging out with my fat little Hobbit friends and family.

We want to thank Weta and Steven for taking the time to do this interview. I want to thank members of the Sideshow Freaks Message Board, Shadow & Flame Message Board, and my fellow TORn staffers for giving me some great questions to pass along.

Jed-Brophy01Welcome to this months “Getting to know you” Q&A, this month we’re talking to the one and only, amazingly talented, and all round great guy, Jed Brophy.

Continue reading “Getting to know Jed Brophy”

hobbittrollwilliamalrg2This week Weta announced the third and final member of the three trolls we saw show up during Comic-Con 2013. As many of you know Tom the Troll is shipping worldwide right now and Bert the Troll is currently available for Pre-order with shipping in Nov/Dec of this year. William the Troll comes in at a price of $75 just like his two brothers and is also shipping in Nov/Dec of this year. So get your orders in now for the all three Trolls and you can have them cooking something up in your collection by the end of the year.