Editor Note: Our latest staff review comes from the man behind the Collecting the Precious posts, staffer, Elessar. As always if you’re still to see the film and are avoiding spoilers, please be aware that there are spoilers all through Elessars review.
Here we are a year later following the fantastic film The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. The waiting is over and the time to immerse ourselves in another movie about Middle-earth has begun. I, like so many of you have been counting down the days until it was time, and after seeing it twice I’ve written my personal review.
Join your fellow Ringers from around the world as we gather to experience opening night of ‘The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug.’ For folks in the US, that’s happening at midnight tonight, and there are Line Parties happening at theatres across the country. Share your Line Party photos and fun by using #TORnHobbitLP on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Share pics of costumes, your responses to the film, and other activities happening in your Line.
After opening night, share photos from your Line Party with us at spymaster@theonering.net.
As some of you may have noticed – something rather unexpected happened today.
While reviews for The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug were expected to
begin getting published this coming Sunday – the embargo was lifted early and we began getting reviews today! TORN staffers, who have been lucky enough to see the film already, will be reviewing the film soon enough. First up will be our own Quickbeam, who is currently finalizing his thoughts. In the meantime, however, we thought we’d post a couple of the early reviews for your reading pleasure. Continue reading “First ‘The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug’ reviews released as embargo lifts”
Benedict Cumberbatch photyographed by Paola Kudacki for TIME.
Benedict Cumberbatch sits down with Drew McWeeny from HitFix to discuss playing the dragon Smaug in The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. Cumberbatch also goes into detail about his vocal training and learning the Black Speech in order to play the role of The Necromancer. Speaking of which, he does along the way divulge something that might be a movie spoiler for some (highlight just below if you want to find out what is). Continue reading “Benedict Cumberbatch on playing the bad guys in The Desolation of Smaug”
Once you get past the weirdly silenced bits where his lips move, but there’s no sound (are they hiding stuff from us?), this interview with Benedict Cumberbatch has a lot to offer. His enthusiasm for the character is especially obvious.
Games Workshop produces little mini-figures that you can buy, put together, and paint yourself. These little figures are really cool when done up and painted by someone who knows how to handle a brush. Today, we’re pleased to bring you their wave of figures for the second of The Hobbit Trilogy. These figures range in price from $20 for a single figure to $65 for a set of the Dwarves in their barrels. This wave contains 11 new figures which can be pre-ordered by visiting the Games Workshop website.