Vic from Red Carpet Tours sends in this litte nugget of information he heard down in New Zeland: “Rumour has it that the first six months of filming in 2010 will take place in the studio.” Truth or rumour? Time will tell!

It’s great news that New Line and the Tolkien Estate have settled their lawsuit, but looking at the amount of work going on at the Hobbiton set in the past month, it seems as though the outcome was never in doubt. Here’s images from Holly, who saw this during her Red Carpet Tour through Hobbiton in August.

Hobbiton sprouts new hedgerows
Hobbiton sprouts new hedgerows
New Row? Hobbiton seems to be growing
New Row? Hobbiton seems to be growing
Working on Hobbiton's roads
Working on Hobbiton's roads

18596-smRinger Spy Uhtred passed this information to Red Carpet Tours, and they have exclusively shared these pics with! The re-building of Hobbiton has begun, with the planting of hedgerows and fruit trees. An extension to the path that passes in front of Bag End has been marked out also. There will be several new Hobbit holes dotted along its length. Check out the complete gallery of images in our scrapbook and discuss in our forums! [Scrapbook Gallery] [Red Carpet Tours]

Vic James from Red Carpet Tours reports that there has been an enthusiastic response from LOTR fans wanting to join Red Carpet Tours’ ‘Hobbit Premiere Tour of New Zealand’ in December, 2011. It will be a great time to be in Middle Earth! Last October’s Red Carpet LOTR Sketching Tour with calligrapher , map maker and artist Daniel Reeve, was a most enjoyable experience for those who participated – a report of the tour is on Daniel’s website. Daniel has agreed to repeat the tour and September 28th to October 10th is favoured for this to happen. Those interested can email Vic James, Red Carpet Tours, directly at . This is a good time to take advantage of the New Zealand dollar currently @ 51 cents against the U.S. dollar and make a booking! Continue reading “Middle-earth is Calling…”

Red Carpet Tours
Red Carpet Tours
Vic & Raewyn James from Red Carpet Tours, send this along: Red Carpet Tours is pleased to announce that it has opened a register for LOTR fans wanting to tour at the time of the New Zealand Premiere of “The Hobbit”. We are ‘guesstimating’ that this will probably happen in December, 2011. For the Premiere of “The Return of the King” in December, 2003, 160 fans toured with Red Carpet. If you wish to add your name to ‘The Hobbit Tour 2011’ register, you can email Vic James directly. Meanwhile, Red Carpet Tours’ monthly 12 day LOTR tours continue. The New Zealand dollar is currently @ 57 cents against the U.S. dollar, which makes this a great time to visit Middle Earth!