Singer Peter Hollens is quite renowned for his multi-layered a capella covers of The Edge of Night, Into the West and I See Fire.
Now he’s added Neil Finn‘s Song of the Lonely Mountain to the collection. Check it out below. Continue reading “Listen to Peter Hollens cover Song of the Lonely Mountain”
Now that the final ending song of Peter Jackson’s Hobbit and Lord of the Rings films — Billy Boyd’s The last goodbye — is officially out for us all to listen to, it’s time for a poll.
So, without further ado, vote below and tell us which is your favourite of all the six ending songs from The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. If you need to refresh you’re memory, we’ve also embedded each of the six below for your listening pleasure.
Happy voting! Continue reading “Poll: which of the six ending songs from The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings is your favourite?”
Ringer Jennie sends us news about a lecture that singer-songwriter Neil Finn gave at Yale University last September about songwriting and creativity and having a willingness to take what he calls “unknown paths”. If you’ve ever wondered about how the creative process works for artists, or if you’re an artist yourself wondering about what others do to get themselves into that creative space, this is a fantastically insightful talk.
Later in the talk, Finn also speaks specifically goes into the process of writing “Song of the Lonely Mountain” (it’s in response to a question from the audience, at about 1:08 into the video) Finn even mentions he was trying to “work in some Dwarven language…but wasn’t very successful…”
[Watch Neil Finn’s talk]
Musical types will be interested to learn that Howard Shore’s Dreaming of Bag End and Neil Finn’s Song of the Lonely Mountain are both now available as sheet music.
TORn Staffer Magpie reports that for the LoTR sheet music, which is available on the same site, “you could print the sheet music once and it has your name on it. But then you got this digital download that let you play the sheet music (with their player). It displayed the sheet music on your computer screen and played a midi file — highlighting the notes being played.”
You can also can preview most songs for one page to get a sense of how it works.
[Dreaming of Bag End] [Song of the Lonely Mountain]