Its been a week but had a nice chat that aired last Monday on Fictional Frotiers with Sohaib. Senior Staffer MrCere is a regular guest on the program which broadcasts in Philadelphia and then is available on the web. The radio broadcast featured a shorter version of the conversation because of the magic of the interwebs, the longer 30-minute conversation is available right here.
Tag: MrCere
ATLANTA — DragonCon 2011 marks the 11th year of involvement with the Atlanta based convention, where it has grown dramatically and yet remains true to its fan-based roots. (We dug up the earliest reports we could find, well worth a look here and featuring Karl Urban, Corvar and Calisuri.)
But this DragonCon had significant differences as well. With an over 2,500 mile journey from Los Angeles to Atlanta sponsored by War In The North, this convention featured the Fellowship of Drivers on The Road to DragonCon. They not only went there but back again with the help of Badali Jewelry and
And on content partner, TORn was the most watched event for the week and the month. A special thanks to those who supported the trip with personal meetings, donations, texts, phone calls and other help.
The journey helped promote the forthcoming video game but it also served as a chance to get one of the Gandalf World Tour statues to Europe. (A story coming soon!) Continue reading “DragonCon 2011 wrap up!” invites a TORn staffer to share his thoughts on “The Hobbit” every other Monday.
What makes two films based on The Hobbit one of, if not the most highly anticipated film of both 2012 and 2013 and potentially one of the biggest film smashes in history?
People simply love Middle-earth. Generations of people. Many, many millions of people.
Grandparents and parents have handed it off to children and the proliferation of genre culture has only increased the audience that looks at Middle-earth and its author J.R.R. Tolkien as one of the pillars on which so much else in popular culture, definitely including movies, is built. Read the rest right here.
There it is, right near the top of the newly released Comic-Con Thursday programming schedule: “10:00-11:00 Hobbit Talk”.
That means Comic-Con is having TORn back to talk Hobbit with fans and media at one of the biggest and best popular culture celebrations in the world. Our own staffers Quickbeam and MrCere will take the stage to deliver multimedia images and words, rumors and truths and maybe even deliver a secret or two. Garfeimao and other TORn staff will be distributing some select items to the always supportive fans. Other staffers, like the mysterious Calisuri collaborate on the presentation to make it as full of information and fun as possible. Our team will also be reporting on everything Middle-earth related that we can dig up at the event that starts with preview night on July 20 and runs through the weekend.
As always is not-for-profit (nobody gets paid) and in fact, the site supports literacy charities, so look very soon for a t-shirt remnant sale to help cover our expenses for this big show.
The Thursday start time means, from past experience, that as soon as convention doors open, attendees will find the way to room 7AB in the upstairs of the conventional hall to line up for the always capacity crowds that leave many standing in the hall waiting to get in. Continue reading “TORn to deliver ‘Hobbit’ news at Comic-Con”
Sohaib at Fictional Frontiers keeps asking us back to his radio show and podcast and when it comes to popular culture and talking about the works and adaptations of J.R.R. Tolkien, how can we say no? This week, among many other things, we chatted about our hopes and fears for “The Hobbit” film including a tie to those crazy Burger King toys. You can hear the conversation, which already aired live on the radio, right here as a podcast.
Things are moving in the Hobbit world; there are rumors afoot of castings, contracts, scripts and even start dates. It’s all very exciting and if you were at TORn’s panels at DragonCon this year, you were prepared for it!
Yes, was present again this year at one of the world’s biggest fan-based convention. Staffers from TORn ran a table over the course of the weekend, where we had the great pleasure of chatting to fans, meeting regular TORn visitors, catching up with old friends and faithful supporters, and introducing newbies to the joys of the website. Over the four days of the convention we gave out freebies, distributed candy to those brave enough to answer Tolkien trivia, sold t-shirts to help keep the website attending conventions and events, and provided the fun of the ‘Don’t you know you’re [sic] Sam?’ photo opportunity! Apologies Samwise fans, but we decapitated Sam in a hobbit standee, so folks could pose with their head in his place; and all kinds of aliens, cartoon characters, heroes and villains stepped up over the weekend to
offer to ‘share the load…’ For images from the weekend click here. Lots more written details after the break! Continue reading “The official ‘DragonCon 2010’ report (and photos!)”