Our friend, TheHutt, from the TORn discussion forums recently shared some interesting information from German site IGN.com: Amazon has revealed to them that shooting on the new Middle-earth series will begin in 2019, with the goal to begin airing the first episodes in 2020. The  2020 goal is designed to fill the void Game of Thrones will leave after the final season airs, likely now to be in 2019.

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Tonight, fans can add another helm to their growing 1:4 helm collection. This time, it happens to be my favorite Ringwraith design from The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies.

Khamûl The Easterling might have been the most unique looking Ringwraith we saw during the entire Dol Guldur sequence, and this highly detailed helm by our friends at Weta Workshop gives you the chance to have a closer look at some of that. Limited to only 750 pieces worldwide, I don’t expect this to last long, and then maybe that will lead to a full 1:6 statue of this awesome looking character.

You can pre-order yours now right here for delivery in early 2018.

Last night our friends at Weta Workshop presented collectors with another goodie we can add to our collections. Fans now have the chance to add the Rivendell Guard’s Helm to the growing relaunched 1:4 helm line. Limited to 750 pieces worldwide, this helm isn’t going to last long; and as you can see by the picture, the paint/detail on this piece is really fantastic. Weta also announced one of their fun announcements from Comic-Con has arrived. That’s right! The Mini Epics are here, and the video below even gives you a look at the packaging for these awesome little figures. If you have a loved one who might be interested, these little vinyl figures would make for a pretty fantastic stocking stuffer.
Continue reading “Collecting The Precious – Weta Workshop’s Rivendell Guard’s Helm and Mini Epics”

Our friends at Weta Workshop have another fantastic piece launching for pre-order.

This new statue comes from The Hobbit Trilogy and covers the really cool Dol Guldur sequence. Fans have a chance to add another one of those awesome Ringwraith designs we saw during The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies.

The Ringwraith getting the full 1:6th treatment is the Ringwraith of Forod, which fans had a chance to add via the 1:30 scale line for the Dol Guldur sequence. This piece is limited to only 500 pieces worldwide and comes with a price tag of $499.

Fans can use the new payment plan system to make it easier so you don’t miss this limited edition collectible.

Announced not long after Comic-Con 2017,  King Thorin on Throne gives us a look at Thorin during The Hobbit Trilogies third and final film. This fantastic piece, sculpted by Lindsey Crummett, does a great job of capturing Thorin at the height of his dragon sickness, as well as showing how run down Erebor has become after Smaug’s attack. I really love the detail on this one, from Thorin’s likeness to the detail in his armor. The paint job used to create the run down look is particularly well done, including how the armor looks like metal, uncared for and dirty. With this piece, we also get a new box design, which I think is a great change. For fun I also brought a special guest to this review with the King Thror on Throne.

Continue reading “Collecting The Precious – Weta Workshop’s King Thorin on Throne Review”

Join several staffers from TheOneRing.net next weekend for the last big TORn hosted event of the year. We will have a panel at Stan Lee’s Los Angeles Comic Con on Saturday, October 28 at 10am, room 403A at the LA Convention Center. Our panel is titled “80 years in Middle-earth, why Tolkien is still so relevant” and will cover several of the themes Tolkien uses in his stories, and discuss some of the many tangible ways Middle-earth is still being brought to life. We have a sneak peak at the new Shadow of War game and some more casting rumors for the Tolkien Biopic in the works. And best of all, they’ve given us 75 minutes to talk, rather than the regular 50 minutes we normally get, so maybe a little Tolkien singalong is in order.

Tickets and schedule information can be found at the Convention website and you can let us know you are coming at our Facebook Event Page by RSVPing.