It’s been a long time since fans of The Lord of the Rings could buy brand new actions figures of the greatest trilogy of all-time. At Toy Fair this year the awesome folks at Diamond Select Toys showed off they will be doing a line of figures based on The Lord of the Rings. There will be two series to start when pre-orders launch next month with each figure having a price of $30. Series 1 will launch with Gimli and Legolas while series 2 consists of Aragorn as well as a Nazgul. If you want the Sauron figure in the pictures you will need to buy those four figures as Sauron is a build-a-figure. The Frodo figure will come with random parts for Sauron, and the Orc will come with various Orc parts. So be ready next month to get your orders in and add to your Middle-earth collection.

We’ve had the chance to team up with the folks at Star Ace Toys to bring you a look at their Defo Real Nazgul Vinyl figure. These figures combine a very cool blend of real, with almost-animated, to create a very unique but awesome look. Star Ace isn’t messing around! These things are super detailed as well, and bring some incredible quality to the table. The Nazgul just went available from Sideshow Collectibles who has the deluxe version with the Morgul Blade. You can snag him for $68.

Continue reading “Collecting The Precious – Star Ace Toys Defo Real Nazgul Preview/Review”

Our friends Jerry Vanderstelt and Weta Workshop have teamed up once again. This time it’s a very special piece you can only get if you ordered the Arwen and Frodo on Asfaloth as well as the Ring at the Ford statues. The print is limited to 150 copies, so it’s going to be very limited. Jerry sent over this video showing the process it took to make this great piece and we wanted to share it with you. Be on the lookout for a review of the Ringwraith statue we hope to have up soon.

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J.A. Bayona, director of the upcoming Amazon series set in the Second Age of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth, has arrived in Auckland and filming has begun! Well, okay, the film clip he posted to Instagram features no actors, unless the small bird in Fraser’s cafe in the urban setting of Mount Eden, a suburb of Auckland, is somehow related to the thrush of The Hobbit fame. According to “the first piece of film he appears to have shot in New Zealand is a snapshot from Frasers cafe in Mount Eden. Bayona shared the clip to Instagram this morning. The camera appears to be focused on the cafe, then swings down to track a hopeful sparrow as it hops around some tables in search of crumbs.”

Watch the short clip here. Considering the cafe is in a very urban setting, with narry a dragon or dwarf in sight, it’s likely it was just a spur-of-the-moment snap from his phone, but exciting nonetheless.

Quoted from Deadline by Stuff:

“J.R.R. Tolkien created one of the most extraordinary and inspiring stories of all time, and as a lifelong fan it is an honour and a joy to join this amazing team,” he said in a statement to Deadline.

“I can’t wait to take audiences around the world back to Middle-earth and have them discover the wonders of the Second Age, with a never-before-seen story.”

In addition to directing, Bayona will also be an executive producer for the LOTR series alongside his producing partner Belén Atienza.  He has been warmly welcomed by the writing team, lead by JD Payne and Patrick McKay and consulted by Game of Thrones writer Bryan Cogman.

Read more of the story at, and let us know, aside from the bird in the cafe, what in the Second Age you think the first ‘real’ filming will likely cover!

As we previously teased about here on the front page, as well as on our various social media footprints, the Gandalf the Grey Mini Epic art print was set to be coming soon from our friend, Jerry Vanderstelt. Yesterday this went live, and is now available to all collectors. Fans can get this in paper giclee (18×24) all the way to canvas giclee (24×32). Depending on the size you go with, the cost will be $80 for the 18×24 paper giclee, $165 for the 24×34 giclee, and if you go for the canvas, a price of $435. No matter what you choose you’re getting some of the absolute best art out there.

During Comic-Con 2018, our friend Jerry Vanderstelt was at the Weta Workshop booth creating a beautiful art print of the Gandalf the Grey Mini Epic. I, as well as many others, asked Jerry if he could turn this into a print because we all knew folks would want to own it. Right now we have just a preview for you, cool behind the scenes, and a message from Jerry himself. Once this is officially announced, we will let you know so you can place your order.

Hi Gang.
Ok, so although some of you well know, I can officially now announce that I have a brand new piece of art coming very soon, in time for Christmas shoppers!
It is my Epic Mini stylized Gandalf art, entitled, “Gandalf the Grey”.
I will announce right here once I have an exact launch date. At that time, I will post a special promotional video with a very special guest introducing how all this came about, someone every fan of Weta Workshop and the world of Middle Earth will recognize .
For now, here is the full art as well as the video link showing the painting process! This image is a very lo-res shot, but the actual print is super sharp. Sorry for the watermark, but it’s a must nowadays!