Comic-Con 2016 has come to and end. However, I’m here to let you know that we’re just getting started with the excitement over what we saw during last week’s event. In this article, we bring you pictures of the many items that could be found at the Weta Workshop booth. Weta had so many new items this year, and they were all amazing. I can’t wait to get so many of these into my collection. The new items making the show this year that fans can pre-order right now are: Lurtz at Amon Hen, Boromir at Amon Hen, Saruman the White at Dol Guldur, Elven Warrior, and Lady Eowyn of Rohan. Fans also have these superb items to look forward to Galadriel at Dol Guldur, War Troll, Skully Helm, Grond, Gimli at Helm’s Deep, The Witch King at Dol Guldur, and the 1:30 Dol Guldur Environment/mini-figures. Below you will find details of these statues with edition sizes and the names of the talented artist who bring you these collectibles. You will also find pictures taken during Comic-Con. I hope they bring you the excitement of event the way I saw it as I was drooling over these collectibles.
Today we’ve got a first look for you at some of the items that will be at the Weta Workshop booth during Comic-Con 2016. Both The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit are covered with pieces that will be in high demand when they go up for pre-order.
From The Lord of the Rings we get a duo of statues that help recreate one of the coolest yet saddest scenes in the trilogy with Lurtz taking down Boromir at Amon Hen.
The helmet line has also been rebooted in full glory with the Skully Helm from The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. One piece not pictured below but we will get you pictures is the best version of Galadriel we’ve seen done.
From The Hobbit there is a great looking Saruman the White statue and a HUGE War Troll from The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies. Stay tuned as we have plenty of coverage of this weeks new items.
Azog the Defiler In this TORn Library piece, Ringer Rud the Spud takes an in-depth look at Azog the Defiler, and how his presence played out in The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey.
In particular, he examines whether persistent criticism of this key villain might be a result of flaws inadvertently introduced by the relatively late switch from two films to three.
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