Exploring Middle-earth: Echad Candelleth Vanessa “Saffron” Price, Online Community Representative for Turbine, Inc. writes: Glóin, one of the thirteen companions of Thorin Oakenshield and friend of the hobbit Bilbo Baggins, is a notable figure in Middle-earth’s history. Players will encounter Gloin in The Lord of the Rings Online™: Shadows of Angmar™, and can learn more about this famous dwarf and father of Gimli, in this week’s update on lotro.com! Characters of Middle-earth: Glóin

Exploring Middle-earth: Echad Candelleth Vanessa “Saffron” Price, Online Community Representative for Turbine, Inc. writes: We’ve posted a new announcement on our forums about the upcoming Spring Festival! Check out the announcement here! Thank you for your interest in The Lord of the Rings Online. Enjoy and have a great week!

Exploring Middle-earth: Echad Candelleth Vanessa “Saffron” Price, Online Community Representative for Turbine, Inc. writes: When Barliman Butterbur gets busy, he relies on two hobbit assistants, Bob and Nob, to take care of guests at the Prancing Pony. Read about this merry pair, who help keep the Pony running smoothly for its absent-minded proprietor! Characters of Middle-earth: Bob and Nob

Exploring Middle-earth: Vale of Thráin Vanessa “Saffron” Price, Online Community Representative for Turbine, Inc. writes: Leading down from the lofty heights of the Blue Mountains, where lies the gate to Thorin’s Hall, is a long and wide valley known as the Vale of Thráin. Many Elves and Dwarves will become quickly familiar with the Vale as they begin their adventures in Eriador! Exploring Middle-earth: Vale of Thráin

Exploring Middle-earth: Echad Candelleth Vanessa “Saffron” Price, Online Community Representative for Turbine, Inc. writes: The Bonfire Glade is a seemingly pleasant place of long grasses, surrounded by dense forest and open to the sky… but can you escape that strange lingering sense of woe and foreboding that hangs about the mysterious Old Forest? Exploring Middle-earth: Bonfire Glade

Exploring Middle-earth: Echad Candelleth Vanessa “Saffron” Price, Online Community Representative for Turbine, Inc. writes: After reclaiming Thorin’s Hall, Dwalin and his company established a permanent garrison in their Blue Mountain stronghold to ward against incursions by the goblins of Ered Luin and the Dourhands in the ruined dwarf-city of Sarnúr. Visit the headquarters of the Blue Stone Garrison, and learn what you can do to aid the Blue Mountain Dwarf faction! Exploring Middle-earth: Blue Stone Garrison