With the pages falling off the calendar of time remaining in The Hobbit filming schedule, TheOneRing.net is heading to Queenstown (for starters) for more coverage.
Writer and photographer Larry D. Curtis (MrCere@TheOneRing.net) will be a one-man news production team for two weeks, starting November 30 when he touches down at the Queenstown airport. His journey will also take him to Wellington to mark the one year countdown before the world premiere of the first Hobbit film, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, in 2012 along with visits to friends of TORn (such as our own founder Tehanu) and can’t-miss public sites like the Weta Cave.
Curtis (known by the handle MrCere on the site) also plans to meet with as many fans as possible while in the area, including at un-official but hopefully frequent moot events, so if interested in attending or hosting, please contact him at the email above. The always all-volunteer and not-for-profit TheOneRing.net would also appreciate anybody who has great information or tips on inexpensive places to stay (no haystack ruled out!) or eat while in New Zealand. Continue reading “TORn headed to Queenstown, NZ for ‘Hobbit’ reporting”
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Fictional Frontiers, a weekly radio show that speaks with depth about popular culture and the popular arts, features TORn on a regular basis to keep listening audiences world wide caught up on the real world happenings of the fictional Middle-earth. Host Sohaib I. Awan has a long-standing relationship and plenty of kind words for TORn. This week’s chat, in addition to airing on WNJC 1360AM in Philadelphia, is available right here in its extended form. The conversation ranges from the latest news and rumors on ‘The Hobbit’ to careful looks back at the LOTR legacy.
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TheOneRing.net has long been a part of the “Fictional Frontiers” radio program that airs in Philly on Monday afternoons and then is shared with the world on the internet. Program host Sohaib Awan talks about the popular arts with directors, writers, illustrators and staffers from TheOneRing.net, including on this weeks show. Follow the link for the exclusive extended conversation about “The Hobbit” and what it might mean to the film industry as well as chat about the casting rumors that continue to swirl.
Fictional Frontiers with Sohaib airs every Monday at 5 pm ET on WNJC-1360 AM Philadelphia.
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