Legendary practical effects master worked on Blade Runner, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and many Oscar winning films.
When Amazon realized they needed a title sequence befitting the greatest Legendarium in print and film, and they need it practical, the list of experts was small. Douglas Trumbull was one of the few remaining masters of physical model FX production left, and he has now passed to white shores and a far, green country.
We caught up with Trumbull in what were to be his waning days, to talk about the making of the epic LOTR Rings of Power title video, which you can read about here.
Like Ian Holm and Christopher Lee before him, LOTR is Trumbull’s final work in an extraordinary career; and he leaves a lasting gift to Tolkien fans – the title of THE RINGS OF POWER.
Yesterday our friends at Weta Workshop delivered something many of us long-time collectors wanted to see, but never thought we would. For years we wanted a Bilbo Baggins sitting at his desk, as you see him during the opening events of The Fellowship of the Ring. Now, fans not only have one superb piece; there are actually two amazing options, depending on how you want to go. If collectors want not just Bilbo at his desk, but also want some of Bag End as well, then you’ll want to go for the limited edition. This piece is up for PO right now through June 21st. This will determine the edition size of Bilbo, which comes with a price tag of $1,299. If you just want Bilbo at his desk, you can order the classic series version, which is an open edition piece for $349. Both versions are not shipping until the first quarter of next year. No matter what route you go, this is going to be one of those pieces that create conversations about your collection.
This has been a year of challenges and loss. Our collective experience of a global pandemic was peppered with losses in our intimate Tolkien community as well.
Today, on this last day of the year, we wish to take a moment to remember just a few of those in our community who left this earthly realm, and have found a far green country under a swift sunrise. Whether it was the patriarch of the entirety of Tolkien’s legacy, or the artist who created infamous cover art, they will all be missed – along with so many others who sailed into the West this year. We honour them all. Fare thee well!
Christopher Tolkien – November 21, 1924 – January 16, 2020
Sir Ian Holm – 12 September 1931 – 19 June 2020
Orson Bean – July 22, 1928 – February 7, 2020
Andrew Jack – 28 January 1944 – 31 March 2020
Bruce Allpress – 25 August 1930 – 23 April 2020
Barbara Remington – 23 June 1929 – 23 January 2020
The MTV Movie Awards just announced that Bilbo beat out all the other contenders, including Iron Man, The Hulk, Catwoman, Batman, and Snow White, for the coveted “Best Hero” award. A massive fan effort that spanned continents lead to Bilbo’s victory by a margin of more than 100,000 votes. Using the hashtag #votebilbo, fans cast their votes on Twitter and Instagram and forged a dedicated fellowship committed to showing the world that even the smallest person can change the course of the future.
With more than 1.63 million votes, Bilbo was the clear winner, much to the chagrin of legions of Kristen Stewart and Twilight fans who gave our little hobbit a run for the money. In addition to tweeting, fans created thousands of images that they uploaded to Instagram to share their love for our favorite hero. We’ll have a gallery of some of our favorites online soon.
It’s been a true adventure riding the wild voting rollercoaster, and it’s brought many Ringers together and strengthened our community. From #votebilbo, we’re now united under #BilboTheHero. Click to read about how TORn’s MrCere went from thinking this campaign was “harmless but pretty useless,” to wholeheartedly jumping on board the #votebilbo train as, “A funny thing happened during the process: It became really fun on Twitter to #VoteBilbo!”