Our friends at Harper Collins — the publishers of Tolkien in the UK -– tell us that they’re running another competition in addition to their How do you see Smaug? that is on right now.
This new competition offers the chance to win The Hobbit An Unexpected Journey Visual Companion signed by four members the cast — Martin Freeman, Ian McKellen, Cate Blanchett and Richard Armitage. Continue reading “Win a copy of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Visual Companion that has been signed by the cast members!”
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From thebookseller.com: J R R Tolkien will move into the digital age as HarperCollins begins selling his Lord of the Rings series as enhanced e-books.
As The Bookseller went to press, the publisher said it was planning to issue Tolkien’s entire back catalogue as e-books, beginning with the Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Hobbit and The Children of Húrin from today [20th April]. The e-books will include the maps and runes contained in the traditional print books and will be on sale at waterstones.com, harpercollinsebooks.co.uk and tolkien.co.uk. Waterstone’s will have a dedicated author page featuring the e-books from today.
David Roth-Ey, director of digital business development, said that the launch was the “most significant e-book initiative” the publisher has done so far. He said: “This is something that the fans so clearly wanted. Releasing Tolkien in e-books is something that has long been a goal of ours and we wanted to create high-quality legal versions of these books. It was a long -process—with the maps and runes, it’s slightly more complicated than [digitising] your average thriller.” HC turns Middle Earth digital
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Ian Brodie’s latest book ‘A Journey through New Zealand Film’ landed on my doorstep earlier this week, thanks to author Kristen Thompson. The book is filled with stunning images from all over New Zealand, and gives the reader an insider look into some of the films shot there. From harpercollins.co.nz: ‘For a long time, New Zealand film was off the beaten track — unfamiliar, charting new territory and out there. Now our rich and varied landscape, and the skill of our filmmakers, is celebrated worldwide, in The Piano, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, King Kong, The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, Whale Rider, The Last Samurai, River Queen and The World’s Fastest Indian. Ian Brodie, author of the internationally bestselling Lord of the Rings Location Guidebook and Cameras in Narnia, is the perfect guide to the locations and landscapes which have inspired filmmakers over the past twenty-five years. With stunning photographs, detailed location descriptions, and comments from directors, cast and crew, he has put together a fascinating tour of New Zealand for movie-lovers and visitors alike. Along with a chronology of feature films made in New Zealand and the awards they have won, he paints a superb portrait of location New Zealand.’ Just In: A Journey through New Zealand Film
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