Visit Rohan, home of the Horse Lords, with Fili and learn the basics of tacking up a horse! [Happy Hobbit: Tacking Up – Episode 16]
Tag: happy hobbit
Ready to spend some time outdoors? Join Kili to learn a few tips on what to eat and how to avoid getting eaten in the Wild! [Happy Hobbit: Ranger Basics – Episode 15]
Wanna add some Shire spice to a traditional Easter egg hunt? Join Fili to learn how, and to see if internet rumors about Kili are true… [Happy Hobbit: Easter Special – Episode 14]
By celebrating St. Patrick’s Day, you are also celebrating the Hobbit lifestyle. Join Kili to find out how! And if you enjoyed “Maggie in the Woods,” (found in “Pat Collin’s Fancy” on the album RANT) then be sure to check out the Wicked Tinkers. [Wicked Tinkers] [Happy Hobbit: St Patrick’s Day Special – Episode 13]
Join the fun as Kili, Fili, and the TORn volunteers work tirelessly to set up the One Expected Party! Highlight include dipping into the energy drinks a bit early, the birth of Lurtz (?!) and more! [Happy Hobbit Goes to Hollywood: The Set-Up]
Fili and Kili start their Hollywood Adventure on Oscar weekend by attending the One Expected Art Show in downtown LA! Check out some of the amazing talent and the all around fun had by everyone. There were even several Happy Hobbit fans in attendance! [Happy Hobbit Goes to Hollywood: The Unexpected Art Show]