We’re just about to start our live discussion of chapter 10 of the Hobbit — A Warm Welcome — in our Hall of Fire chat room. If you’d like to join us, grab your copy of the Hobbit and just click the link below!
We’re done! Thanks to everyone who came along!
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Tomorrow in Hall of Fire we’ll return to our chapter-by-chapter discussion of the Hobbit with Chapter 10 — A Warm welcome.
Thanks to Bilbo, Thorin and company have escaped from the dungeons of the Elf-king of Mirkwood. But to what end? Do the dwarves finally consider Bilbo a worthy member of their company?
The journey down the river is an unpleasant one for the dwarves, but the end makes up for it — or does it? Are the men of Lake-Town as friendly and accommodating as they seem, or do they have a more sinister purpose? Continue reading “Hall of Fire tomorrow — The Hobbit Chapter 10!”
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We’re about to kick-off our weekly Hall of Fire chat on irc.theonering.net. This weekend we’re back on our chapter-by-chapter read-through of the Hobbit and looking at chapter 8 — Flies and Spiders. Come join the discussion in The Hall of Fire!
We’re done! Thanks everyone for coming along!
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We continue our chapter-by-chapter discussion of The Hobbit tomorrow rejoining the Company as they soar over the Misty Mountains on eagles’ wings.
After their lucky escape from the goblins, their only possessions are the clothes on their backs, so Gandalf leads them to the house of an odd friend. So odd that Gandalf takes a very peculiar approach to securing his help!
What manner of being is Beorn? Why is he so gruff? And what does the way he treats his visitors — and his unusual servants — say about him? What of the plan they hatch to cross Mirkwood forest? Inspired? Or desperate? And where is Gandalf off to?
Join us tomorrow (Saturday June 25 at 6pm EDT) in #thehalloffire on irc.theonering.net when we’ll discuss these questions and many others as we look at Chapter 7 of ‘The Hobbit’ – Queer Lodgings. Continue reading “Hall of Fire chats The Hobbit tomorrow!”
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We’re about to begin sifting through the latest news and rumours from the Hobbit movie set. Come join us and indulge in some good old-fashioned speculation!
Thanks to everyone who came along! Next weekend we’ll be doing The Hobbit: Chapter 7: Queer Lodgings.
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It’s time to talk Hobbit movie news and rumours again in the Hall of Fire!
It’s been an intriguing couple of weeks, with the casting announcement of Benedict Cumberbatch (but in what role?), plus news that Jackson is scouting out the South Island and some fascinating hints about how The White Council and Dol Guldur might fit into the movies. Still what’s caught your keen eyes and ears over the past couple weeks?
Be sure to join us on Saturday June 18 from 6pm EDT (USA east coast) in #thehalloffire on our IRC server and help us engage in some good old fashioned speculation and dissect all the latest news from the production. Continue reading “Rumour round-up this weekend in Hall of Fire!”
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