Can’t wait to get a look at the finished film following last night’s premiere? We’ve got two clips from The Desolation of Smaug for you right here! SPOILER warning, of course.
The first one comes today from Entertainment Weekly. The clip was shown – in abridged form – last night, during Evangeline Lilly’s appearance on The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson. Continue reading “New Clips from The Desolation of Smaug featuring Thranduil, Tauriel and Legolas”
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Itching for a little bit more of The Desolation of Smaug ahead of its December release? These new stills from the film have been up for a couple of days at EW – but in case you missed them, here they are for your viewing pleasure.
There are several new images of our beloved main characters, as well as many new ones joining the cast for the first time – including Bard (with his son Bain in tow), Thranduil, Tauriel, and some very fearsome looking Gundaband Orcs. Continue reading “New Desolation of Smaug photos from Entertainment Weekly!”
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SPOILER WARNING. Entertainment Weekly has a new shot of Tauriel from ‘The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug.’ In the accompanying article, Evangeline Lilly, who will play this completely PJ-created character, talks at length about her role. Since this is EW’s scoop, jump on over to the article for all the juicy details! And of course, share your comments below! We’d love to know what you think of these new details.
When The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug hits theaters on Dec. 13, there will be a fresh face among the residents of Middle-earth: Tauriel, an elf warrior played by Evangeline Lilly ofLost fame. “She’s slightly reckless and totally ruthless and doesn’t hesitate to kill,” says Lilly. She’s also not found anywhere in J.R.R. Tolkien’s original fantasy novel, or in any of Tolkien’s other writings for that matter.
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TORn staffer Demosthenes writes:
A coupled of things worth mentioning regarding this still.
The first is a technical observation: I do feel that red hair in this new still has been bumped compared to the video images of Lilly (or her double?) what we’ve previously seen in the production diaries — the new image has a quite intense copper colour. But bright sunlight will tend to make colours seem warmer, so that could be the explanation.
The other is regarding a spoiler, so highlight the text below to see:
Although EL is staying mum on who the romance is, it’s been previously hinted at by Aidan Turner in Total Film late last year. Personally, I suggest a “meeting of minds” type of romance revolving around the duo’s shared interest in archery culminating in a very tragic ending at BOFA. Any romance with Legolas has been categorically ruled out by Peter Jackson himself. So no need to get worked up there.
But we’ll see.
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To celebrate the 20th anniversary of Entertainment Weekly, we gathered 12 classic TV and movie casts for the ULTIMATE POP culture get-together. Classic Casts include: Back to the Future, Roots, Lord of the Rings, Pretty in Pink, Will & Grace, Alias, Northern Exposure, The Muppet Show, The West Wing, Gilmore Girls, Married with Children, and Scream.
What do you think about when you think about The Lord of the Rings? A few guesses: Gandalf staring down a fiery Balrog and proclaiming, “You shall not pass!” Legolas firing arrows as he surfs on his shield down the trunk of an Oliphaunt. Sam carrying Frodo to the top of Mount Doom, though he himself barely has the energy to stand. (Sam, if you really think about it, is the coolest character in the movies.) Aragorn being crowned king, then turning to Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin, who have lowered their heads reverently, and telling them, “My friends, you bow to no one.” (Aragorn, if you really think about it, is the coolest character in the movies.) Continue reading “EW Presents: ‘The Reunions’”
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Marc Bernardin from Entertainment Weekly writes: I will take any opportunity to see The Lord of the Rings in a full-blown theater, my love for those films is so great. Heck, I almost pilgrimaged to Austin to see it at the Alamo Drafthouse, where they’ll feed you whatever the Hobbits ate — while they’re eating on screen! (Hobbits eat rabbit stew, you eat rabbit stew. Hobbits eat lembas bread, you eat…Ritz crackers, probably. Hobbits gallivant on the bed, you sit uncomfortably in your seat.) More..
Visit: http://www.theradiocitylotrconcert.com/ for Ticket info!
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NEW YORK – This week’s Entertainment Weekly names District 9, a film with no big names and a small budget, the must see movie of the summer. While many have yet to hear of it, by next week it may be all moviegoers talk about.
It has no stars, it was made for relatively little money ($30 million) by a 29-year-old South African-born director whom nobody’s ever heard of, Neill Blomkamp, and its action-packed plot is tinged with a surprising moral intelligence, but it may turn out to be the most unlikely sci-fi blockbuster of the season. It’s the most satisfying sci-fi thrill ride of the summer, but it also turns out to be sort of an apartheid allegory. R20;ItR17;s an utterly original film,” says District 9’s single A-list name, producer Peter Jackson (Lord of the Rings). R20;In an industry that’s looking to make movies out of every obscure TV show, or sequels, or videogames, you look at District 9 and it’s unlike anything you’ve ever seen before.” Continue reading “EW Names ‘District 9’ The Must-See Movie of the Summer”
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