“District 9,” is making a real splash here at Comic-Con and Peter Jackson is here in an all-out promotional blitz for the film he produced with director Neill Blomkamp that stars unkown Sharlto Copley. Continue reading “Jackson: The process of casting ‘The Hobbit’”
Tag: District 9
A new trailer for ‘District 9’ has popped up on Yahoo! featuring a ton more footage and more of the general plot of the film, it looks amazing.
‘District 9’, which Peter Jackson is producing and Sony will be conducting a panel for at Comic-Con with Peter and Director Neill Blomcamp attending. Check out the new trailer here. You may have already begun seeing TV News alerts about non-humans, stay safe out there people. D-9.com
From screenrant.com: District 9 is the upcoming and highly-secretive Neill Blomkamp-directed sci-fi film, produced by Peter Jackson. While we haven’t seen much news on the upcoming film, Screen Rant reported at the beginning of April what the movie is all about and it sounded very interesting to say the least. Now, we finally have the official trailer for District 9 and it’s really damn cool. Official ‘District 9′ Trailer Looks Amazing
The word is out that the trailer for Neill Blomkamp’s ‘District 9′ will debut on Apple’s trailer site on April 30th. Fans can then see the PJ produced alien thriller on the big screen the next day during screenings of ‘X-Men Origins: Wolverine’.
As any of you avid Peter Jackson fans out there will know, Peter’s had his eye on a newcomer called Neill Blomkamp for a couple of years now – to the point where he was once the frontrunner to helm the promised Halo movie. What has he directed before, you ask? Well, nothing actually – at least not on the full-length feature film front. He’s directed some short films (including the series of Halo shorts known as Landfall), but apart from that he hasn’t done anything cinematic. What Is Peter Jackson’s ‘District 9?’
From The Dominion Post (via www.stuff.co.nz) Auditions have started in Johannesburg for a big-budget sci-fi film produced by Peter Jackson. South Africa’s The Times said some of the alien invasion film District 9, directed by Neill Blomkamp, would be shot in Soweto later this year. The South African film industry had nicknamed it “Star Wars in Soweto”. Blomkamp was to have directed the now-mothballed Halo in Wellington.