You may recall Emil Johansson as the brains behind the LOTRProject, which documents Middle-earth in numbers. Since Emil was eleven years old he has been passionate about J.R.R. Tolkien’s works. He’s also a photographer and engineering student. Here he performs a TEDtalk about how LOTRproject was a catalyst for his creativity and why people should pursue their geeky projects. Continue reading “LOTRProject creator gives TEDtalk”
Tag: Community
Wondering where TORn’s IRC has got to? Well, a hard drive failure on the hosting server has left’s IRC network temporarily out of commission. No service till Monday US time at least (Tue in the much more awesome lands of the future). In the meantime, we (your dark powers who are the server ops — one @ to rule them all and all that) have established a refuge on the Surrealchat network.
Port: 6667 or 6697
If you’re not familiar with the complexities of dedicated IRC chat clients, we recommend using a simple, intuitive browser-based system called Mibbit.
Beorn’s Ma writes: “Community” on NBC went geek on last night’s episode. The episode is centered on D&D with numerous nods to LoTR, including music, maps, and narration. The episode can be viewed on the NBC website: