Pukeko Pictures, founded by Weta Workshop’s Richard Taylor and Tania Rodger with their friend and children’s author Martin Baynton, has released a free children’s ebook. The book is based on characters from the New Zealand kids’ show Kiddets and demonstrates to children the importance of remaining clean, clear, and kind.
The book is available in several languages with more to come. The website also includes resources for teaching at home and fun downloadable activities for kids.
Any Texas residents who live near the A&M University may want mark February 27th on their calendar – particularly those of you who are fans of author George R.R. Martin (the creator of the Game of Thrones universe).
As one contest ends, and on the heels of all the news for the third Hobbit movie, we have another contest for all of you. This time we’re teaming up with our friends at HarperCollins Publishers to give away The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies Chronicles: Art & Design by Weta Workshop. We’re not just giving away one of these books but 15 of them to fans located all around the world. The contest starts today Sunday September, 21st and will run through the Halloween October 31st, 2014 at midnight PST. These books will be shipped to all the winners on December 17th of this year when the book hits the streets. Make sure when you enter you include ALL of the required information. We will need your full name, email address, phone number, and of course your shipping address.
It’s safe to say that following the release of any film adaptation, conversation naturally veers to discussing divergences from the original work and creative license taken by the filmmakers. But what of those moments in which the film follows the lead of the novel more closely? A couple of
days ago, over on our forums, Ringer Barrow-Wight started a topic, including a LIST of many moments throughout The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, in which events and/or dialogue were very faithfully transferred from book to film. We’ve got it below for you to read.
One of the great joys of these words is that they are available in so many different languages, as are the countless sentences that follow. They are accessible to so many different cultures and nationalities. Now, for the very first time, Professor Tolkien’s brilliant classic “The Hobbit” is available in the official Yiddish translation, approved by the Tolkien Estate – through Harvard Book Store. Continue reading “Journey There and Back Again with the Official Yiddish Translation of ‘The Hobbit’”