I bet you all thought we forgot the Baggins Birthday Bash amongst all the other things falling by the wayside during COVID-19. We did not, we’ve just been working out a fun way to move it online. The advantage of moving it online is that everyone who has wanted to come to LA for the party each year but could not, can now celebrate with us.
When, you ask? The Baggins Birthday Bash is going to take over TORn Tuesday, and extend it.
When: Tue. Sept. 22, 2020, 5:00-7:00pm Pacific Time/ 8:00-10:00pm Eastern Time. That puts it at 1:00-3:00am UK time/12:00-2:00pm New Zealand time.
Where: All the normal streaming places like FB live, YouTube, etc that you normally find TORn Tuesday on. We will post links on Tuesday, like usual, so you can watch, chat, and maybe skype in, or zoom in. This will be a multi-media event so that as many people as possible can participate, one way or another.
Birthday cake from 2013
We can still have some similar fun and games as the ‘in-person’ party, such as costumes, trivia, readings and Middle-earth themed desserts, only we can’t share those desserts. You can wear a costume and watch the live event, and maybe we can zoom some of you in, or you can send in photos of costumes that we can share. Same goes for Middle-earth themed desserts. We normally have a context to judge the best looking or best tasting, but in a virtual party, all we can do is look at the dessert and judge that way, so take a photo and send it to us. And if you have other Middle-earth inspired recipes, such as Lembas Bread, Poppyseed Cakes, stuffed mushrooms, etc, send them in and we can share them, and if you take a photo of the food item, send that too.
Feel free to email at Garfeimao@TheOneRing.net if you wish share costumes, Middle-earth decorated cakes or cupcakes, or any other Middle-earth inspired recipes. Let’s make those two hours on Tueday, September 22 a Virtual Party to Remember, full of fun and good fellowship.
Week two of our friends at Weta Workshop’s No. 1 auctions begins. This week fans can add the number one piece in the edition of the following statues: Azog – Commander of Legions, Dain Ironfoot on Boar, Faramir, Rivendell, and the Ringwraith At The Ford. As we stated last week, the funds raised from the number one statues auctions will go to the Neonatal Trust. This week’s statue will be the Azog – Commander of Legions statue. If you need the full auction list you can check out the No. 1 Auction List Page and if you want to make sure you have all the information in regards to bidding you can check out the Auction FAQ page.
If you loved The Unexpected Party sequence from The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey then our friends from Weta Workshop have something for you. You can now buy a board game version of this sequence in the film. The purpose of this game is to be the first person to complete all 15 lines of the song before Thorin arrives. The player with the most points – who did the best job arousing Bilbo’s curiosity and shaking up his sheltered life – will win! Due out in September of this year you can pre-order this game right now for $39.99.
It’s that time of year again, time for all good Hobbits, Elves, Dwarves, Wizards and assorted denizens of Middle-earth to gather and make merry to help celebrate the birthdays of Bilbo and Frodo Baggins.
Southern California Tolkien fans are invited to join in the merriment of TORN’s Annual Baggins Birthday Bash, which will take place on Sunday, Sept 22, 2019 starting at noon in Griffith Park in the Mineral Wells area. If you need help finding this location, look at the Directions below and at the Map, which clearly shows Mineral Wells near the Harding Golf Course. We will be celebrating the Birthday of both Bilbo and Frodo Baggins, and rejoice in each other’s fellowship.
COSTUMES are encouraged, and we may have a prize or two for the most beautifully or most creatively attired lads and ladies. There will also be fun and games and plenty of food.
BIRTHDAY CAKE(S) – We invite you all to get your creative baking going on and bring Middle-earth themed Cakes and/or cupcakes . This will actually be a Juried event with a prize for the Cake or Cupcakes deemed the most Beautiful or Whimsical, or maybe just most delicious looking.
The picnic is potluck so bring something to share. RSVP by leaving a note on our FB event page here or send an email to Garfeimao@theonering.net. Please let us know what you plan to bring so we can make sure we’ve got all bases covered for a good, Hobbity meal. The food list will be updated with what people are bringing so everyone can see what’s coming and what is still needed. Please read the full Info text for the Party for the food list, schedule of events and suggested driving instructions.
First, we want to thank all of you who have joined TheOneRing.net Collectors Club and shared some of your very cool Middle-earth related collectibles. This has been so much fun having you all involved with Collecting The Precious.
As you all are aware we ran a contest with our friends at Gemr until the end of June. The winners have been picked, confirmed, and items have been mailed.
We want to congratulate the following members of the club: Congratulations @gabe.meek98 ! Who won a larger than life bus stop poster for The Hobbit: Battle of Five Armies! We hope you have a wall big enough for this bad boy. Congratulations @madeyegamgee ! Who won Weta Mini Ringwraith Statue! It’s pocket-sized evil! Congratulations @feerthedragon ! Who won an XL Treebeard Funko Pop! It’s bigger than other Pops but a LOT smaller than the real Treebeard — so it will actually fit on a shelf!
Over the weekend, our friends at Weta Workshop surprised us with not one but two pre-orders. Not only was this out of the blue, but it’s also a very special kind of pre-order.
One of the coolest moments from The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies was during the fight sequence at the end of the film, when elves and dwarves join together. Fans can now add this to their collection, in either the Mirkwoord Elf statue or the Dwarf Soldiers of the Iron Hills statue. Both statues come in an edition size of 750 pieces, with a price tag of $449 (USD).
If you’re so inclined, you can order a special Elf and Dwarves two pack, which includes both statues with matching numbers (for numbers 2 through 150). What makes this two pack so special is that you can remove the elf from its base, and place it on one of the dwarves’ shoulders, to recreate the jumping scene from the movie. The two pack comes in at $898 (USD), and is part of the 750 edition size of each piece. I would ‘jump’ on this unique two pack now, and make space on your shelf for them in August of this year. You do not want to miss one of Weta’s most unique statue ideas!