In addition to the featurette posted earlier – showing Orlando Bloom practicing a Laketown fight scene – Warner Brothers UK has posted another sneak peek at the upcoming Blu-ray and DVD releases of The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug.
This clip examines the design of Beorn, with interviews from actor Mikael Persbrandt and Hair/Make-up Designer Peter King.
Editor Note: Our latest staff review comes from the man behind the Collecting the Precious posts, staffer, Elessar. As always if you’re still to see the film and are avoiding spoilers, please be aware that there are spoilers all through Elessars review.
Here we are a year later following the fantastic film The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. The waiting is over and the time to immerse ourselves in another movie about Middle-earth has begun. I, like so many of you have been counting down the days until it was time, and after seeing it twice I’ve written my personal review.
If you’d like to make a pie from sugar pumpkins for your Thanksgiving, then you’ve come to the right place! Join Kili and discover how to make your own puree. And if you think pumpkin pie smells delicious, you’re not alone.
Someone else has the same idea and is trying to track down Kili’s pie… but we won’t say who!
Now, through the work of Florian Bunz, here’s a bit of an idea of what it might look like in 3D, if from a slightly different angle. The clip is very brief, and I’m no 3D composition expert to truly judge it’s quality, but the effect is quite startling.
The Desolation of Smaug Annual 2014 If you’ve been thinking about grabbing yourself a copy of The Desolation of Smaug 2014 Annual, the folks at German website Premium Format have posted up a bunch of great images (instead of the terrible ones you usually see that use way too much flash) that showcase just how good this hardcover book looks.