benedict cumberbatch

Join us here at in wishing a very happy birthday to everyone’s favorite dragon/dark lord, Benedict Cumberbatch. Okay, he’s also our favorite detective, soldier, spy, crypotgrapher, mad scientist and monster. One thing is for certain, his distinctive voice and vocal skills added depth to both his roles as Smaug the dragon and The Necromance in The Hobbit movies, and were a delight to listen and tremble to. Many happy returns, oh Benedict, the Tremendous!

Benedict CumberbatchThe internet was broken today when Mike Fleming announced on Deadline that Marvel had named Benedict Cumberbatch their top choice to play Doctor Strange in a feature slated for 2016, and that they were beginning negotiations. This is still an unconfirmed rumor, and the Strange casting rumors have been brewing for quite some time. Joaquin Phoenix was a confirmed choice up until the beginning of this month, but then they were back to the drawing board.

Over the past months, everyone from Hugh Laurie to Tom Hardy, Keanu Reeves, Johnny Depp, and Daniel Radcliffe have been mentioned in connection with the project. Keen Ringers have tapped Cumberbatch for the role since at least July. It looks like this might be an accurate prophesy. Marvel has been cagey, neither confirming nor denying the report, with Executive Editorial Director Ryan Penagos tweeting about #seeeekrits all afternoon.

We may not have long to wait for confirmation of this particular rumor. Marvel is holding a special press event in Los Angeles tomorrow (which you can follow on their live blog) to make some undisclosed #seeeekrit announcements. will be on hand at the event to get the scoop!

Dr_Strange_by_Steve_DitkoSo far Middle-earth fans have embraced Benedict Cumberbatch as a villain supreme “The Hobbit” films, in his roles as both Smaug and the Necromancer (aka Sauron). He’s twisted our minds as a cunning genius in the wildly popular BBC “Sherlock” series, and he rolled villainy and genius into one as Khan in “Star Trek Return of the Lens Flare Into Darkness”. Now it looks like he may have the chance to conquer comics as he has science fiction and fantasy.

The “Sorceror Supreme” of the Marvel universe, Doctor Strange is described as “brilliant, but arrogant,” which certainly seems to be a trend in all the characters mentioned above! And who better than the Necromancer to serve as what Marvel President Kevin Feige describes as the “doorway into Marvel’s supernatural side”?

Tell us in the comments what you think about Benedict Cumberbatch taking on the role of the mightiest magician in the cosmos. Who would win in a fight? The Necromancer or Doctor Strange?

IMG_0664 Our friends at Weta Workshop have some really fantastic stuff this year at Comic-Con from both The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. As they announced last year at Comic-Con, The Lord of the Rings 1:6 statue line is back in the hands of Weta and this year we get two fantastic pieces to start that off. The first piece is the Balrog, in a huge scale standing at 21″ tall with a huge footprint because of the base. The other statue is Faramir – who, finally, after eight years since the end of the original The Lord of the Rings 1:6 statue line, gets to come home to us. We also get, for fans of the mini-statue line, a brand new Ringwraith mini-statue, which at the show was only $80.

Continue reading “Collecting The Precious Weta Workshop Comic-Con Photo Tour Part 1”

SDCC Hobbit BOTFASeveral Cast interviews have started showing up on YouTube after The Hobbit Panel on Saturday.  Message board regular Arannir shared these ones on the boards and we thought we’d share them with you here.  Something else for us all to enjoy while we impatiently await the teaser trailer to appear online.

headWETA Digital has released a brand new two and a half minute video exclusively to the The Hollywood Reporter detailing the creation of the dragon Smaug. Thanks to Ringers Makaw, Brandon, Will P., and Jesse for notifying us about the video!

The Hollywood Reporter also spoke to Smaug VFX artist David Clayton (who is nominated for an Academy Award for his work on the film) about the process of translating actor Benedict Cumberbatch’s motion capture performance into the fire-breathing creature you see on the screen in The Desolation of Smaug. Continue reading “Bringing Smaug to Life: New Making-of video from Weta Digital”