The embargo on social media first impressions has lifted. So, without further ado, here’s what various media folk are saying about the first two episodes of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power.
Social media embargo is up for #LordofTheRings #TheRingsofPower #LOTR, so: I’ve seen the first 2 episodes. I had been skeptical…but I was very pleasantly surprised. It is actually good! Very good! Visuals & tone are just right. IMO, a great addition to the Tolkien world
— Lauren Sarner (@LaurenSarner) August 24, 2022
#TheRingsofPower is CINEMATIC EXCELLENCE. The scale of this story has never been done before, making each moment EPIC & BREATHTAKING. The marriage between practical and computer generated effects will set the standard for everything that follows. @LOTRonPrime @PrimeVideoCA
— Shahbaz 🔜 Fan Expo Toronto (@shayhbaz) August 24, 2022
#TheRingsOfPower is a CINEMATIC MASTERPIECE! The visionary team behind it has produced an epic that dives into its roots and delivers a story like no other. Its production is beyond comparison, masterfully orchestrating a mythology that fans have been waiting for. Bravo!
— Anthony – The Movie Podcast (@AJJetset) August 24, 2022
Have seen the first 2 episodes of the @primevideo's #LordOfTheRings series. Prepare to be blown away by the scale and scope of #TheRingsofPower. I don’t know how they managed to pull this off, but they made a ‘Lord of the Rings’ show that feels like ‘Lord of the Rings.’ ½
— Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) August 24, 2022
The Lord Of The Rings: #TheRingsOfPower is an ACHIEVEMENT in cinematic storytelling that REDEFINES what’s possible for television. Immersive & EPIC, the interconnected worlds of Tolkien feel GRAND and fully realized. Absolutely MESMERIZING. @LOTRonPrime @PrimeVideoCA @PrimeVideo
— Daniel Baptista – The Movie Podcast (@dbapz) August 24, 2022
Definetly watch it on the largest screen you can. The world is breathtaking #TheRingsofPower
— Brock MyLaughlin Romance (@brockmclaughlin) August 24, 2022
#TheRingsOfPower is truly an impressive feat. All the money is on the screen thru its impeccable production design, costumes & FX. Manages to wield the power of Tolkien’s fantastic world building while making unique & stunning touches of its own. Wonderful character work, too! 🔥
— Preston Barta (@PrestonBarta) August 24, 2022
The Lord of the Rings: #TheRingsOfPower instantly captured my imagination w/ captivating stories & characters in a Middle Earth that's both familiar & new.
— Germain Lussier (@GermainLussier) August 24, 2022
The story/setup is so dense, however, the pacing in EPs 1 & 2 is rather slow, but it definitely leaves you wanting more.
I've seen the first 2 episodes of #LordOfTheRings #TheRingsOfPower. It is stunningly gorgeous to look at, and the score is beautiful. It also takes a while to get going, and there's a LOT going on. But for fans of the movies, it'll take you right back at points once it's rolling.
— Alex Zalben (@azalben) August 24, 2022
The first 2 eps of #TheRingsOfPower are… so far, very great. The trailers have already shown the show’s brilliant visual spectacle the seeds are planted for a rich & intriguing story that left me wanting more.
— Jacob (@JacobFisherDF) August 24, 2022
Review coming to @DiscussingFilm from @darkmotifs later this month.
@brockmclaughlin checked out #TheLordoftheRings #RingsofPower in LA: "From what we've seen so far, Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, is a much different beast than other fantasy shows out there in both presentation and story. It's bright, bold and full of hope"
— CGMagazine (@CGMagonline) August 24, 2022
I've seen two episodes of #LordOfTheRings #RingsOfPower @primevideo. It's worthy of its namesake – grand in scope & storytelling with intricately detailed locales + a good amount of action. I can't wait to see what happens next. #EmaHorvath couldn't tell me.
— DeWayneHamby (@DeWayneHamby) August 24, 2022
I watched the first two episodes of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: it’s grand, bold, and ambitious, and I absolutely loved it. The shots of Middle-earth were stunning and I wish everyone could see it on the big screen
— Kat Moon 孟祥悅 (@katxmoon) August 24, 2022
I've seen #RingsofPower and I can say for certain you're in for a treat. Big, bold, and beautiful to behold. TBD if it'll sit alongside Jackson's films or deserve Tolkien's name, but for now it's all the maximalist pizazz one might expect from a historically expensive production.
— Eric Francisco (@EricFrancisco24) August 24, 2022
I can now say that the first 2 episodes of #TheRingsOfPower are as cinematic as fantasy can be on TV. Feels made especially for Tolkien fans and is as *epic* as LOTR should be.
— Andrew J. Salazar (@AndrewJ626) August 24, 2022
JA Bayona and cinematographer Óscar Faura continue to make magic together, a real dream duo.
this is just to say that i have seen the first two episodes of THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RINGS OF POWER and am battening down the hatches to prepare for my old-and-yet-also-new hyperfixation
— karen han (@karenyhan) August 24, 2022
Amazon’s new #LordOfTheRings series #TheRingsOfPower is impressive. The massive budget just bleeds off the screen, and it *feels* like something that would fit alongside Jackson’s films. But even with such a huge world, it’s never overwhelming and keeps it’s focus.
— Trent Moore (@trentlmoore) August 24, 2022
— Terra-média Brasil (@TerramediaBR) August 24, 2022
“#TheRingsOfPower é uma obra-prima cinemática! A equipe visionária produziu um épico que mergulha em suas raízes e oferece uma história como nenhuma outra. Sua produção é incomparável, orquestrando com maestria uma mitologia que os fãs esperavam. Bravo!” @AJJetset
Having seen the first two episodes of #RingsOfPower, I have to admit I was surprised how much I liked it. The lush and expansive series very much breathes new life into the franchise. And it’s a show that I think people will enjoy once they allow themselves to be sucked into it.
— Stacy Lambe (@sllambe) August 24, 2022
This. Was. Incredible. Thank you. #RingsOfPower #TheRingsOfPower
— Chris Cesario (@nupt1995) August 24, 2022
Here’s something you probably didn’t expect to hear. I thought #TheRingsOfPower was pretty great. Interesting new characters. Unusual locations. The looming threat of Sauron and some spectacular visual imagery. I devoured the episodes, and am excited to watch more.
— Sean O'Connell (@Sean_OConnell) August 24, 2022
Okay! It was everything I wanted! They're going to do the panel thing now. I'll go into more depth later. #TheRingsOfPower
— Jasmine (@thewonderladie) August 24, 2022
I’ve seen the first bit of ‘Rings of Power’ and am immediately transfixed. It’s like being pulled back into Jackson’s trilogy, but this prequel is a stunning adventure that’s totally different. I cannot wait to see more.
— Corey Plante (@CoreyIsAFox) August 24, 2022
Two episodes of #TheRingsOfPower in and … so far, so good! The production value is pretty remarkable. One breathtaking visual after the next, and the level of detail in the costume and production design is something else. As for the story/characters …
— Perri Nemiroff (@PNemiroff) August 24, 2022
I watched the first two episodes of #TheRingsOfPower and I was blown away. I was always more of a casual fan, with no great attachment to the source material, so I expected this to be too much for me. At times it is, but it's still engaging enough all I wanted was to know more.
— Lissete Lanuza Sáenz ✨ (@lizziethat) August 24, 2022
RINGS OF POWER: I’m really impressed with what I’ve seen thus far — it’s often hard to tell where the VFXs end and the sets begin, Morfydd Clark is a damn star and the world is so well rendered — but it feels like the whole thing is a tightrope act that could still go either way.
— William Goodman (@goodmanw) August 24, 2022
"Rings of Power" is a cinematic experience. In a perfect world, we would watch it on a big screen. It's pure Tolkien and yet feels very connected to Peter Jackson's movies. The FX are brilliant, the acting is superb and the PROLOGUE itself will destroy any awful feeling you had.
— Salem (@rodrigosalem) August 24, 2022
#RingsOfPower are very much in the vein of the #LordOfTheRings films than the Hobbit. It is good stuff. You can see the budget at work. Acting is great. @LOTRonPrime
— Andrew Teheran (@AndrewTeheran) August 24, 2022
Watched the first 2 episodes of #TheRingsOfPower and it's a powerhouse of storytelling that reaffirms why I love LOTR and the kind of world building that empowers and inspires. Also, badass women. Can't forget about them! ❤️ @LOTRonPrime @PrimeVideo
— Lyra Hale ✍️🏳️🌈🇵🇷 (@TheAltSource) August 24, 2022
I can finally publicly admit I've seen the first two episodes of #RingsOfPower and it is spectacular. I'm not enough of a #LOTR superfan, so I'm reacting to what I see on the screen. Which is a spectacular, complex worldview that rivals the Peter Jackson films.
— AllYourScreens Rick Ellis (@aysrick) August 24, 2022
"Os Anéis de Poder" não é a melhor coisa que vi na TV neste ano.
— Salem (@rodrigosalem) August 24, 2022
Foi a melhor coisa que vi neste ano.
Os dois primeiros episódios são puro suco de Tolkien (diálogos, diálogos!) ao mesmo tempo em que se conectam visualmente com os filmes de Peter Jackson.
I’ve seen the first two episodes of Rings of Power!
— Lucy James (@lucyjamesgames) August 24, 2022
I really, really dig it so far. It’s slower, and I’m savouring all the build up. Beyond a couple of cheeky nods, it’s not trying to be Jackson’s trilogy, it’s standing apart on its own, and I am so excited to see where it goes
I've seen the first 2 eps of #TheRingsOfPower. Yes, it's as visually stunning as the trailer promises.
— Vanessa Armstrong (@vfarmstrong) August 24, 2022
It also sets the stage well for the clearly epic tale heading our way. I liked some characters/storylines more than others, but I'm hooked & ready for more#TheLordOfTheRings
Just got out of the NYC premiere of Rings of Power, it was absolutely incredible. I’m so excited for everyone to see it because it was well worth the wait
— Lulu (@lulu22363957) August 24, 2022
Truly at a loss for words to describe the first 2 eps of Rings of Power. Get yourselves ready, it’s incredible
— Kristen (@Gravery) August 24, 2022
I just watched the first two episodes of @LOTRonPrime and I was in geek heaven! Can’t wait for more when it premiers September 2nd. #PrimeVideoCreator #TheRingsOfPower @PrimeVideo
— Alex Shebar (@AlexShebar) August 24, 2022
I have seen the first two episodes of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, and they are a total joy. Watching it feels like stepping back into Middle-earth. I cannot wait to see where this story goes.
— Devan Coggan (@devancoggan) August 24, 2022
Really, really fun. I remember buying the Silmarillion as a schoolboy when it was published and it very much not being the prequel I was hoping for. This is the sort of thing I wanted to experience back then. I'll watch the whole series when it drops, with enthusiasm.
— Neil Gaiman (@neilhimself) August 24, 2022
The embargo is over and it's now safe to say I've been in Middle Earth! Saw the first two episodes of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power at a preview screening. Look forward to more #LOTRROP! In theaters 8/31 before 9/2 streaming on@PrimeVideo#jrrtolkien #LordOfTheRings
— Hillary Atkin (@HillaryAtkin) August 24, 2022
After seeing the first two episodes of the series, many of my fears about the show have been assuaged and I’m looking forward to watching these stories unfold this fall. 2/2 #PrimeVideoCreator #TheRingsOfPower @LOTRonPrime @PrimeVideo
— Tea with Tolkien (@TeawithTolkien) August 24, 2022
The first 2 episodes of #TheRingsOfPower are phenomenal and I was in awe each and every second. It feels like a theatrical adventure tahy serves as a love letter to the fans and the world JRR Tolkien created. #TheLordOfTheRings #LOTRonPrime
— Dana (Store Name) #AmplifyBlackVoices (@sagesurge) August 24, 2022
Gotta admit I wasn’t overly excited about #TheRingsofPower Then I watched the first 2 episodes & I’m fully converted. The production is beautiful w/ excellent blend of physical & VFX. Great cast who pull you into the various plots. It’s now on my ‘most excited to see more’ list
— Tara Bennett (@TaraDBennett) August 24, 2022
We're allowed to talk (a little) about #TheRingsOfPower now and the show is absolutely gorgeous. It's not a franchise I'm wildly familiar with, but it was still engaging and I'm curious to see more.
— Marisa Roffman (@marisaroffman) August 24, 2022
Yup, I’ve seen the first two episodes of THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RINGS OF POWER. So far, it’s incredibly fun and promising, but moreover, gorgeous. Watch on the biggest screen you can. My only caveat is I can easily see how the plot could fall apart beyond Ep 2 or totally rule
— Meghan O’Keefe (@megsokay) August 24, 2022
Had the pleasure of joining a theater full of Tolkien fans in watching the first 2 episodes of #TheRingsOfPower . Can’t wait to say more, but there were more things for deep lore fans than I expected, and I walked away excited for what’s to come. 1/2
— The Nerd of the Rings (@nerdoftherings1) August 24, 2022
It looks like I had more of a mixed reaction to #TheLordOfTheRings #TheRingsOfPower than many of my peers 🤷🏻♂️ I’ll be unpacking what did and didn’t work for me about the show’s first two episodes over at @Polygon next week, so watch this space!
— Pop Culture Studio (@thepcstudio) August 24, 2022