Many readers have sent along the link to the Fanpoll results. LOTR won 3 categories:
Favorite Movie – LOTR: Return of the King
Favorite Soundtrack – The Lord of the Rings
Best Battle Scene – Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King: Final battle
Take a look at the complete winners list here! Fanpoll Results
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Ciboule writes: French site has announced today that the two concerts of Lord of the Rings Symphony have been cancelled.
Howard Shore Concerts in France Cancelled
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David writes: Didn’t see it posted on the site yet, but I noticed that has the Return of the King: Complete recordings now available for pre-order. The CD comes out November 6th and is listed on for $59.99.
ROTK: Complete Recordings Available for Pre-Order NOW! Discuss
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lyonkeeper sends along this article from the October 1st, 2007 edition of People Magazine. It features an interview with Viggo Mortensen about his role in ‘Eastern Promises’.
People Magazine Talks to Mortensen
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Tony writes: I thought this might be of interest. Fascinating how first hobbits and now gold rings of invisibility are now scientific realities. Check out this article called ‘Gold rings create first true invisibility cloak’.
Gold rings create invisibility cloak
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Message Board member ‘Daughter of Nienna’ points us to a rather insightful article related to New Line’s recent penalty and the on-going drama of the Peter Jackson lawsuit:
“…For a complex entertainment case, where lawyer gamesmanship over access to documents and witnesses is fairly common, Hillman’s language and the amount of the penalty are striking. “It’s almost unheard of,” says litigator Neville Johnson, who frequently tangles with studios. “You rarely see sanctions, and you certainly don’t see sanctions that high.”…”
For the complete story, please jump over to Yahoo! News.
Yahoo! News Discuss
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