Huge news from MTV today folks concering the future of ‘The Hobbit.’ We don’t want to steal their thunder, so check out the video and jump on over to the MTV movie blog for the encouraging details!
Category: Original TORn
Kevin Johns, (Cult)u’re Magazine Cinema Editor, writes: Over at we’ve started a campaign called “Peter Jackson for The Hallows!”.
Under whelmed with the quality of the last Harry Potter film, we have decided that no one other than Peter Jackson has the skills necessary to make Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows the film it deserves to be. We’re using the commenting function at the bottom of the article (here) as an online petition and we hope to get lots of names signed up.
Obviously we don’t expect Jackson to actually direct the film, but we thought this would be a fun event that could get people talking and dreaming about how great a Jackson directed Potter film would be.
The (Cult)u’re Magazine editorial team has had a great time talking about this amazing pipe dream, and we’d love to spread the discussion out into the greater Peter Jackson online community. As the most respected Jackson site out there, we would love the support of If you could mention the article on your News page, or somehow direct your faithful readers in our direction, that would be just wonderful!
We are big fans of your site, and we greatly appreciate your time and assistance!
The Academy Award winning trio of films known as The Lord of the Rings Trilogy is making their way back to the big screen. We invite you to join us on Sunday, October 21, 2007 for this one-day event which will include all three movies, a costume contest, give-aways, and discounted concessions!
Kristin Thompson, author of The Frodo Franchise: The Lord of the Rings and Modern Hollywood, writes: I’ve got a long new entry on my ‘Frodo Franchise’ blog trying to summarize all the recent articles and interviews about the New Line lawsuit and the prospects of PJ directing (or at least producing) The Hobbit. They don’t contain a lot of actual news, but I try to sift out what little there is.
Vanessa “Saffron” Price, Online Community Representative for The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar, writes: Also called “Efts” by the most learned of Scholars, Salamanders are fearsome creatures with a fiery breath and a lust for treasure. Salamanders are found in out-of-the-way places like the region of Evendim, and “out of the way” is just what the unprepared adventurer should get when faced with one of these descendants from dragon-kind!
While perusing the Special Edition of ‘Knocked Up’ on DVD my wife came across a little Orlando Bloom cameo in the ‘Finding Ben Stone’ mocumentary. This clip features Orlando Bloom in the lead role getting into a fight with the director.
Watch out for the language in this clip