The folks at send along these stills from a video of the Minas Morgul model being created, take a look!

The folks at send along these stills from a video of the Minas Morgul model being created,…
Continue ReadingThe folks at send along these stills from a video of the Minas Morgul model being created, take a look!
Ringer Spy BrionnDraco sends along these scans from ‘The Art of the Two Towers’ showing Arwen’s armour as we would have seen it if she was included in the Helms Deep scenes.
Chnev sends in one of these ‘I heard from a guy who is working on this…’ type rumor. If it pans out it could be quite cool, who knows. Take a look at what he has to say about the possible details from EA’s ROTK Game!
[someone I know] works at EA Games, at the moment he is working on [something] for the ROTK game. He said that ‘this time you get too play 6 characters and there is 12 more levels that the TTT game. Plus were thinking of a Treebeard level. You will be able to play as Pippin and Merry (share levels or something), Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Sam and GANDALF!!’. Mind you, this is only in the design stages, but he said something about Eowyn agaist lord of Agmar as well!!’
Withinwithoutyou reports on the following from the Houghton Mifflin website. Some VERY interesting information!
Hiding on the website at the moment is the press kit for The Art of the Two Towers which just released. Among other things, it includes this little tidbit buried in bullet #6…
– documentary evidence supporting fans’ speculation that the character of Arwen was to be present at Helm’s Deep in early drafts of the screenplay, including designs for her weaponry and armor.
See the whole press release here. [More]
News thanks to Simon: “A computer gaming shop in Preston, Lancashire has a 5’10” ish moulded plastic statue of Aragorn in its doorway. He’s dressed in FOTR garb with both hands on his sword and his bow and quiver slung. I asked what the shop were going to do with him at the end of the publicity run, and was given the following answer:
“We had an orc model when the computer game ‘Warcraft’ came out. Someone came in one day and asked what we were going to do with it, and we were going to throw it out. The man made an offer. In the weeks that followed, more offers were made until the shop management made the decision to have the staff auction the orc to the highest bidder. The auction was not publicised, but they simply made a quiet note of everyone’s details and their bid when someone asked over the shop counter. The statue eventually went for over £2000 and the money all went to charity.
The same decision had been reached about the Aragorn figure, and with the interest in the films, he was expected to go for maybe more than the orc. The statue would remain in the front of the shop until after the DVD release of ‘The Two Towers’ “
Te Papa, the Museum of NZ, is still packing them in with its exhibition of LOTR props. “Fans and visitors to your site might be interested to know the LOTR exhibition at Te Papa has been extended to 21 April 2003 [More] Thanks to B for the news.
Oh and they’re still selling those Elven Cloaks, Scarves and Wraps there.
In Australia, Sherryn writes: “There is an outdoor showing of TTT at Sunset Cinemas in Kings Park, Perth, Westen Australia on Friday 28 March. This is a great venue and is licensed so you can get a drink – alcohlic or otherwise :0). (Yummy food available also.) If our great Perth weather holds for another week, it promises to be a balmy night under the stars with the very best entertainment. Gates open @ 6pm – movie screens @ 8pm.”
Ingve writes from Norway: “Just would like to let you know that The Two Towers are still going strong in Norway, on its 14’th week, and has been seen by almost a million viewers (962 000), and we are only 4,5 million people up here.”