Angelus is not a new spy to us, he/she has sent along information and we KNOW she/he has insider contacts from all over the biz. Take a look at what he has to say, some interesting bits of info that I know some of you will hate to hear. Plus that spikey wheel returns (I cannot WAIT until I prove all you non-spikey wheel people wrong…we posted that story YEARS ago!). Anyways, as always take all this with a grain of salt, but know that this didn’t come from a random fanboy….it has cred.
I have a friend who told me about Return of the King, first thing, Sauron will be standing off against Aragorn in hand to hand combat.
Men of Gondor surround them both and Legolas shouts “Aragorn!” as a warning, then Aragorn with Anduril in hand rushes the Dark Lord who looked like he was in different armor than when we saw him in the prologue. It is not an even fight and Aragorn is nearly knocked to death as the countdown to the destruction of the ring begins. I guess the goal is to make the audience wonder if the ring will be destroyed before Aragorn is smeared all over Mordor!
Another thing I saw was the death of Saruman. Grima slits Saruman’s throat and kicks him over the edge of Orthanc where he is impaled on the wheel, then Legolas shoots an arrow high into the air and is laughed at by Grima as it soars over his head, as Grima is mocking the seemingly inaccurate Legolas the arrow comes spiraling down straight through Grima’s skull!
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This story has been removed per New Line Cinema request. Details of the extended DVD box set for TTT will be forthcoming.
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A new spy in our legion, Iry sends along this info that he/she/it/they claim to be some of the missing scenes to be added into The Two Towers Extended Edition!
1) Boromir saying goodbye to Faramir and Denethor, a flashback obviously.
2) Faramir sees a ghost or a shadow of Boromir and understands that Boromir died.
3) After destroying the Haradrim, Faramir says: “Interesting, who is he, where is his home, his family. Is there evil in his heart…. why is he travelling so far from home?’ (or something like that, dont renember directly)
4) Faramir showing the road from Olgiliath to Sam and Frodo.
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The Centre Cinema in Canberra is closing down, due to refurbishment of the building, however it will not re-open in the renovated building. As its swan-song the cinema owner is running a farewell festival of favourite films over the next couple of weeks. This cinema is some 36 years old, has a wonderful large screen and fantastic sound.
The following programme has been designed to give Center Cinema a big send-off. A full colour souvenir poster with the Festival programme is now available from the cinemas. (I have removed details of other films)
Friday 16 May at 7.30: THE LORD OF THE RINGS – THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING (rated M). On the big Center screen, in response to many requests.
Friday 23 May at 7.30: THE LORD OF THE RINGS – THE TWO TOWERS (rated M)
All of the films in the Festival are 35mm, and are either new or believed to be in excellent condition.”
Thanks to Lolly for the news!
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From Wil Harris:
Thought some of you guys might be interested in the fact John Rhys Davis came to the Oxford Union tonight to speak…
Yours truly got some pics, and also spent a whopping 75 quid (I kid you not…I am so broke) on a charity auction for a signed piccie. Of course, the signed piccie was only half of it, so onto the pics :
Check them out: 1 The man himself in full flow. Much thinner than I remember on Sliders.
2 Doing his best Gimli impression.
3 The prize included drinks afterwards, so I took the opportunity to get a quick snap
4 Of course, this was what I wanted all along !
5 The actual prize. A little lame, but hey 🙂
So I’m desperately racking my brains for interesting quotes..
“OK first things first. No I do not have Orlando Bloom’s phone number”.
I asked him a quick Q about how he thought Sliders went, in front of the main chamber…he gave a quick answer, before saying “and if anyone asks me about it again, I’ll kill them!”
He was one of these people that starts off on one topic, but that reminds him of something else, and 10 minutes later you’re a mile away from where you started. Fascinating, and extremely funny, with a wicked sense of humour. It’s hard trying to think of one hilarious thing that he said, because the whole thing was just so funny, but it is also clear he has a welath of experience and background behind him. His wife writes for Frasier and Seinfeld…he mentioned some of his wife’s past exploits (apparently she danced in an Elvis movie) embarassing her, before saying “Well, it looks like I won’t be getting laid tonight!”
We had a bit of a chat in the drinks afterwards which was cool, and he said well done to me and the other two guys that won the auction for being so generous for a good cause…he had also spent a long time in the chamber talking about how he was brought up by a ‘welsh mother’…which anybody who knows a traditional welsh mother will understand It was funny, because all of what he was saying was 100% my mum…he laughed a lot when I told him that, and proceeded to take the mickey out of me in a Welsh accent.
So, overall, pretty darned good. We’re spoilt at the Union this term…Ian McKellen next week (hopefully he will sign my LOTR DVD without me having to pay 75 pound) and, I’m informed, get ready to swoon, Viggo next term is confirmed 😀
Thanks Wil, for that report!
Bing added, “John Rhys Davies was at the Oxford Union on Tuesday 6th May. He spoke about his career, LOTR and suggested that everyone should take a hanky when they see LOTR. He also tipped Sean Austin to recieve an oscar nomination for best supporting actor, next time around”
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Ah, remember ‘spy reports’? Well this is a classic: An unnamed source sent:
“I talked to someone who saw some ROTK clips, including the ROTK preview for the TTT DVD and he said everything looks AWESOME so far (especially the battle at Minas Tirith), we have a lot to look forward to! I am not sure if this is going to be on the preview but one thing that he saw that stood out was his note on scenes that show Pippin becoming a “warrior.” 🙂
“He also made a brief comment on the TTT extended DVD portion and says that a majority of it will be relationship focused and there will be much more on the Ents.”
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