Here’s a VERY unsubstantiated rumour courtesy of Zidane: “I’d like to let you know that Haldir from the Hall of Mandos and the love story of Beren and Luthien have already made it into the ROUGH cut. I repeat: into the ROUGH cut. It’s not at all confirmed that these two scenes will be included into the theatrical cut or even into the dvd cut, but PJ has already shot them.
This friend of mine told me that Haldir, *IF* he’s going to appear, will appear at the end of ROTK saying farewell to all the viewers… But as this scene will only appeal to the readers of Silmarillion and will not have such a big emotional effect as the Aragorn’s and Arwen’s death will have, [deaths implied and foreseen, not as part of the plot, I take it – Tehanu] – it will propably not be included. But I also think that Beren and Luthien will not make it to the final cut, because of the sufficient Aragorn-Arwen love story… But if they will, there will be a comparison between these two couples.
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Ringer Spy Ciggy Fagash was involved in an interview with Miranda Otto and writes:
“I know Lawrence Makoare and Sala Baker are both supposed to have been doing work as the Witch King in the final battle with Eowyn – and she mentioned they’d be reshooting a lot of it, so that could explain at least some of Baker’s work [Sala’s presence at reshoots have been mentioned in recent news – T] “She also mentioned not holding out too much hope that much of the Houses Of The Healing would appear. Apparently the romance between Eowyn and Faramir, although definitely present, has been down-played somewhat. She seemed disappointed but said, ‘well something has to make way – there’s a lot of story to cover in the last film.'”
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Mattforce sends along these snippets gleamed from the Official LOTR Magazine’s latest issue:
The two major changes in RotK are addition of TTT material and cutting of Scouring:
– Isengard sequence/VOS is at the beginning of RotK.
– Minas Morgul, stairs of Cirith Ungol and Shelob’s lair also in RotK
– “We don’t have the Scouring of the Shire.” (In case anyone was holding out hope … )
– At this point, no Ghan-Buri-Ghan. Doubts this will be added in pickups.
– Otherwise it follows the book “reasonably well.”
Other stuff:
– Shelob will be “the creepiest and scariest of creatures.” Based on the Tunnel Web spider of New Zealand. Photo above
– Mumakil and Nazgul will have center-stage appearances – more spectacular.
– Post-production should be completed and film “delivered” end of October, early November.
– Also of interest: “We only meet one new character, which is Denethor – and he’s only new to those who don’t check out The Two Towers extended cut in November!” Sounds like a comfirmation of the Faramir / Boromir / Denethor flashback.
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MattForce’s find:
“I was browsing the net, and I came across a very interesting picture of Frodo and Sam underneath some sewers alone. Then it hit me. This is how they get to the East side of the Anduin during the battle of Osgiliath. I think they add this in cuz this was never in the movie, and I have never seen this pic before.”
We’ve heard this rumour before , and it’s no surprise that TORN community member Quintessential Websites posted an image of it, as it often does. It’s a fantastic source of film images if you haven’t already seen it. This image originally came from the Two Towers Photo Guide published by Houghton Mifflin. [Quintessential Website]
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Merry in Oz writes, “Greetings! Not that it is really necessary, but I totallly urge all Ringers to get to the Exhibition when it comes to your town over the next few years. We saw it in Wellington and WOW–it is fantastic!! I am sure it will be even better as the ROTK finishes up and more props can be added to the displays. My favourite item was Boromir in his Elven boat. I just stood next to him, waitng for him to wake up–it was that real. The Black Rider was terrifying, the Room of Fire (featuring The One Ring) unsettling, the video clip of Gollum’s debate mesmerising–it went on and on and on. Even the weave of Frodo’s bracers (small and normal scale) was covered–incredible!! I can’t wait until it comes to Sydney–but I suppose I have to for a couple of years!!! Oh, and take your money to the gift shop!! Cheers!”
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A Random Hobbit wrote in to the Museum of NZ, Te Papa, to ask when and where the LOTR props exhibition would travel to next. She got this reply from the museum staff: “The venue in London is the Science Museum in South Kensington. Approximately mid September until January 2004. This is definite. It’s on its way ! The proposed venues in Singapore, Boston and Sydney ( in that order) are the Singapore Science Centre, the Boston Museum of Science and the Sydney Powerhouse Museum. Except for London nothing has been signed off yet with the other museums. Arrangements are still tentative.”UPDATE We’ve just heard that the London exhibition is scheduled to start on September 16.
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