We are very happy to announce the first major event organized by our young society.

On the weekend of 29-30 November, a Marathon reading of “Return of the King” will take place in the hospitable premices of “SoulTwinkles”, a small gaming and books haven, where also the Quenya is being tought. Each day, from 11.00 to 18.00, 10 voluntiers will interchange in reading from the Greek translation of the book. Certain important passages will also be heard in English, so that Tolkien’s wonderous cadences may be experienced. There will also be visual and audio support, such as a slide show of related fan art and Tolkien inspired music. To sustain both readers and listeners through the long hours, coffe/tea, refreshments and snacks will be offered. Everything free of charge!

If any of you happen to be in Athens during this time, you are most welcome to attend.

Best regards
Kate Karageorgi aka circi
President Greek Tolkien Society-The Prancing Pony
e-mail: greektolkiensociety@lordoftherings.gr

Ringer Spy Celebrial got her hands on a copy of the Dec 2003/Jan 2004 issue of CFQ, (formerly Cinefantastique). This edition features a 16-page special on Return of the King. Ian McKellan as Gandalf is on the cover.

In addition to the cover story on ROTK, there are sidebars on:

  • Lost King of Gondor: Viggo Mortensen Returns to Reclaim His Throne
  • Constructing A Kingdom: On Minas Tirith
  • The Voice of Saruman: Interview with Christopher Lee
  • Gamesters of Middle Earth: on the Electronic Arts Games
  • Exposing Middle Earth: on Cinematographer Andrew Lesnie

Coverage will continue with the next edition, Vol 36, #1.

OK, now for SPOILERS from the articles.

“(Production Designer Grant) Major cites King Denethor’s throne room – “the court of the kings” – as the grandest interior set, both in Minas Tirith and the entire trilogy. “We were looking for the biggest space we could possibly find in Wellington for that set, ” Major says, “…we ended up using a big wharfshed on the Wellington dockyards. It was filled almost entirely with that one set…”

Areas on and around an active volcano, Mount Ruapehu, on New Zealand’s north island, served as other parts of Mordor, including the battlefield scene in the prologue to FOTR , the slopes of Mt. Doom, and the Black Gates.

Peter Jackson: “Each film becomes darker as Sauron’s power grows, and they emotionally go places, which is very interesting. By the third film, the Ring of Power is such a burden for Frodo, and he is starting to behave in such a strange way that I think the empathy of the audience will switch over to Sam….To a certain degree, Frodo is becoming like Gollum, so it’s a torturous journey he has to complete.”

Philippa Boyens says some of the best acting in the trilogy occurs during the Pelennor Fields battle. “And that’s just what the whole battle feels like,- it’s the end of all things, it’s so huge and phenomenal. So you have these great, epic movie moments, like Eowyn’s confrontation and slaying of the Witch King – who is riding a flying Fell-beast – as well as some emotional moments like the death of King Theoden.”

Philippa: “We’ve got one of the great endings of all time and we’ve worked hard to make sense of how to achieve it, what it would be and what it means. So during the pick-up shooting, we added a couple of scenes which help those moments and drive the ending along. It helps people understand exactly what is happening at that point in the story. I think if we deliver on that, then it’s going to be an extraordinarily gut-wrenching experience for the audience. What happens is: ir’s not just Sam, Merry, and Pippin who are saying goodbye to Frodo but it’s the audience as well.”

Randall Cook on Shelob: “Tolkien hedged his bets a little and basically said she’s a spider-like thing, so in designing Shelob, the New Zealand tunnel spider was a heavy influence, but I think you’ll find that the animators and designers at WETA have taken it a few steps beyond that to make her an individual creature … Shelob should be equal parts Tolkien, 1950s B movie, Discovery Channel, and nightmare, with heavy emphasis on nightmare.”

“For Jackson, the Grey Havens represents a culmination of the entire story – what it means to give and to lose and all the emotions tied to the opening line of the story: The world is changing.

“The emotional story is where most of the power of ROTK really lies” Jackson says. “Every character that we know in the story, in some form or another, comes out of it different. It is an immensely affecting experience for them, and I hope for the audience as well.”

Ending-Biggest SPOILER: ” For the ending of ROTK…the production has created the kind of overwhelming emotional experience that undoubtedly will leave many viewers in tears.”

“I saw a rough cut of the sequence,” Lesnie says, “with all the bluescreens in the shots, and it was still a staggeringly moving sequence… you’re cutting back and forth between the four hobbits and Galadriel, and everyone is standing on the jetty next to the Elven boat that’s going to sail away. Bilbo’s gone and Gandalf says goodbye, and they summon Frodo, and then the other three hobbits suddenly realize Frodo is going as well…”

Major explains, “(Elves) Their time on earth is coming to a close, and this Elvish migration through the Grey Havens gives the port a great resonance. It has an Elvish architectural style, but there is also a bit of a Mediterranean feeling about it … the tall cypresses, the stonework, the views facing west and a certain emptiness. The Grey Havens don’t open directly to the sea, but are sheltered in ther gulf of Lhun, so there are hills surrounding the wharf – it’s not a big place, but being Elvish, it is really beautiful.”

Ringer Dan noticed something odd at the Tolkien exhbition in London recently and decided to drop us a line. Perhaps it has some bearing on the Saruman situation – or perhaps not, but it’s a very intriguing coicidence.

He writes:

Just thought I d drop you a note to say that when I was at the exhibition [in London], the Orthanc prop had been removed, with a small note saying it had been returned to the set for further filming if nothing else this goes to show that you are looking at the real deal when you go to the exhibition, although I was a little disappointed as it was one of the things I was looking forward to seeing!

I wrote back, asking what date this was – he replied telling me it was November 3.

Of course, the bigature could have been gone a while. But this does add another layer of confusion to the Saruman mess. Was it needed for alternate scenes for Isengard? Or is it just coincidence?

As with all spy reports, treat this news cautiously.

After posting this I received a couple of e-mails from readers. Ringer Philip in particular writes that he went on the first Sunday (back in September) and Orthanc was missing then with exactly the same notice …

Ringer Simon wrote in last night about a couple of competitions to win tickets to the World Premiere of RotK for Australians. Now he has a few tiny dialogue spoilers from the KFC ad:

I finally paid attention to that KFC/RotK promo ad, and wrote down the Frodo/Sam dialogue. Here it is:

Frodo: (to Sam) “Not without a guard… I need you on my side!”
Sam: (to Frodo) “I am on your side, Mr. Frodo.”

Plus I think Gollum might be in the scene as well, but he doesn’t say anything at that point.

This is a transcription of a section of dialogue from the Two Towers Extended Edition, courtesy of Ringer Spy Faid. It contains a pivotal conversation between Faramir, Boromir and Denethor at Osgiliath.

Sons of the Steward

Boromir: This city was once the jewel of our kingdom. A place of light, and beauty, and music. And so it shall be once more!


Boromir: Let the armies of Mordor know this: Never again will the land of my people fall into enemy hands!


Boromir: This city, of Osgiliath, has been reclaimed for Gondor!

*Cue Trailer Music/EE Preview Score*

Boromir: For Gondor! For Gondor!

Faramir: Good speech. Nice and short.

Boromir: Leaves more time for drinking!


Boromir: Break out the ale! These men are thirsty!

Men: Hurray!

Boromir: Remember today little brother. Today, life is good!

Faramir looks away from Boromir.

Boromir: What?

Faramir: He is here.

Shows Denethor surrounded by troops.

Denethor: Well done men.

Boromir: In our moment of peace, can he not give us that?

Denethor: Where is he? Where is Gondor’s finest? Where is my first born?

Boromir: Father.

Boromir and Denethor embrace.

Denethor: They say you vanquished the enemy almost single handed.

Boromir: They exagerrate! The victory belongs to Faramir also!

Denethor: But for Faramir this city would still be standing. Were you not entrusted to protect it?

Faramir: I would have done but our numbers were too few.

Denethor: All too few. You let the enemy walk in and take it on a whim. Only you cast a poor reflection on me.

Faramir: That is not my intent.

Boromir whispers to Denethor

Boromir: You give him no credit and yet he tries to do your will.

Denethor and Boromir move to the next room

Boromir: He loves you father.

Denethor: Do not trouble me with Faramir, I know his uses and they are few. We have more urgent things to speak of. Elrond of Rivendell has called a meeting. He will not say why, but I have guessed its purpose. It is rumored that the weapon of the enemy has been found.

Boromir: The one ring. Isildur’s Bane.

Denethor: And it has fallen into the hand of the elves. Everyone will try to claim it. Men, Dwarves, Wizards. We cannot let that happen. This thing MUST come to Gondor.

Boromir: Gondor?

Denethor: It is dangerous, I know. Ever the ring will seek to corrupt the hearts of lesser men. But YOU! You are strong! And our need is great. It is OUR blood which has been spilt. OUR people who are dying. Sauron is biding his time. He is massing fresh armies. He will return. And when he does, we will be powerless to stop him. YOU MUST GO. Bring me back this mighty gift.

Boromir: Noo. My place is here with my people. Not in Rivendell!

Denethor: Would you deny your own father?

Faramir: There is need to go to Rivendell? Send me in his stead.

Denethor: You? Ha, oh I see. A chance for Faramir, Captain of Gondor, to show his quality. I think not. I trust this mission only to your brother. The one who will not fail me.

Boromir gazes up at the White Flag of Gondor.

Boromir: Remember today, little brother.

Boromir rides off on horseback.

HavenSpy Strider compiled this amazing overview of spoilers from EA’s Return of the King game. And although a game is not a movie – and there could be some variation in the film – these make very interesting reading indeed! This first lot is just for Aragorn and Frodo, expect more soon!

As Gimli:

1. Saruman’s Death

Saruman does his talk with Theoden/Company. Then Theoden says something to Wormtongue and Saruman says to Worm that he killed Theodred by putting poison in his food.

Saruman:”And you always do exactly as I say, don’t you Worm?”
Worm: “Nooooooo!”

Then we see Saruman fall of of Orthanc and die.

2. The Visit of Elrond In Dunharrow, before they go to the Paths of the Dead, Elrond talks to Aragorn.

Elrond: “Your Path does not lie with the others, Aragorn. The man who wields the power of Isildur’s sword can summon an army more deadly than anything that walks the earth…every path you have trod, through wilderness, through war, has led you to this road.”
Aragorn: “So be it, I will visit these Paths of the Dead”

3. Encounter with the King of the Dead After fighting many shades (floating, blue, and transparent warriors, and some skeletons), Aragorn has this conversation with the King of the Dead…

King: “Who enters my domain???”
Aragorn: “One who would hold you to your oath”
King: “The Dead do not suffer the living to pass!” (more shades appear and fight)
Aragorn: “You will suffer me!”
King: “Brave fool! Let the abyss take you!” (many skeletons appear)
Aragorn: “I will defeat your warriors, then come for you!” (fight with the skeletons)
Aragorn: “I summon you to fulfill your oath!”
King: None but the King of Gondor may command me!
Aragorn: Then I command you, for I am Isildur’s heir.

Afterwards, the company takes a shortcut through the White Mountains to the Corsairs of Umbar. They capture their ships and with the help of the Dead, defeat the orcs at the Minas Tirith docks.

At the gates of Mordor, Gimli fights the Mouth of Sauron (prob. just a game adaption 🙂 And that is it for Gimli.

As Frodo:

Gollum: “Nassty Hobbittsess. Wicked, tricksey, false. She is hungry, perhaps they could appease her appetite.”
Sam: “Frodo! I heard it from his own mouth…he means to murder us!
Gollum: “Never! Smeagol wouldn’t hurt a fly! He’s a fat, horrid Hobbit, who hates Smeagol, who makes up nasssty lies.”
Sam: “You miserable little maggot! I’m going to stove your head in!”
Frodo: “Leave him alone! If you scare him off, we are lost.”
Sam: “You don’t see it, he’s leading us into a trap! Gandalf would not have chosen this way.”
Frodo: “Gandalf is gone, come, Smeagol, show us the way.

Later on the stairs of Cirith Ungol …

Gollum: “Clever Hobbitses to climb so high. Very clever Hobbitses. Only a few more stairs to go before we reach the top”
Sam: (to Gollum) “What are we up to? Sneaking off, are we?”
Gollum: “Sneaking? Fat Hobbit is always so polite. Smeagol shows them secret ways that nobody else could find and they say “sneak”, “Sneak!” Very nice friends, oh yes, my precious, very nice.”
Sam: “Alright, alright. You startled me was all. What were you doing?”
Gollum: “Sneaking”

Later on…

Sam: “Mr. Frodo?”
Frodo: “I’m alright.” Sam: You are not alright! You’re exausted! It’s that Gollum, it’s this place, it’s that thing around your neck. Let me help you with it…I could carry it for awhile.”
Frodo: “Get away from me!”
Sam: “I don’t want to keep it,…I just want to help!”
Gollum: “See! See! He wants it for himself!
Frodo: “No…It’s you, Sam. You can’t help me anymore. I’m sorry, Sam. Go home.
Sam: “But…Gollum’s a liar…he’s poisened you against me.
Frodo: “Go home!” Sam leaves the screen while Frodo and Gollum continue on.

Later Frodo enters Shelob’s lair.

Frodo: “Smeagol? What was that? Smeagol? Sees Sheolob
Frodo: “Sam! Sam!” runs out of the lair Shelob ambushes him, and stings him.

Sam comes to the rescue and beats Shelob. Two orcs take Frodo and Sam promises to rescue him. I did notice the watchers, but nothing special happened. Sam goes to the tower and finds the two orcs fighting (forgot their names), kills them and resues Frodo. Asks again if he can help with the ring, and is refused.

At Mount Doom…

Sam: “Frodo! Destroy it, now, do it! Throw it in the fire!”
Frodo: “I have made my choice. I will not destroy it…the Ring is mine.
Gollum: “Precious! My Precious! Filthy Baggins!”
Frodo: “Nooooo!”

Gollum fights Sam, Frodo puts on the ring, fights with Gollum, Gollum takes the ring and falls into the Crack of Doom.

Frodo: “Sam! It’s gone…it is done.”
Sam: “Yes, Mr. Frodo. It’s over now.”
Frodo: “I’m glad to be here with you Samwise Gamgee…here at the end of all things.”

Then two eagles fly to them, and that is the end.

More to come from Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, and Eowyn!