Anon-a-mouse sends along these links to the many many many reviews of ‘Children of Hurin’ over the past few weeks:
Category: Old Special Reports

The awards are sponsored by Zonta, an international club of business women who recognize women who have shown potential in design. Zonta rewards the aspiring designers with a cash prize of $1000 for the four runners up, and a $5000 cash prize for the Supreme Winner.
Each contestant was required to exhibit pieces of their own work. Lucy displayed her range of public furniture, made using recycled tyre rubber as one of the key elements.
Lucy says the win came as a complete surprise. “I was nervous as hell beforehand because I had to give a speech”, she laughs. “When I heard my name being called I just couldn’t believe it. The organisers had told us to prepare an acceptance speech, but of course I hadn’t!”
Lucy’s fellow nominees were Nina Wells, visual communication design, sponsored by Saatchi and Saatchi; Rachel Higham, fashion and textile design, sponsored by Rembrandt Suits; Rosemary Horn, Photographic design, sponsored by Image Lab and Hannah Ferens interior design sponsored by Limited Editions interior design.
Lucy is currently working in our Miniatures and 3D department at Weta Workshop. She is interested in sustainable design, which aims to reduce the amount of materials used to create a design and considers the effect it has on the environment.
Daniel writes: I’m writing to let you know about a chance for your readers to vote for Eowyn in the Miss Entertainment online pageant.
I was hired as a freelance editor to put together a campaign ad for Eowyn, and I think it came out looking pretty good—whether or not you want to vote, I think you’d appreciate it as a fan video. I had a really good time cutting together footage from Two Towers and Return of the King to really tell the story of who Eowyn is and how she grows in the course of the movies—it’s a good time to watch (I hope).
You can check it out at just click on Eowyn to see the video and cast your vote.
I’ve pasted more information about the Miss Entertainment Pageant below. I hope you enjoy the video, and that you pass it on to your readers:
UGO’s Miss Entertainment is the beauty pageant for the twenty-first century. No more sleazy judges. No more crusty old men serenading the winner. No more Donald Trump. Only you can crown Miss Entertainment!
In our pageant’s first round, you will vote for the hottest woman in the worlds of television, movies, video games, and comics. In our second and final round, you’ll choose Miss Entertainment from amongst the four category winners from round one. Round one is underway and twenty lovely contestants are vying for your vote.
Pageant Dates:
Round 1: 4/25 – 5/23
Round 2: 5/23 – 6/6
Ian Collier sends this along: In response to calls for more events around the world the Tolkien Society Seminar for 2007 is happening in two parts, one “up here” and the other “downunder”. The seminars are being arranged by the Tolkien Society in partnership with The Cambridge Tolkien Society and Tol Harndor: The Australian Tolkien Society.
The Northern Hemisphere Tolkien Society Seminar
Women in Tolkien, Saturday, 16th June
Wolfson Court, Girton, Cambridge
The ‘northern’ seminar in Cambridge has the theme of “Women in Tolkien” and the weekend will also include an evening mead tasting (for those who are over eighteen years of age) and a punt-moot on the Sunday to Grantchester complete with a picnic lunch.
Interested in Giving a Paper?
Papers should be either 20 or 45 minutes long to fit into half-hour or hour slots with time for questions or discussion. There may also be scope to accommodate a number of short 10-minute presentations. Please send the title, a short summary/abstract and the intended length to the Seminar organiser:
Registration Costs: Tolkien Society members: £28.00 & Non-members: £30.00
The registration fee covers attendance at the seminar, a light lunch and morning and afternoon tea and coffee. The mead tasting is £5.00 per head for members and £7.00 per head for non-members.
The Punt moot will be £15-£20 for punt-hire depending on numbers.
The closing date for registration is 6th June, however spaces are limited so to secure your place please book early.
The Southern Hemisphere Tolkien Society Seminar
The Art and Science of Magic in Middle-earth
Saturday, 25th August, NSW Writers’ Centre, Sydney, Australia
This significant annual event in the Tolkien calendar is being held overseas for the first time in Sydney, Australia. With attendees travelling from around the world this will have an international festive feel. The magic of Middle-earth is wide-ranging in scope and can cover not only all aspects of magic in the works of Tolkien but also the enchantment that Tolkien’s writings have instilled in Tolkien fans far and wide. The seminar will be held at the NSW Writers’ Centre, the Centre was established to promote writing-based culture and the rights and interests of writers and offers literary resources and professional information to established and aspiring writers of all kinds.
Interested in Giving a Paper?
Some potential topics for consideration might be:
- The limitations or laws of magic in Middle-earth
- The various forms of magic
- The supernatural
- Tolkien’s magic compared to other authors of ‘modern’ fantasy
- Is Tolkien’s magic mystical and without explanation or is there evidence of science? How did the Inkling’s view magic/science?
- The magic of words, spells, music and language
- The presence of magic in the classics such as Beowulf, The Kalevala, and Edda.
- The effects of magic on events during the Ages. Was it pivotal?
- The differences in how magic was used and viewed by the various races
- The enchantment of Tolkien’s writings
- The dark arts of Middle-earth and the corruption of magic
- Magic in a religious context
Papers should be either 20 or 45 minutes long to fit into half-hour or hour slots with time for questions/discussion. There may also be scope to accommodate a number of short 10-minute presentations. Please send the title, a short summary/abstract and the intended length to the Seminar organiser:
Registration Costs:
Registration costs for Tolkien Society members are: Aus$25.00, or GBP £10.00, or US$20.00.
Non-members rates are Aus$30.00, or GBP £12.00, or US$24.00.
Lunch and refreshments are included in the registration fee. There is an option of a Sydney Harbour cruise on Sunday if there is sufficient interest.
The closing date for registration is 25th July, however, spaces are limited so to secure your place please book early.
To register please bear in mind Cambridge by 6th June & Sydney by 25th July
All enquiries about bookings for these events should be directed to The Booking Officer:
The Booking Officer, 7 Rievaulx Drive, Morton-on-Swale, Northallerton, DL7 9UE, UK.
For the Sydney Seminar only, please contact Michael Kennedy if you live in Australia:
Michael Kennedy, 27 Hennessy Lane, Figtree, NSW, 2525, Australia.
For the Sydney Seminar only, please contact Anne Riney if you live in the USA
Anne Riney, 5241 College View Avenue, Los Angeles, California 90041, USA
BOSTON, MA – Plenty has been said on TheOneRing about the new online Middle-earth game, “The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadow of Angmar“. It is a business story, a pop-culture story, a gaming story and an adaptation story. Finally at the dawn of the game’s hard release date, it is about time for a real review of the game. So here you go.
For those asleep at the wheel a brief recap is in order. Turbine Inc. has developed (a long story all by itself) a massive multiplayer online game that takes place in Tolkien’s Middle-earth during the time of J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The Fellowship of the Ring.” To those who haven’t done this sort of thing (probably a lot of Tolkien readers) it means that a player, on a PC, enters an imagined Middle-earth, heavily influenced by Tolkien’s text but also populated with conventions needed to pull of a successful game. The live experience involves completing quests for character advancement; perhaps with other players live at home on their own PC.
Everything points towards “LOTRO” being a strong horse out of the gate. In my visit to Turbine I felt a good bit of confidence behind everything the company was doing and saying. It even seems to be listening to customers, changing a policy that would have limited North American customers from interacting with European players.
So is the game fun? In a word, abso-freaking-lutely. It is fun to make up an avatar Dwarf, Elf, Hobbit or Man and explore more of a certain version of Tolkien’s world. But “fun” isn’t the final or only consideration here. Monopoly is fun and so is throwing snowballs at cars in the folly of youth, but is the fun worth the price? The price here is an incredible time sink and a monthly subscription for between $10 and $15 (Turbine rewards those who purchased early) and the game for a one-time $50. That formula has worked incredibly well for other online massive multiplayer games (MMOs) which consumes the free time of over 8 million monthly subscribers for the top-of-the-line game.
On a per-minute of fun basis, $15 a month is a bargain when compared to the cost of a two hour movie, a new CD, therapy or a massage. Like any of those options LOTRO is an escape from the stressful, sometimes mundane world. But enough with the rambles, let’s get to the nitty-gritty.
The game looks amazing. Middle-earth has been alive in reader’s imaginations for over 50 years and meeting expectations is a real challenge. Creating a game from scratch, with no preconceived notions or expectations, provides developers and programmers an open-ended mission to make the game look cool. But in LOTRO, the created world (perhaps the most celebrated in the history of fiction) must match – at least somewhat – the vision of millions who have already traveled through Middle-earth. So does the game pull it off?
One of J.R.R. Tolkien’s great strengths was making Middle-earth feel real rather than fantastic to the reader. The online Middle-earth is best with its exteriors. Trees, clouds, grasses, forests, hills, dales and nature in general are the visual foundation of the game. Indoors the visuals falter a bit. Not because they don’t still look “cool” but because the game feels more like a video game environment and less like an authentic experience. This isn’t because of the skill used to render the images but more with the design of cultures inside the game. Still, this is a wonderful game to see and the complaint that the video game interiors look like a video game is indeed a minor quibble.
Yup, as previously stated, LOTRO is fun. Players must first create a character race and class which sets a locale and race and the foundation for the in-game tutorial that gets even new players off to a smooth start.
Middle-earth expands quickly as a player progresses levels with plenty of quests available from non-player characters sprinkled about the landscape. The idea is that characters will adventure, choosing quests of interest that provide in-game rewards such as improved armor or weapons or health. Meanwhile the player enjoys both the challenge of the quests and the satisfaction of leveling up while traveling through a computer version of Middle-earth.
In gamer slang I am a “noob” (new to the game or MMORPG in general) and I was occasionally frustrated with figuring out where to go to work on a quest. It was frustrating that a programmed character could want something, an item perhaps, but could only provide vague details on where to find it. Often other players provide tips but somehow I felt slightly stifled by the game. Once past the burden of navigation the quests are mostly well designed and quite fun. They can be tackled solo but often two players with different skill sets are better than one.
The richest moments of early game play happen when two players work together for common goals. Fighting a string of goblins alone can be a challenge for a starting player so when an archer and a brawler fall in together with a powerful long-range bow attack combined with mighty smash mouth blows with a sword, the goblins have short lives.
Ultimately, this shared experience is the key to enjoying the game. Killing cunning goblins or savage wolves solo, while mildly entertaining, isn’t satisfying for long. Those are activities suited more for an Xbox 360 combat game while the whole point of the multiplayer online experience is to drink the depth the of world and interact with other players.
Turbine wisely, has mostly taken out the player versus player aspects of some MMORPGs. Some games are oriented to tap into players and teams of players’ competitive instincts while LOTRO goes a different way.
There is an option for players who want to go toe-to-toe with other players. There is a section of the map where players can launch into monster roles and battle other players but borders prevent monster players from leading a band of Orcs into the Shire or a gaggle of Trolls from sacking Elrond’s Rivendell.
There is also a duel feature which is competitive but not destructive.
The joy in, even the point of, a massive multiplayer game, is to experience the game with other players. LOTRO can be played solo, probably extensively, but it will virtually always be more enjoyable when its social aspects and Turbine has gone to great lengths to feature this as part of the core of the game play. For a game that gets high marks across the board, this is probably the most appealing aspect of the game.
For starters, has a solid system of forums to help users in various aspects of the game.
But it is the in-game society that is the real draw. The smallest formal unit of group play is appropriately dubbed a “fellowship” (not to be confused with The Fellowship) and consists of six or more players. The larger kinship is more permanent and creates a more permanent pool for individuals to draw other players from to aid in adventuring. This is where the game goes from fun to on-line crack. When the game play becomes social the deep addiction kicks in, which can be both good and bad.
Players can and do visit landmark locations from the written “Fellowship of the Ring.” If you want to hang at the Green Dragon, with your fellowship or kinship, feel free. And what is more, there are various ways to enjoy the company:
- There is a system of “emotes” that lets players personalize moods and how they pass along information to other players. You can bow, wave, throw a tantrum, smack your head, look sleepy, limp beg and more that even the best trained dog never dreamed of. A list can be found at but there are secret emotes waiting to be discovered.
- The Iron Hills are alive with the sound of music! One fantastic innovation from Turbine is a character’s ability to play music live in the game. Players have the ability to compose and play music using eight notes in an octave. In-game training and instruments are required but several videos at YouTube have already demonstrated that the sky is the limit. Turbine promises updates and additional features.
- Voice Over IP or VOIP is usable for players in a kinship. This makes the game more about just being in the game and less about grinding through quests.
- Middle-earth Google-earth type map features are present in the game.
- Wiki pages are produced in-game by players who want to share the knowledge of Middle-earth and game play.
- In-game blogs and web pages can be shared so that even if not present, kinships can preserve information permanently.
The launch of LOTRO was never intended to be the “final” release of the game. Turbine has a lot of tricks still up its sleeve but has delivered an extremely polished out-of-the-box game. Games like this often have a lot of challenges at launch. Turbine’s own “Dungeons & Dragons” game has come a long way since the day it was first playable. The format with the constant patches, fixes and updates have massaged the game into something superior to its launch in every way.
LOTRO is already polished from its extensive development, big beta trials and its soft “try-out” launch three weeks ago. Today officially is the final product, but the game has been consumer ready for a long while with only tiny tweaks. The most heartening part of all of this is that the content of the game will evolve and improve. The emotes, for example, are a recent addition that enhanced the role play in just the last week. Kinships or individuals will likely be able to construct or buy dwellings in the future and the current playable map leaves a lot of Middle-earth yet to develop. In other words, even the finished game will never be finished.
The first grand update has already been announced. Last Friday the new content was introduced with, “Beginning in June, heroes can adventure to the Shores of Evendim, the first of many free updates to The Lord of the Rings Online.”
While this is a review for the existing game, part of the reality of the existing game is that the developer (Turbine) excels at improving games. The prospect of the whole of Middle-earth as mapped by Christopher Tolkien for his father is real. In fact, Turbine is highly motivated to constantly improve and expand its content because its financial stake is tied up with retaining and growing its monthly subscription base.
LOTRO is fun. While there has been an admirable attempt to balance a fun game with reverence to Tolkien’s Middle-earth the translation isn’t exact. Those expecting to find the book on-line will be disappointed. Those looking for a fun game inspired by Middle-earth will enjoy exploring. The novels cover only a rail through gigantic maps while the game fleshes out the rest with genuine fun. The game shines as a social interactive environment and a series of carefully planned features make this the best part of the experience. Time spent in Middle-earth was satisfying and fun but it is thoughts of pushing the borders of the current map that really induces salivation. Turbine has released a splendid game that is an acceptable version of Middle-earth.
- You can purchase your copy of ‘The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar’ directly via
- Players wishing to participate in’s kinship should play on the Meneldor server
- The TORn kinship name is “TheOneRing”. Those interested in joining should visit our message boards in the “gaming” section here or contact “Farother” inside the game.
- Turbine says this about the first expansion: “About 100 miles north of the Shire, in northern Eriador, lies Evendim, a vast region dominated by the Lake Nenuial; the ‘Lake of the Twilight’. On the southern shore, the ancient abandoned city of Annuminas -the former capital of the kingdom of Arnor is well known amongst the Free Peoples. For according to the Legends, amidst its ruins lay a great wealth and powerful artifacts now threatened by evil creatures and the nefarious forces lurking in Angmar.”
- Players will contribute to the economy with skills and vocations
- The game so far measures 50-million square meters
- There are 400 points of interest
- Players can encounter significant Tolkien characters like Gandalf, Aragorn, Gloin and many others
- The game is virtually world wide including China
- Players can create items such as arms and jewelry or participate in farming, mining or cooking
- Titles are awarded to players for accomplishments or play style
- Players can progress for 50 levels at launch
- North America does not have a dedicated role playing server while Europe does
The Most Anticipated New MMO of the Year Now Available
WESTWOOD, MA and CHICAGO, IL April 24, 2007 — Turbine, Inc. and Midway Games Inc. (NYSE: MWY) announced today that The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar is now available for purchase across North America. The game is the first and only massively-multiplayer online game based on the Books of J.R.R. Tolkien. In development for over four years, the game opens up the mystical world of Middle-earth and creates the opportunity for endless adventure.
Legions of fans have been waiting in great anticipation for the opportunity to start their adventure in Middle-earth and as of today, the wait is over! The Lord of the Rings Online delivers an interactive experience brimming with life and filled with the familiar people, places and monsters from the most beloved fantasy adventure of all time. From the quaint surroundings of the Shire to Angmar, the vile kingdom of the Witch-king, players will experience the world of Middle-earth as never before.
“The release of The Lord of the Rings Online marks a momentous occasion for MMO gamers and Tolkien fans around the world, said Jeff Anderson, president and CEO of Turbine, Inc. Countless adventures await gamers eager to experience Middle-earth in an entirely new way and were confident that once theyve visited this epic world, theyll never want to leave.
“The Lord of the Rings franchise, with its incredibly rich history and extensive fan base, lends itself perfectly to the MMO genre, said Steve Allison, chief marketing officer, Midway. Were thrilled to be able to partner with Turbine to bring The Lord of the Rings Online to North American gamers looking for a way to experience the world of Middle-earth like never before.
Turbine also announced today the first update to The Lord of the Rings Online. This free update, called the Shores of Evendim, is scheduled to be released this coming June and will include an entirely new landscape region, over 60 additional quests, the Battle for Helegrod raid, nine new monsters and major enhancements to monster play and the music system.
The Lord of the Rings Online is now available for purchase at major retailers in both a Special and Standard Edition. The Special Edition of The Lord of the Rings Online includes the game on a single DVD, 30-days of free play, the official R16;Making of The Lord of the Rings Online DVD, the official game soundtrack and an exclusive in-game item. The Special Edition retails for a U.S. MSRP of $59.99, while the Standard Edition of the game is available for a U.S. MSRP of $49.99.
For more information about The Lord of the Rings Online, please visit
About Turbine
Turbine, Inc. is a premier developer, publisher and operator of online entertainment and is headquartered in Westwood, Massachusetts. The company is one of the largest privately-held online games companies in North America. Turbines catalog includes some of the most famous online entertainment brands, including Asherons Call®, DUNGEONS & DRAGONS ONLINE: Stormreach, and The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar. For more information on Turbine, its products and services please visit
About Midway
Midway Games Inc. (NYSE:MWY), headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, with offices throughout the world, is a leading developer and publisher of interactive entertainment software for major videogame systems and personal computers. More information about Midway and its products can be found at
About Tolkien Enterprises
The Saul Zaentz Company d/b/a Tolkien Enterprises is the holder of worldwide motion picture, legitimate stage, merchandising, and other rights in J.R.R. Tolkiens literary works The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. Tolkien Enterprises has been producing and licensing films, stage productions and merchandise based on Tolkiens works for almost 30 years. Its headquarters are in Berkeley, California, and its website may be found at