Today is your LAST DAY to buy tickets to the RINGERS: LORD OF THE
FANS world premiere and party! In addition to screening our award –
winning film, we’ll be having a silent auction with some fantastic,
one-of-a-kind prizes! (To benefit the National Center for Family
Literacy, one of Sean Astin’s favorite charities.)

You can win the RING in Dom’s hand on the RINGERS DVD cover! We’ll
also be having a costume contest and the first prize is a 50th
Anniversary Edition of “The Lord of the Rings” courtesy of Houghton
Mifflin. To win a true replica of Frodo’s ring and more — check out
our silent auction and prizes page!

Or to buy tickets to this exclusive and star-studded event, click here!

Bob writes: My family and I went to the Spokane Symphony’s LOTR concert last night ( Nov. 12th), and came away with a (for the most part) very enjoyable experience. While not exactly matching the scope and depth of the original score for the movie, the Spokane Symphony made up for it in feeling and expressing the music — it still had all of its glory and majesty intact. The Spokane Symphony Chorale and Spokane Area Children’s Chorus were excellent, Kaitlyn Lusk outstanding, under the heart-felt control of conductor Alastair Willis.

That being said, I don’t think the Spokane Veteran’s Arena, turned into the “Star Theater” (where the Arena is basically cut in half) was the best place suited for the concert. The seating was cramped (at least up in the nosebleed section where we were — see attached picture). The acoustics were a bit flat (at least no echoing), and the air condition/heating blowers would turn on noisily and distract. And it looked like Shelob may have been lurking in the rafters, with all the spider webs. My feeling is arenas are for loud rock concerts and hockey, not symphonies.

But, I don’t think the concert could have been held elsewhere in town, since the opera house is hosting “The Lion King” and The Met is too small, and the Fox to begin renovation, so my complaints are mere quibbles when it comes down to it. I am happy we had the chance to experience the concert, no matter what venue.


gloryliberty writes: We find our seats (last row on the floor, right in front of the box seats)… and then complain a tad. Not about the Symphony, mind you, but the venue. Normally, the Symphony would be playing in the Spokane Opera House, but at the moment the Opera House is in the middle of a six-week run of the national touring companies’ production of The Lion King, so for the Spokane Symphony to throw Rafiki, Simba and the Gang out on the street for one night wasn’t really feesable. Especially on a Saturday. But, the Arena has a solution: The Star Theatre – basically they curtain off one end of the Arena and call it a “theatre”. The Arena isn’t known for its spectacular acoustics, so my mother and I were kind of suspect of how a symphony performance would sound in that kind of space. Another thing to rag on: food vendors. At a symphony performance. It’s just not… right. We gave them credit that they weren’t trolling through the performance, but they were hard to miss before and during intermission with their Uncle Sam oversized hats and their cotton candy.

Besides that, it was beyond expectation. The worries about acoustics? Unfounded,at least from my viewpoint. We had a guest condutor, a very capable man by the name of Alastair Willis instead of Eckart Preu, the Symphony’s music director/house conductor. Our featured soloist, Kaitlyn Lusk, was mind blowing.

The music itself was performed very well with each specific song flowing into another, something that I didn’t expect, but enjoyed nonetheless. The visuals including the Lee/Howe artwork was a welcome bonus. Being able to hear the score performed live was awesome because I was able to hear instruments that I couldn’t hear on the CD and also to see what instrument created what sounds and where the choirs came in… it certainly was an experience.

Besides the Lee/Howe visuals, watching the conductor was also… an interesting experience. Even though we could only see the back of him, you could tell he was contucting with such emotion and power. I can only imagine the facial expressions.

The only thing I can say I didn’t approve of was the choice of male soloist for “The Return Of The King”. The man they chose… he was a bass, where I’m almost sure Vig’s a baritone. His voice was too deep and too powerful for what the text required. It sounded… out of place, but then I’m biased. No one steps on Viggo’s turf.

I was pleased with the soundtrack selections that made it into the symphony. I would have enjoyed more from TTT and ROTK, but I understand why; more music from FOTR needed to be in the piece to set up the themes for the other two movies. What I didn’t get was why Billy’s song from “Steward Of Gondor” wasn’t included. I was really looking forward to that, so for it not to be in there was disappointing. Guess I should have made the journey to Cleveland.

This weekend in Hall of Fire we’ll be discussing the Seven Deadly Sins as they can be found in Lord of the Rings.

First there is Pride — the excessive belief in one’s own abilities. It has been called the sin from which all others arise. Pride is also known as Vanity. Perhaps Boromir or Denethor could tell us about this fault?

Envy is the desire for others’ traits, status, abilities, or situation. It’s probably something Saruman knows a great deal about.

Gluttony — the inordinate desire to consume more than that which one requires. Well, let’s just consider what happens when you set a trio of Hobbits in a field of mushrooms.

Lust is an inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body. Does Lord of the Rings hold any lessons here? Maybe Grima Wormtongue could be our archetype?

Anger is manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury. It is also known as Wrath. Is this what leads Boromir to his downfall when he confronts Frodo on Amon Hen?

Greed is the desire for material wealth or gain, ignoring the realm of the spiritual. It is also called Avarice or Covetousness. Surely one of the things the Ring tempts Sam and Galadriel with. But is it found anywhere else?

Sloth is the avoidance of physical or spiritual work. Lazy, lazy elves?

These, of course, are just a few instances where these traits are exhibited in Lord of the Rings. During the chat, we’ll explore where else they are found in the text — in both the ‘goodies’ and the ‘baddies’.

Join us on Saturday November 12 at 5.30pm EST in the Hall of Fire on the TORn IRC server as we chat about the Seven Deadly Sin in LoTR!

Time zone conversions

Not sure what time the chat will be where you are? Check this little conversion table out for some help.

5.30pm EST (New York)
4.30pm CST (Chicago)
3.30pm MST (Salt Lake City)
2.30pm PST (Los Angeles)

10.30pm GMT (London)
11.30pm CET (Paris)

6.30am AWST (Monday 13th) Perth
8.30am AEST (Monday 13th) Brisbane
9.30am AEDT (Monday 13th) Sydney
11.30am NZDT (Monday 13th) Wellington

Our chats usually last 45 mins to an hour, and are very newbie friendly. Simply drop in and join the conversation!


Chat happens on #thehalloffire on – the TORn IRC server. You can connect instantly via our java chat client that works inside your web browser (find it here! ) or choose to install a dedicated chat program such as mIRC on your computer.

To find out more about using mIRC to connect to TORn IRC server, check out these instructions.

Upcoming topics:

Sat November 12 – The seven deadly sins in LoTR
Sun November 20 – The seven deadly sins in LoTR
Sat November 26 – Silmarillion Ch 15: Of the Noldor in Beleriand
Sun December 4 – Silmarillion Ch 15: Of the Noldor in Beleriand

Got a topic? Let us know your idea!

If you have a burning desire to discuss something in Hall of Fire, drop us a line with your topic at If we like it, we’ll probably give it a run in the coming weeks – you might even get to guest moderate the session!

Join HoF Announce!

Did you know that Hall of Fire has a mailing list? Join today and get topic announcements and news delivered regularly to your inbox!

From the folks at As you know this Sunday November 13th at 3pm, The Rings: Myth and Music will be the opening season concert for:

The Collegiate Chorale
Carnegie Hall (57th Street & 7th Avenue)

Robert Bass, Conductor
(See our interview with Mr. Bass here)

Soloists: Christine Goerke and Valentin Peitchinoff
New York City Gay Men’s Chorus

Works by Richard Wagner and Howard Shore

In our last newsletter we put it to a vote where North East Tolkien Society members can meet, and chat while enjoying a hobbit-like meal–alot of you voted and the official choice is:

The Brooklyn Diner, located
212 West 57th Street
(between Broadway and 7th Ave.)
TEL: 212.581.8900

If you would like to join us and did not vote, we shall all meet outside Carnegie Hall on the corner of 57th and 7th st’s and head to the diner–if you do not see us, head to the Diner and we’ll meet you there.

Ever looked at that big shiny “ring” in Dominic’s hand on the RINGERS cover artwork and think, “Gosh, I’d sure like to own that ring.” ? Well now’s your chance! We will be having a silent auction to benefit the National Center for Family Literacy at the RINGERS: LORD OF THE FANS world premiere on Wednesday, November 16th.

This ring (which was held by Dominic Monaghan for the entire afternoon while we were shooting the cover) and other exclusive, autographed items will be offered up for charity auction at the RINGERS Premiere after-party. This auction will be held at Rudy’s Barbershop after the screening. You can ONLY bid on these exclusive items IN PERSON AT THIS EVENT!

Here’s a list of what we’ll be auctioning off:

  • The actual Ring from the RINGERS: LORD OF THE FANS DVD Cover. (Really a sterling silver bracelet.)
  • One 9 carat solid gold Jens Hansen Movie Ring replica, size 10.
  • Presented in a New Zealand Rimu wood box with a signed certificate or origin. This includes a sterling silver chain ‘as worn by Frodo’.

  • ONE Autographed Ringers: Lord of the Fans Festival Teaser poster, mounted on foam core. Design features awards and review quotes. Signed by Dominic Monaghan, and reads “See this film. Love, Dom Monaghan” Ringers: Lord of the Fans Tree Logo poster, on foam core. Autographed by Dominic Monaghan
  • THREE Copies of “The Lord of the Rings Sketchbook” autographed by Alan Lee. (Courtesy of Houghton Mifflin)
  • One copy of “The Art of the Fellowship of the Ring” autographed by Alan Lee. (Courtesy of Houghton Mifflin)
  • One copy of “The Art of The Two Towers” autographed by Alan Lee (Courtesy of Houghton Mifflin)
  • One copy of “The Art of The Return of the King” autographed by Alan Lee (Courtesy of Houghton Mifflin)
  • Exclusive “Bingo Lives” long sleeve, black t-shirt, size: XL (last one)
  • Shelob’s Lair warning signs from’s Return of the One Party event. (Courtesy of TORn staffer Saurmann)
  • Handmade Rohan banners from’s Return of the One Party event. (Courtesy of TORn staffer Alyse)

There are still some seats left for this event, so if you’d like to purchase some click here!

We will also be giving away one copy of “The Lord of the Rings Sketchbook” autographed by Alan Lee, to our costume contest winner. Other costume contest prizes include RINGERS postcards autographed by Dominic Monaghan! See you at the Vista Theatre on Nov. 16th!


November 7, 2005


The One Ring Celebration, the annual gathering of Lord of The Rings fans being held January 20-22, 2006 at The Pasadena Center in Pasadena, California, today announced that GAMES WORKSHOP will be a presenting sponsor of the convention. Games Workshop is the largest and the most successful tabletop fantasy and futuristic battle-games company in the world. Major brands include Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000. In addition, Games Worshop holds a global license from New Line Cinema for a tabletop battle-game based on director Peter Jackson’s BAFTA and Academy award winning film trilogy The Lord of The Rings.

Authorized by New Line Cinema, The One Ring Celebration features a full weekend program of LOTR themed guests, exhibits, events, parties and competitions. The 2005 event drew over 5,000 attendees from around the world. Sean Astin, Billy Boyd, Miranda Otto and John Noble have already been announced as special guests for 2006, along with performances by popular musicians The Fenians and a one-man LOTR show from Charles Ross. Additional headliners are currently being invited.

Games Workshop will be on hand running Mines of Moria demo games and painting lessons. Visitors to the Games Workshop area will be encouraged to play the Mines of Moria Strategy Battle Game as well as paint a model to take home as a complimentary souvenir. Three participation games (all models supplied) will be ongoing throughout the weekend:

“The Battle of Pelenor Fields” – Gondor and Rohan vs. Mordor

“Ambush of the Rohirrim” – Rohan vs. Wargs and “At the Gates of Moria” – Dwarves vs. Goblins

The latest Games Workshop Lord of the Rings releases will also be available at the convention.

Complete information, including up to date guest and event listings, is available at The One Ring Celebration is produced by Creation Entertainment in association with