The folks from the Letters to PJ Organising Team write: The Letters to PJ is a worldwide fan appreciation project, undertaken by two dedicated fans of the Lord of the Rings film trilogy. The Letters to PJ book, organised, promoted and compiled throughout the year of 2005, contains letters of appreciation for the films created by director Peter Jackson and all involved. The book is a specially made, plain paged, leather bound hardcover, consisting of original contributions from all willing participants, in the form of e-mails, hand written letters, poems, drawings, photographs etc. Upon completion, the book will be delivered to New Zealand in December (2005)/ January (2006) and passed on to Peter Jackson or associates.
Letters to PJ has been a chance to show true fanship on behalf all fans, differing in age, race, gender etc. yet bound together though their love and dedication towards the Lord of the Rings films. This project has experienced considerable success so far, garnering the attention of fans, well known supporters and even those actively involved in making the Lord of the Rings trilogy, from whom we have received greatly- appreciated and even unexpected support and assistance. Over the months, we as organisers have built a solid foundation for the major action plan of Letters to PJ to take place effectively. During the process of this non-profit project, we have created an email account, a .com website, and mailing address, started and maintained contact with a variety of people, as well as keeping up to date with contributors and websites involved.
The appeal of Letters to PJ, a challenging but thoroughly rewarding experience, lies in the rare opportunity it presents for Lord of the Rings fans worldwide to join in appreciation and celebration of the labour of some extraordinary filmmakers. If all goes to plan, the book will be completed by the deadline and looking brilliant, full to the brim with creative and genuine expressions of the fanship we have been fortunate enough to witness. Very professional, striking and long lasting is the look we anticipate for the finished result. The main hope we have is in the success of the final stages; the Letters to PJ project will come to a satisfactory (and exciting!!!) close if a personal exchange with Peter Jackson is possible.
What needs to be achieved is the final search and collection of contributions, the confirmation of certain participants, the organization of contributions, the confirmation of details regarding the New Zealand trip and the compilation of the book, on top of the ongoing task of responding to e-mails and contributors.
As organisers, we can only give our sincerest thank yous to everyone involved, for every wonderful, kind, helpful thing they have gone out of their way to do! This project would not be possible without the assistance and support of the Lord of the Rings fan community. Our desire is that the Letters to PJ project has an immeasurably awesome, long lasting effect on fans and Peter Jackson alike.
This weekend in Hall of Fire we’ll be discussing the Seven Deadly Sins as they can be found in Lord of the Rings.
First there is Pride — the excessive belief in one’s own abilities. It has been called the sin from which all others arise. Pride is also known as Vanity. Perhaps Boromir or Denethor could tell us about this fault?
Envy is the desire for others’ traits, status, abilities, or situation. It’s probably something Saruman knows a great deal about.
Gluttony — the inordinate desire to consume more than that which one requires. Well, let’s just consider what happens when you set a trio of Hobbits in a field of mushrooms.
Lust is an inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body. Does Lord of the Rings hold any lessons here? Maybe Grima Wormtongue could be our archetype?
Anger is manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury. It is also known as Wrath. Is this what leads Boromir to his downfall when he confronts Frodo on Amon Hen?
Greed is the desire for material wealth or gain, ignoring the realm of the spiritual. It is also called Avarice or Covetousness. Surely one of the things the Ring tempts Sam and Galadriel with. But is it found anywhere else?
Sloth is the avoidance of physical or spiritual work. Lazy, lazy elves?
These, of course, are just a few instances where these traits are exhibited in Lord of the Rings. During the chat, we’ll explore where else they are found in the text — in both the ‘goodies’ and the ‘baddies’.
Join us on Sunday November 20 at 2.00pm EST in the Hall of fire on the TORn IRC server as we chat about the Seven Deadly Sin in LoTR!
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Time and date: Sunday November 20
America: 2.00pm EST (New York) 1.00pm CST (Chicago) 12.00 midday MST (Salt Lake City) 11.00am PST (Los Angeles)
Our chats usually last 45 mins to an hour, and are very newbie friendly. Simply drop in and join the conversation!
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Upcoming topics:
Sun November 20 – The seven deadly sins in LoTR Sat November 26 – Silmarillion Ch 15: Of the Noldor in Beleriand Sun December 4 – Silmarillion Ch 15: Of the Noldor in Beleriand
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World Premiere at The Princess of Wales Theatre in Toronto. Performances begin February 2, 2006
Visit for the first look at the all-new THE LORD OF THE RINGS television commercial spot beginning this Sunday, November 20, followed by exclusive making of footage over the next three weeks. THE LORD OF THE RINGS is the biggest, most ambitious theatrical production ever staged by an international creative team led by critically acclaimed director Matthew Warchus, award-winning designer Rob Howell and celebrated choreographer Peter Darling, who have combined all three books into one unmissable theatrical event. With a thrilling score and spectacular design, THE LORD OF THE RINGS features an ensemble of over 70 actors, singers and musicians.
Visit on Saturday, November 26 and Saturday, December 3 for two additional exclusive video segments featuring an impressive behind-the-scenes look at what is sure to be a landmark production.
A Kevin Wallace Limited Production, THE LORD OF THE RINGS has book and lyrics by Shaun McKenna and Matthew Warchus, and a score by Indias most popular composer A.R. Rahman and the renowned Finnish group Värttinä, collaborating with Christopher Nightingale.
THE LORD OF THE RINGS is presented by Kevin Wallace and Saul Zaentz in association with David & Ed Mirvish and Michael Cohl.
Ringer Celebriel writes: Ringers celebrated the November 22 launch of Ringers: Lord of the Fans with a Hollywood screening and party Wednesday night. The screening took place at the Vista Theatre on Sunset Boulevard, where so many Los Angeles Lord of the Rings events have taken place. The theatre itself even appears a few times in the film. Fans gathered outside for a line party featuring costumed elves, hobbits, and even a wizard. Two elves held up a sign to passing traffic that read Honk if you love hobbits! Lots of Ringers who appear in the film, some interviewed, others flashing by in montages, were also present.
Hal Eisner from LA Channel 13 (UPN) interviewed fans outside the theatre for the 11 oclock news, assisted by cameraman Robert Howard. Inside, Eisner introduced the people who made Ringers possible: Carlene Cordova, Cliff Broadway, Tom deSanto, Jeff Marchelletta, and Director of Photography Josh Mandel. During the screening, there were lots of yells and applause when people recognized themselves or friends in the film.
After the screening, there was a 20 minute Q&A with the filmmakers. In response to one question, Cliff made clear the differences between Ringers and Trekkies, saying of fandom, We celebrate it not exploit it.
Composer Robin DiMaggio was also introduced. Robin created the films music, incorporating all the different music styles in the film. Cliff spoke of the magical feeling of working in the Capitol Records building, where so many famous artists worked before.
The Ringers project goes back to 2001, to the early days of, when Cliff and other staff members would go to conventions to interview people involved in the films. They started talking to fans at the conventions as well, and Ringers grew from there. It was a matter, Cliff said, of being in the right place at the right time. In the course of that journey they started their own production company and shot 186 hours of film, which were edited down to 97 minutes for the finished film. Its all been digitized, so theres plenty available for future projects.
It was also announced that noted fantasy author Peter S. Beagle, who attended the screening and party, was working on a Ringers companion book. Mr. Beagle will work from the production teams extensive research and those 186 hours of film.
In other breaking news, Cliff announced that in honor of the films DVD street date on November 22, he will get his first tattoo, with the experience broadcast live on radio. (Perhaps the location of the tattoo limited the possibilities for live television.) Theres still talk of Ringers sound track album and maybe in future a Special Edition.
When asked about their best experiences working on the project, Colleen said it was working with her fellow filmmakers and going to New Zealand, which she described as a magical world, totally gorgeous. Tom added, Lord of the Rings fans have a soul and spirit thats incredible. Jeff described the fan community as warm, earthy, caring, and compassionate.
Had they sent the finished film to Peter Jackson? Yes, said Carlene, but they havent heard anything yet, as hes working round the clock finishing King Kong.
Many great segments had to be cut from the final film either because of time constraints or rights issues. Segments that were hard for the filmmakers to cut included Elijah Woods interview on The Tonight Show and footage of the Middle Earth campus at UC-Irvine.
The party took place across from the Vista at Rudys Barbershop and featured a silent auction of posters, books, jewelry and a very famous part of pants, as well as costume contest, music, food and drink. Hal Eisner did a live segment with partygoers on the 11 oclock news in addition to showing segments filmed earlier in the evening.
Sûlien writes: This has little to do with Tolkien, except for the fact that he loved trees and forests. However, I think many in the Tolkien community will find this of interest! Apparently, logging rights for some areas of giant sequoias in the Giant Sequioa National Monument were sold before the monument status took effect. A judge has placed a temporary injunction stopping the logging, but it is only a matter of time before the Forest Service and the logging companies try to overturn this. Read the MSN article here.
I have taken the liberty of composing a letter to my elected officials, and it would be great if all Tolkien fans and environmentalists contacted their elected representatives to tell them that we will not stand for this and asking them to draft or co-sponsor a bill banning logging in the National Monument permanently! The text of the letter is below, as well as URLs to look up the contact information for your elected officials (just type your zip code and hit go).