is delighted to announce that the two guiding lights behind the creation of Ringers: Lord of the Fans will join us for a live Q&A chat in the Hall of Fire on Saturday December 17 at the special time of 5pm EST.

That’s right! Cliff Broadway (aka TORn staffer Quickbeam) and Carlene Cordova (aka TORn staffer Asfaloth) will be on hand to answer your questions about the experience of making Ringers. They will discuss the unique Tolkien community, so vibrant and vital even 50-plus years after Lord of the Rings was first published. They’ll also reveal their thoughts on the ways Lord of the Rings has influenced popular culture around the world over the years. We may even convince them to reveal their film-making experiences.

Ringers, written by Cordova and Broadway, directed by Cordova and narrated by Dominic Monaghan, traces the history of Tolkien fandom from the 50’s to the present day. It examines the way legendary rock musicians, filmmakers, professors, actors, authors and you all unite under the banner of ‘Ringer’. Interviewees in the film include Lord of the Rings trilogy filmmaker Peter Jackson as well as Elijah Wood, Viggo Mortensen, Ian McKellen, Sean Astin and David Carradine.

Everyone is welcome to join us for the chat on Saturday December 17 at 5pm EST on the TORn IRC server. However, if you can’t make it, you can still submit a question for Carlene or Cliff, simply by e-mailing it to us at We’ll ask it for you on the day!

You can view the Ringers trailer here or here! ) or choose to install a dedicated chat program such as mIRC on your computer.

To find out more about using mIRC to connect to TORn IRC server, check out these instructions.

Upcoming topics:

Sun December 4 – Silmarillion Ch 15: Of the Noldor in Beleriand
Sat Dec 10 – The Seven Heavenly Virtues in LoTR
Sun Dec 17 – Live Ringers Q&A

NB: Hall of Fire will take a break for Christmas and the New Year and will resume in early January.

Got a topic? Let us know your idea!

If you have a burning desire to discuss something in Hall of Fire, drop us a line with your topic at If we like it, we’ll probably give it a run in the coming weeks – you might even get to guest moderate the session!

Join HoF Announce!

Did you know that Hall of Fire has a mailing list? Join today and get topic announcements and news delivered regularly to your inbox!

Visit and be the first to see part one of the specially created documentary of THE LORD OF THE RINGS, which will have its World Stage Premiere at Toronto’s Princess of Wales Theatre when performances begin on February 2, 2006.

Playbill readers get a free sneak-peek at exclusive video footage highlighting how the most massive theatrical production ever mounted was developed for the stage. As a truly international collaboration, THE LORD OF THE RINGS documentary features footage filmed in London, England, Helsinki, Finland and Chennai, India. The documentary tracks the three years that were spent in research and development of the production including interviews and comments from director Matthew Warchus and designer Rob Howell.

THE LORD OF THE RINGS is the biggest, most ambitious theatrical production ever staged by an international creative team led by critically acclaimed director Matthew Warchus, award-winning designer Rob Howell and celebrated choreographer Peter Darling, who have combined all three books into one unmissable theatrical event. With a thrilling score and spectacular design, THE LORD OF THE RINGS features an ensemble of over 70 actors, singers and musicians.

Revisit on Saturday, December 3 for the final exclusive documentary segment featuring an impressive behind-the-scenes look at what is sure to be a landmark production.

A Kevin Wallace Limited Production, THE LORD OF THE RINGS has book and lyrics by Shaun McKenna and Matthew Warchus, and a score by India’s most popular composer A.R. Rahman and the renowned Finnish group Värttinä, collaborating with Christopher Nightingale.

THE LORD OF THE RINGS is presented by Kevin Wallace and Saul Zaentz in association with David & Ed Mirvish and Michael Cohl.

A Kevin Wallace Limited Production. Based on the Lord of the Rings trilogy of books by J.R.R. Tolkien. Written and produced under license from The Saul Zaentz Company d/b/a Tolkien Enterprises (SZC). THE LORD OF THE RINGS and the names of the characters, events, items & places therein are trademarks or registered trademarks of SZC and are used under license. All rights reserved. © Kevin Wallace Limited 2005

For more information on THE LORD OF THE RINGS, visit the official website at

“Longest of all the realms of the Eldalië shall Gondolin stand against Melkor. But love not too well the work of thy hands and the devices of thy heart; and remember that the true hope of the Noldor lieth in the West and cometh from the Sea.” Thus Ulmo warned Turgon at the founding of Gondolin.

This weekend, Hall of Fire resumes regular Silmarillion chats with Chapter 15 — Of the Noldor in Beleriand.

Hidden from all spying eyes, Turgon builds Gondolin as a replica of Tirion — the city lost to the Noldor in exile. Is it yearning for home? Is it hubris or defiance of the Valar or Morgoth?

And to whom does Ulmo’s warning refer? Is it the coming of Tuor from Nevrast (in the west) or a foresight of the Valar and the War of Wrath?

However, Gondolin is not protected by the enchantments of Ulmo alone. The eagles of Manwe also keep the spies of Morgoth at bay. Is this an indication that the Valar are working together in subtle ways to assist the Noldor? And how does this alter our views of the activity or inactivity of the Valar in opposing Morgoth?

We’ll also discuss events in Doriath where — slowly but inexorably — the shameful truth of the flight of the Noldor from Aman is revealed to Thingol and Melian. What impact does this have on the leaguer against Morgoth?

Is Galadriel reluctant to speak of those events out of fear or out of loyalty? Does she become complicit in events by concealing the truth? And what does it mean that Melian cannot pierce the shadows that hides Valinor?

Moreover, why does Galadriel stay in Doriath rather than with her brother Finrod? And what of Melian’s discussions with Thingol, his ditrust of the Valar and her portents about the importance of the Silmarils and warnings about the Sons of Feanor?

These are just a few of the things we’ll discuss this weekend on Saturday November 26 at 5.30pm EST in The Hall of Fire.

Time zone conversions

Not sure what time the chat will be where you are? Check this little conversion table out for some help.

5.30pm EST (New York)
4.30pm CST (Chicago)
3.30pm MST (Salt Lake City)
2.30pm PST (Los Angeles)

10.30pm GMT (London)
11.30pm CET (Paris)

6.30am AWST (Monday 13th) Perth
8.30am AEST (Monday 13th) Brisbane
9.30am AEDT (Monday 13th) Sydney
11.30am NZDT (Monday 13th) Wellington

Our chats usually last 45 mins to an hour, and are very newbie friendly. Simply drop in and join the conversation!


Chat happens on #thehalloffire on – the TORn IRC server. You can connect instantly via our java chat client that works inside your web browser (find it here! ) or choose to install a dedicated chat program such as mIRC on your computer.

To find out more about using mIRC to connect to TORn IRC server, check out these instructions.

Upcoming topics:

Sat November 26 – Silmarillion Ch 15: Of the Noldor in Beleriand
Sun December 4 – Silmarillion Ch 15: Of the Noldor in Beleriand
Sat Dec 10 – The Seven Heavenly Virtues in LoTR
Sun Dec 17 – Special guest chat TBC
Break for Christmas and the New Year
Sun Jan 8th – The Seven Heavenly Virtues in LoTR
Sat Jan 14th – Silmarillion Chapter 16: Of Maeglin

Got a topic? Let us know your idea!

If you have a burning desire to discuss something in Hall of Fire, drop us a line with your topic at If we like it, we’ll probably give it a run in the coming weeks – you might even get to guest moderate the session!

Join HoF Announce!

Did you know that Hall of Fire has a mailing list? Join today and get topic announcements and news delivered regularly to your inbox!

If you are an amateur artist, looking to see if you can make it in the art world, this is the perfect event for you. We are currently looking for 3 amateur artists, one each who can do Children’s Animation, Illustration and Cartooning, to take on our professional Iron Artists.

If you are interested in being a challenger on Iron Artist, send an e-mail to: or with your name, address, e-mail address, a short history of your drawing experience (one or two paragraphs), and if possible, a sample of some of your work. (jpegs, gifs, pdf, tiff and bitmaps are all fine).

Please only sign up if:

a) You can work quickly, but well. (You will only have ONE HOUR to work with)
b) You are a very quick thinker; this is a fast paced event.
c) You can work under pressure and with lots of distractions; you will be working in front of an audience, a panel of judges, cameramen, and a loud and obnoxious reporter – you MUST be able to deal with all of this while you work.
c) You must be able to pencil, ink, AND color.
d) You cannot be afraid to lose – these ARE the Iron Artists, after all. (i.e., you have to be a good sport)

The deadline for signing up to be an Iron Artist challenger is December 18, 2005, at Midnight, PST.

Iron Artist FAQ

1) Just what is an Iron Artist?

The Iron Artist is an artist who has shown the ability to think quickly on their feet, deal with distractions and focus on the task at hand, all the while being creative and able to finish their project quickly.

2) What is the Iron Artist contest?

First and foremost, this is a competition held in the spirit of fun and entertainment. The art produced will be auctioned off for charity over the weekend.

The Iron Artist contest is based on the same principles of the Iron Chef TV show from Japan. There will be professional artists on one side, and an amateur challenger for each pro on the other side. The professionals do not compete against each other, but against the challenger in their chosen specialty theme. All artists are free to use whatever medium they think they can work in the best.

There will be a host, like on the TV show, who will be rather flamboyant and who narrates the event, and 2-3 judges who will make silly comments about the work or the artists. Again, this is all in the spirit of fun, but the artist challengers need to know what to expect. There will be a camera moving around on stage, looking over everyone’s shoulder, so that the audience can see what is being created. During introductions, the artists can mug for the camera and to the crowd, and are, in fact, encouraged to do just that.

The theme to be drawn will be given at the beginning of the event, meaning everyone will have exactly the same one hour to plan and execute their piece. At the end of the one hour, the artwork is to be handed in, finished or not, to be judged by our panel. The panel of judges will meet, right there on the spot, while the artists are given a post event interview by the Host.

3) How will the art be judged?

The judges will be looking for several factors, to include, but are not limited to: Completeness of the piece, how well it reflects the given theme, originality, complexity, aesthetics, and how well you stayed within the bounds of your specialty theme (Children’s Animation, Illustration or Cartooning).

4) What will I win?

The actual prize is still in development, but if it’s ready before the event, it will be announced here. Suffice it to say, the pro’s will basically just get to keep their title as Iron Artist, while the amateurs will be showered with gifts and new found fame, or they will just be given some sort of trophy, whichever comes first.

5) What is the charity?

The artwork will be auctioned off the same weekend as the Iron Artist show, and proceeds will go directly to the following charity:

Very Special Arts, or VSA

VSA arts is an international nonprofit organization founded in 1974 by Ambassador Jean Kennedy Smith to create a society where all people with disabilities learn through, participate in and enjoy the arts. VSA arts provides educators, parents, and artists with resources and the tools to support arts programming in schools and communities. VSA arts showcases the accomplishments of artists with disabilities and promotes increased access to the arts for people with disabilities. Each year millions of people participate in VSA arts programs through a nationwide network of affiliates and in more than 60 countries around the world. VSA arts is an affiliate of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.

6) Who are the Iron Artists anyhow?

Our Iron Artists will be:

Cynthia Cummens as Iron Artist Children’s Animation

Colleen Doran as Iron Artist Illustration (undefeated in 3 contests so far)

Don Flaws as Iron Artist Cartooning

Other rules and things of import:

  • You MUST have a valid membership to ORC 2006, any ticketing package welcome, to be a challenger.
  • All challenger entrants will be judged by an Entrants Committee, who will not be the judges for the actual contest.
  • You cannot be a former winner in a previous Iron Artist challenge. (If you competed, however, and did not win, you can apply again)
  • Some supplies will be provided for the duration of the competition (Bristol board, paper, pencils, ink pens, and markers), but if there is any specific special media you would prefer to use, you must provide it yourself.
  • The possible theme for this year’s competition will come from the World of Tolkien.
  • If you are chosen to be a challenger (or an alternate) for this year’s Iron Artist competition, you may be asked to send a further bio about yourself, so the commentators will have something to refer to as they discuss you and your work during the competition. This bio should be sent by January 10, 2006.


World-renowned soprano and University of Toronto graduate Isabel Bayrakdarian will perform a benefit concert at Convocation Hall Nov. 25 to raise funds towards the restoration of the century-old pipe organ in the historic building. Bayrakdarian, a 1996 graduate of the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering, decided to follow her heart and pursue a career in music. Bayrakdarian’s acclaimed career has seen her perform in opera houses in New York, Paris, San Francisco, Toronto and London.

The Convocation Hall organ, a Casavant Opus 474, was manufactured by Casavant Frères, Limitée of St-Hyacinthe, Que., in 1911 and installed in 1912. This latest round of repairs will help to complete the job begun in 1994 when two of the organ’s six mechanical divisions were replaced. An estimated $150,000 to $200,000 in funding will be needed to complete the work.

Tickets are available through, at $40 to $75, $30 for students with identification.

WHO: Soprano Isabel Bayrakdarian (BASc 1996)
WHAT: Benefit concert for the pipe organ restoration at Convocation Hall
WHERE: Convocation Hall, University of Toronto 31 King’s College Road
WHEN: 8 p.m., Friday, November 25, 2005

Malene Arpe writes: Dominic Monaghan, former Hobbit and currently a Lost person, understands fan obsession perfectly and when the makers of the documentary Ringers: Lord of the Fans asked him to narrate, he didn’t hesitate.

“I’m a huge Star Wars fan. I’m a massive Star Wars fan. I’m an insane Beatles fan. I have a shed in my garden in Manchester that is filled with Beatles memorabilia. I’m a massive geek on the natural world, reptiles, insects. Big music collection. Big movie collection,” he says through a bad cellphone connection from Hawaii. “I have a toy collection. I collect nail polish. There’s a lot of stuff in my life that I’m hugely obsessed about. So it wasn’t a huge stretch for me to see these people who were fans of Lord of the Rings, because I was a big fan of those movies … if I hadn’t been in them, I would still have gone and seen them and freaked out about them.”

Ringers, which Sony releases on DVD this Tuesday, is a must-see for anyone who’s ever wondered about the lengths to which fans will go to feed their ardour. Directed by super-fan Carlene Cordova, who through the website took fandom to new heights during the making of Peter Jackson’s trilogy, the documentary is both informative about J.R.R. Tolkien’s work, and immensely entertaining. Fans, including Geddy Lee and David Carradine, “ordinary” people and the cast, come very close to explaining how one can have a splendid love affair with a piece of art.

Monaghan, who played Merry in LOTR and now spends his days as Charlie Pace on Lost, is someone who knows more than most about benevolent fanaticism, thanks to being part of two projects that are perfect fodder for hardcore fandom.

“I was very lucky that a lot of fans of Lord of the Rings came over to watch me in Lost and see if I was a one-hit wonder, and have kinda stayed with me and seem to enjoy the show. It’s not that different. I would say that Lord of the Rings fans are a little crazier than Lost fans; they’re a little stranger. In a good way. I embrace that strangeness. Everyone is just people.”

One of the most striking and wonderful scenes in Ringers has a Klingon using a convention “confessional” to declare his love of LOTR. Another amazing clip features a woman telling of selling her house in the U.S. to be able to travel to New Zealand for Return of the King’s premiere.

“You’ve gotta applaud the sheer lunacy and crazy kinda risk that it takes to do that,” Monaghan says. “I think you find often with human beings, when they believe in something with their entire being, then (sometimes) they fall flat on their faces, but the majority of the time it’s almost like the world is so happy that someone is that dedicated that it rewards them in a lot of ways.”

Ringers also looks at the ways fans channel their own creativity, from the woman who has retold LOTR using marshmallow figures to more — ahem — arousing fan fiction and fan art.

“We had some fun early days, Elijah and I, checking out a lot of the artistic renderings of Viggo and Orlando making out with each other, or me and Billy making out with each other, or Elijah and Sean. I don’t take it too seriously,” Monaghan says, referring to the boatloads of erotic art inspired by the movies.

Understanding the drive that fuels fans, Monaghan promises he’s not going to turn into obnoxious movie-star guy if an admirer wants to say hello.

“I never really had too much of a negative experience. If someone wants to say they like your work and enjoy what you do, you just have fun with it. I’m relatively open about who I am, I don’t tend to close myself off or hide behind baseball caps or sunglasses. I’ve had pretty bizarre offerings from people; people you don’t know inviting you back to their place. I don’t tend to get into anything too intense, but if someone’s in a bar or at a concert and they want to come say hello, it’s not going to ruin my evening, like some other people’s.”