Mikeal writes: This Wednesday, Sept. 6, 7 p.m., some Rivendellers & the Minnesota Tolkien Society set will assemble to meet and talk about things Tolkien with Katherine Kohman, who is visiting the area this week.
Ms. Kohman, A.K.A “Celevon Elensar” in the “TheOneRing.net” online community, is author of Lembas for the Soul: How the Lord of the Rings Enriches Everyday Life, Longtime Tolkien fan Renee “Arwen” Alper, is quoted about this book which contains “fifty deeply felt tales of newly forged friendships, courage and inspiration, joy and loss. Whether these Ringers personal stories make you laugh or move you to tears, you will likely recognize something of your own Lord of the Rings journey within these pages. It’s quite an accomplishment to create an entire world of magic. It’s another to see that world’s magic creating magic of its own in the real world. Lembas for the Soul is an amazing compilation of real life people who found their own magic through the writings of Prof. J.R.R. Tolkien. Included therein are some of the most poetic — and the most profound — illustrations of LOTR’s effects on its audiences, both literary and cinematic. Each story is unique, and yet connected to the others by the magic of Middle-earth. I couldn’t put it down! : Renee Alper, Founder/Head of The American Hobbit Association
The meeting will be held in the basement “undercroft” area of Epiphany Episcopal Church in St. Paul, MN 1636 Van Buren Ave. (651) 645-4466.
TORN Staffer MrCere writes: ATLANTA – Sleep is for babies. Food is for wimps. Rest is for later. DragonCon is on! Thursday felt like Friday in intensity and traffic and Friday felt like Saturday. D*Con is unmatched in its per-capita costumes and its per-costume crazyness.
TheOneRing.net was privledged to be back at the Con mixing with fans and helping to keep Tolkien fandom vibrant and relevant. While smaller than Comic-Con in San Diego it is much more concentrated between two main hotels with something for almost every interest in sci-fi, fantasy and even the rest of pop culture.
TORn was kept busy distributing prizes for those willing to roll some dice and claim free gift cards from SideshowCollectibles.com, LOTR prizes from SSC and TORn t-shirts. Across the ‘street’ in the fan-club area is the combined table of the Arms of Middle-earth and West of the Moon giving the Tolkien contingent a strong presence again.
The Tolkien track was lively and busy with a full day of programming of various interests but featuring Dr. Anne Petty who peeled back the often overlooked “Roverandum”. Perhaps the social highlight of the day was the Evening at Bree freaturing Emerald Rose, spirited dancing and a brilliant costume contest. My personal choice was the Tom Bombadil and his yellow boots and his fair bride Goldberry. The cleverness of a slightly more obscure costume was a stroke of greatness.
Admittedly, as the only TORn staffer present in an official capacity I was stretched too thin to hear and record the winners and I apologize! I am SURE some guest can give us the update. A gentleman dressed as the Eye of Sauron atop its black tower seemed to be the crowd favorite.
Anne Petty and I teamed up for a tribute to late TORn staffer Balin / Greg and many, many LOTR fans have expressed to me personally their own sense of loss. We raised our glasses to Balin and we remembered our friend. We also miss former track director Jincey and ‘do everything’ Sam who were the backbone of Tolkien fandom at D*Con for many years.
Those who have been to D*Con know that the favorite feature of the event is the fantastic socializing that takes place all over the Con. Social barriers fall as people make new friends and find old ones. Geeks (and I mean that in the best possible way!) dive deep into conversations about things only fandoms can appreciate. Tables of TORn chatters and TORn message boarders mixed and matched, talked and laughed, ate and snorted. And really, the fun never ends!
More to come and TORnados in attendance please send in your photos and reports! My view from the basement is limited and we need your help!
The Dragon is breathing fire already! New TORn gear!
ATLANTA – Its officially only the day before DragonCon but already things here in downtown Atlanta are a bit crazy. On a day when everything is about the check-in, costums are already a common sight, some tables are already set up and tonight in the Hyatt there was a well-attended impromptu drum circle. Cool!
Emerald Rose is warming up its drums and its pennywhistles since they will be playing at least three shows for various segments of the Con including the Tolkien’s Middle-earth Night at Bree.
TheOneRing.net is here to mix with fans and thanks to SideshowCollectibles.com, we have plenty of loot to hand out FREE! A tip of the cap to the folks at Sideshow for the free gift cards good for values between $10 and $100 on the website.
And, finally, TORn has a new shirt! This is a white one with navy writing that says, (drum roll please) “My House Elf is tall, blonde and proficient with is bow”. TORn will be giving away shirts of various styles from our ‘hall of fame’ while we sell the new style for $20 in sizes S – 2XL while supplies last.
The Tolkien’s Middle-earth track is going strong and Kiran Show has been spotted and photographed already with fans. So, again, the Dragon is waking up and the excitement starts in just a few hours!
TORN Staffer MrCere writes: DragonCon in Atlanta starts this weekend and as it has been for several years now, TheOneRing.net will be in the house! I will be at a fan table in the basement of the Marriott where we will be selling our new, but as yet unrevealed t-shirts. (Hint: it has a reference to elves from another currently popular fictional universe).
But besides supporting the not-for-profit TORn, every Lord of the Rings fan should come by the table and pick up a gift card from Sideshow Collectibles while supplies last. Each person attending the show can claim a card until my supply runs out and each card is worth between $10 and $100 on Sideshow’s in-stock supply. This includes several very cool Lord of the Ring items.
Each person wanting a prize will roll two dice and generate a number between 1 and 100. (2d10 for geeks like me). Every number is a winner but each day we will feature a “GRAND PRIZE” item from Sideshow that will astound and amaze your friends and neighbors if you win. Better still, Sideshow will ship the item directly to you at home so there will be no need to carry it away from Atlanta or lug it around the convention. We will also give away some TORn shirts and some grand but non-“GRAND PRIZE” LOTR items from SideshowCollectibles.com at the table each day for those lucky enough to roll specific numbers.
The Tolkien schedule is here and we are honored to have Friday’s annual “Evening at Bree” dedicated to our friend and staffer, the late Balin. See you at the show!
With Labour Day, we say farewell and godspeed to Frodo, Sam and Bilbo as THE LORD OF THE RINGS departs the Princess of Wales Theatre and sails away to the Uttermost West (the West End of London, that is).
The final Toronto performance of THE LORD OF THE RINGS will be this Sunday, Sept. 3… and that’s it; there will be no more; don’t believe your friends who’ve told you it will be held over; this is your last chance. And you can take that chance with tickets for a mere $20! That’s right; we’re extending the $20 offer into the final week of the show. It’s first-come, first-served for $20 tickets for Aug. 29 to Sept. 3, all performances! Seating is limited, so hurry.
E-Stagers only! Just call 416-872-1212 or 1-800-461-3333 and quote the discount code LABOUR0806. Telephone only, please.
TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Offer valid for performances on August 29 to Sept. 3 2006. All prices in Canadian dollars and includes 6% GST and $2.00 CIF. Seating is subject to availability. Offer is not valid on previously purchased tickets and cannot be combined with any other offers. Seating restrictions may apply. The producers hold the right to terminate the offer at any time. No refunds or exchanges. Not valid online or in person. SERVICE CHARGES APPLY. E&OE.
Where Many Paths and Errands Meet Presented by: ADC Publications Ltd Crossing Cottage, Todenham Road Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire GL56 9NJ Tel:01608-674620
Exhibition Preview Party Friday 22nd September 2006 7pm
The next JRR Tolkien inspired Art Exhibition is being held for 4 days from Saturday 23rd September 2006 at The Redesdale Hall, High Street, Moreton in Marsh, Gloucestershire.
The Exhibition will contain the largest ever display of the artwork (including new original pieces and new Limited Edition Prints) of the world renowned Tolkien Illustrator, Ted Nasmith who is in the UK for this exhibition and will be attending throughout. Ted Nasmiths art can also be seen online at www.adcbooks.co.uk.
In addition the Tolkien inspired artist Ruth Lacon will be exhibiting her artwork and attending throughout. Her wonderful style contrasts dramatically to that of Ted Nasmith and reflects a more mediaeval and eastern style.
This exhibition is an opportunity to meet the artists and discuss the styles, mediums, and effects and enjoy the large selection of art. There will also be large information and biographic displays on JRR Tolkien and the artists. Tolkien literature and antiquarian books, new books, memorabilia and games will also be on display.
The exhibition will also have a full program of Tolkien associated events bringing this experience to life, including live music (Tolkien song cycles), Readings, Quiz, Tour Guide and Educational Talks by Tolkien experts. A large live eagle will be in the hall daily (12-2pm). The Tolkien society will also be attending providing information on membership. (Highly recommended for Tolkien fans).
Entry is free and complimentary refreshments will be served, it should be a marvellous experience. The Redesdale Hall is a wonderful and large old building in the centre of Moreton in Marsh, oak panelled, stained glass and very atmospheric. Situated in the Heart of the Shire with nearby landmarks that inspired or involved JRR Tolkien, a free tour guide will give visitors the opportunity to discover The Rollright Stones (Barrow Downs), Broadway Tower, Dormston (Bag End), Buckland, Three Farthing Stone, Warwick (where Tolkien was married), Chipping Campden & Oxford.
Moreton in Marsh has free and easy parking, it is 30 minutes north of Oxford, 50 minutes from Birmingham, and around 90 minutes from London, the Redesdale Hall is a very short walk from the station on the London Paddington main line. We have many UK and overseas visitors attending and Hotel accommodation is going fast. I would recommend early booking at The Redesdale Arms Hotel (01608-650308), The Bell Inn (01608-651688) or the Manor House Hotel (01608-650501).