Oxonmoot 2006 Images
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Pippin Skywalker writes:

Dear Middle Earth Inhabitants,

I am herein endeavoring to give a faithful account of the spectacles and debacles that made up the wonderful Oxonmoot 2006. This year the event was held at Somerville college, a serenely beautiful 19th century college with beautiful gardens and shire like flowers growing everywhere. It was a very mild september weekend and wonderful for the events which were held in a tent set up in the main college quad. This tent known affectionately as the Marquis, served as one of the main locations of the lectures and festivities.

On Saturday there were a number of lectures given from different speakers from all over the world throughout the day. Jessica Yates, a lady who read English at Oxford University read us her paper on the Palantir. Some of things she mentioned and discussed were the changes Peter Jackson made from the book in omitting any adaptation of the scenes of Denethor’s palantir that are present in Tolkien’s story; this was apparently done to avoid repetition since Saruman had already haughtily flaunted his palantir thus ousting poor Denny from more dramatic screentime (alas!).

Another illustrious speaker at the event was a gentleman from Brittany, France–Jean Chausse. He is a part of the quiet yet ever present French Tolkien Society and gave an interesting talk on redemption as depicted in Tolkien’s work. Some of the discussions that went on concerned the characters who underwent a change and were redeemed and other such as Boromir who exhibited a more pagan sense of honor by covering his wrongs with his death (I do not fully agree with this, but I am merely reporting others thoughts here, so I will carry on. 🙂 ). Someone in the audience pointed out that Lobelia Sackville-Baggins, the crotchety relative of Frodo and Bilbo actually underwent a redemption process at the end of Return of the King. The suffering that she experianced under Saruman’s short lived tyranny transformed her into a much kinder and therefore much respected and love hobbit dame.

Overall,the discussion was a very interesting illumination on many of Tolkien’s characters and their changes of character and perspective. The portrayel of despair in LOTR was also a major theme that caused many interesting thoughts and questions to flower at the end of Chausse’s lecture–the different outcomes of despair in Denethor, Theoden, and Eowyn (the the latter mentioned by yours truly) were examined at some length. One of the great strengths of Oxonmoot is the delight of the speakers and attendees in picking good topics and questions and really appreciating the vast richness and depth of Tolkien’s themes and characters. I have rarely been disappointed in any of the lectures I have heard at these events and I highly reccomend them to any future attendees.

One thing I can definitively say about the members of the U.K. Tolkien Society is they certainly know how to have fun and do so in such a way that is both entertaining and intellectually stimulating. They are wonderful group of interesting, smart, and merry hobbits who love Tolkien and his works, and like hobbits are fond of good company and good fun. I will never forget the joy of dancing in Merry and Pippin’s Dance Workshop where 20 jolly souls waltzed around an Oxford quad with the alacrity and joy that Tolkien would have admired in hobbit dancing. Much merriment was also to be had at the annual Tolkien art slide show which is assured to make even the most mundanely morose Sackville-Baggins fall out of a chair laughing. I know I personally have not guffawed so heartily at the weird concoctions of some artists’ interpretations of Middle Earth and its citizens. It would make a humorous streaming video one day if the Tolkien Society would soften a little to minor media presence–eh Mr. Morgan? 😉

I attended the international Tolkien Society meeting where all the societies from around the world meet together to discuss major happenings with Tolkien’s estate, copyright issues, and the opening and closings of Tolkien societies. Countries present included Greece (ony 2 years old!), Israel, Germany, Norway, and New York (unofficially represented by myself–no worries Anthony and Jessica. 🙂 ). I hade never been to a meeting quite like this. I can only imagine what Tolkien would think of his fans coming together and discussing issues on societies devoted to his works with all the seriousness of the Parliament in Britain. 🙂 It was a very informative meeting however, and I learned much about the woes of international societies and the issues great and small that concern them. Saturday night was the main celebratory event devoted to singing, drama, and the most lively Middle Earth fashion show you could imagine! There elf maidens, an elf warrior, the ladies of WEST–ernesse (girls dressed in cowgirl outfits portraying people of Westerness far in the future!). There was even a female balrog–terrible to behold!

Sunday morning dawned and awakened many sleepy hobbits from their beds to go on a Tolkien walking tour. This was a lovely and serene experiance–the combination of history and the soft, quiet light of the early morning were a fair combination. After this everyone hopped on buses to attend the beautiful memorial service known as Enyalie at Wolvercote Cemetery. The sun was shining blithe and bright, everyone gathered near the Professors grave in song and a sweet rememberance. Many very poignent and moving stories were told of Tolkien’s life were told the most moving of which was the story of the death of Tolkien’s best friends in the war. Mr. Smith, one the last surviving member of Tolkien’s society of childhood friends from the TCBS was quoted before his death in the war as telling Tolkien how he would carry on the legacy of the other members after they had all died. Smith said to Tolkien he would continue to speak for the voices of all his fallen friends and would carry on the great tradition they had had together. Not long after the this last, beautiful letter, Mr. Smith was died of injuries from a shell that exploded near a sidewalk he passed. Tolkien, who contracted trench fever was spared an early death by his removal from the Somme to England. He awoke to clean sheets and a familiar setting much like Frodo awakened after his trials and terrors in the peace and beauty of Rivendell. After Tolkien recovered he would indeed continue the legacy of his friends and it was through their sacrifice, love, honor, and heroism that some of the greatest works of the 20th century were born. The blood of these great men of valor was not in vain–their strength and courage is remembered for all eternity by heaven and the beautiful characters and stories that Tolkien created in their honor. I firmly believe that is was not intellectual cleverness, nor knowledge, nor mere delight in imagination that made Tolkien’s works great–it was love, courage, and wisdom born out of suffering that made these stories immortal–the suffering of Tolkien’s friends and Tolkien himself. His works are a memorial not only to his dear friends but to the many men and women of honor who have died in the name of freedom and goodness. To quote Samwise Gamgee,they are an everlasting tribute to all that is good and worth fighting for in the world.

I hope you have enjoyed this report my dear hobbitlings. I write to you as one inspired and gladdened by the memories of wonderful people and wondeful weekend. I hope in the future some of my readers will perchance enjoy a lovely summer experiance at an Oxonmoot in the future. Cheers friends. 🙂

P.S. I would like to thank the following people for their time,kindness, and good company–Jean Chausse, P.T. Morgan, Tal Katz. It was a wonderful meeting all of you. 🙂

South Bend, IN September 2006 — It’s “One spoof to rule them all! according to Peter Lyon who designed and created the hero swords for Peter Jackson’s “Lord of the Rings” film trilogy.

The ambitious parody movie “The Dork of the Rings”, which was produced in the Michiana area and is being heralded internationally, will be shown on the I.U.S.B. campus in Wiekamp Hall, Room 1001 on Saturday, September 23 – 4:00 p.m. & 7:00 p.m.; Sunday, September 24 – 2:00 p.m.; Friday, October 6 – 7:00 p.m.; Saturday, October 7 – 4:00 p.m. & 7:00 p.m.; Sunday, October 8 – 2:00 p.m. Admission is $5.00 at the door.

The 100-minute film was produced in Indiana and Michigan over the last two and a half years by director Tim Richardson and his company Richardson Productions LLC in conjunction with Somehow Cinema. Richardson grew up in Granger, Indiana, is a current resident of Edwardsburg, Michigan and an I.U.S.B. alumnus. The screenings are sponsored by the I.U.S.B. Alumni Association. More information about the film can be found at www.dorkoftherings.com.

The story revolves around a young Throbbit, Frudo Buggins, who must stop the insidious Dork-mart corporation from taking over Muddle-earth with its endless franchises. The only way to do this is to deliver the One Ring of Circular Credit to Bank Boom to close Lord Mauron’s account and stop the evil empire from spreading. Pursued by Nosedrools and Sporks, Frudo is joined by his plump companion Ham, Randolf the Wizard, Gimpi the Dweeb, Legoblocks the Elfis, Arogant the Rangler, Princess Femowen and the annoying creature Scrottum.

The film held its World Premiere and two other screenings this August at the enormous GenCon convention in Indianapolis to packed audiences and a few weeks later it graced the big screen at the IMAX in Indianapolis, which was organized by Woodworks films. “The film is huge in its scope,” says filmmaker Gary Wood. “It’s not your normal low-budget, independent movie. It’s the perfect example of what you can accomplish if you don’t limit your vision to what you think you can accomplish and, rather, just go about accomplishing your vision–and limitations be damned!”

Over half the film was shot against a giant green screen sound stage Richardson’s crew constructed themselves. The post-production art team consisted of around 30 artists including digital artists, matte painters, sculptors, graphic designers, illustrators, animators and costume designers.

Michael Kouroubetes who co-wrote, produced, and acted in the film says, “It was kinda’ like a bonsai tree: looks great, but it takes a lot of patience to grow. We owe so much to ever evolving consumer level technology. Without the advent of terrific software and faster PC’s, this movie would’ve cost hundred’s of thousands more to make.”

Art Coordinator Ian Strandberg created many of the digital backgrounds and offered input to the wide variety of artists working on the project. “The task of making FX for ‘The Dork of the Rings’ is not about fooling the audience. Most audiences are too sophisticated to be hornswoggled by the likes of us. Rather, I look at the dork FX first as a matter of entertainment and second as a matter of suggesting that no matter how crazy something seems, it can be sold as a stylistic choice and not an anomaly of artistic temperament.”

The scriptwriting process began in January 2004 and the 18 days of principle photography followed that summer and fall. During the long post-production process, which included not only the digital effects but also re-dubbing all the actors’ voices and creating foley and sound effects, the cast and crew were also busy marketing the film.

The Dorks first traveled to TolCon in Seattle in 2005 where they previewed the film and also met Elijah Wood’s scale and stunt double from the trilogy, Kiran Shah, who they were able to recruit to do a comical introduction for the movie where he claims he auditioned for “Dork” but was rejected as the lead actor’s stunt double because he was “too tall.” Shah has been in many films and was seen most recently as the White Queen’s sleigh driver in “The Chronicles of Narnia.”

Since Tolcon, they’ve previewed behind the scenes footage and clips from the film at GenCon, Ring*Con in Germany, Dragon*Con in Atlanta, The Fellowship Festival in Toronto, ELF I & II in Orlando and New York and The One Ring Celebration in Pasadena just to name a few. At these conventions they’ve met with sword maker Peter Lyon and actors Sean Astin, John Rhys-Davies and Elijah Wood and talked up their dorky movie. Lyon gladly agreed to send copies of the movie directly to Weta Workshop head honcho Richard Taylor and hopefully director Peter Jackson himself.

Speaking of directors, in order to assist with the promoting of “Dork” the film’s “co-director” Jack Peterson (with his large girth, fuzzy beard and huge round glasses) has been making the rounds at these events interviewing stars such as Justin Long (“Accepted”), David Prowse (“Star Wars”) and Doc Hammer (“Venture Bros.”) for his online video reports. By shear brute force, he has pushed his way into semi-celebritydom, even appearing as a special guest on a Tolkien panel with Shah. ” You simply can’t miss me, ” say Peterson. “Elijah Wood told me I was awesome, and at over 300 pounds, he’s quite right.”

“The Dork of the Rings” was recently one of only three feature films to be selected for Dragon*Con in Atlanta, the country’s largest Sci-fi/fantasy/horror/pop culture convention held over Labor Day weekend. The film’s own Randolf the Wizard was a huge attraction at the event, garnering the actor numerous television and print interviews during his visit.

Now that he’s famous, actor David Kiefer who plays the doddering wizard Randolf says: “I can’t even eat a ham sandwich without someone coming up to me.” He’s been a big hit at all the conventions and his costume won him and his Indianapolis-based designer Janice Bennett the Staff Choice Award at GenCon 2005 in the costume competition.

Over 150 actors and crew came from all over to help on the film: Chicago, Peoria, Indianapolis, Louisville and all around South Bend. “Everyone was very excited about this project and I think they all had an awesome time on the set. It was cool to not have to worry about whether anyone was going to show up or not, as can be the cast in making indie movies where folks work for free, but everyone was very dedicated so I feel very blessed,” says Richardson.

Their original soundtrack was created by veteran film composer Mark D’Errico from Colorado whose score definitely captures the “Rings” flavor. They also recruited The Great Luke Ski to do a theme song for the movie. Ski is a Wisconsin-based comedy song performer who has been Dr. Demento’s most requested artist since 2000 and is best known for his hit song “Stealing Like a Hobbit,” a parody of Eminem’s “Cleanin’ Out My Closet.”

Pre-orders for the DVD have been pouring in at studio-style pace. The Dorks plan to enter the film in festivals and screen it at as many conventions as possible worldwide and their first scheduled international engagement is in Germany this November.

Just what Europe needs: More American Dorks.

The BFI IMAX plays host to two very special all-nighters of the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Peter Jackson’s hugely successful, Oscar-winning films will be available to see in their original theatrical 35mm versions for two nights only.

Friday 29 and Saturday 30 September

Boasting the biggest screen in Britain – the height of five double-decker buses – and a 12,000 watt digital surround sound system, the BFI IMAX is the only place to enjoy this fantastic trilogy.

Screening times are as follows:

21:00 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (PG) 178 mins
00:30 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (12A) 179 mins
04.00 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (12A) 201 mins

There will be a 30-minute break between each film and free teas and coffees will be provided throughout the night. Prize draws during the evening will all be part of the fun – and why not come dressed as your favourite character!

Snacks, sweets, soft and alcoholic drinks will be available for purchase.

How to book

Tickets are on sale now at £10.00 for one film, £15.00 for two films or £25.00 for the trilogy.

These tickets are not available to buy online. Please call the Box Office on 0870 787 2525 or pay us a visit.


Matt Blessing writes: I’m writing in hopes that you might be able to announce an opening presentation by Dr. Eduardo Segura, scheduled for Tuesday, September 26, at Marquette University in Milwaukee. Dr. Segura’s presentation is titled: “Tolkien, Lewis, and Hollywood: What Images Cannot Say.” A questions and answer session will follow the presentation.

Raynor Memorial Libraries
Tolkien, Lewis and Hollywood: What Images Cannot Say
Presented by Eduardo Segura

Professor of Aesthetics, Philosophy of Language, and Literature
Institutio De Filosofia Edith Sten (Granada, Spain)
Tuesday, September 26, 3:00 p.m.
Raynor Conference Center, B-C

Dr. Segura is the author of three books on J.R.R. Tolkien’s fiction and has translated numerous literary works to Spanish. All students, faculty, and staff are invited to attend this free lecture. Members of the general public are welcome, but must pre-register by calling (414) 288-5901.

An open letter to New Line and MGM –

Dear movie studio friends –

Welcome to the party! We – meaning fans of The Hobbit – have been sitting around waiting for you to show up since the minute The Return of the King ended at our local cinema and for many, perhaps longer than that. We have virtual balloons, streamers, banners, fireworks and of course, beer all prepared. We have just been waiting for you to arrive.

Variety makes it sound like a The Hobbit movie is going to happen and maybe relatively soon and as you may have guessed, we are thrilled. The little leaked tidbit – hidden in an MGM business story – poked the still very potent coals of the Lord of the Rings fandom. The heat that rests within these embers will glow white-hot for a good long time because the fires of passion for the works of J.R.R. Tolkien have been inspiring readers (and movie-goers) since there was only one World War. This bit of news gives us a little fuel for the fire, so thanks!

It is difficult for a studio or individuals in a studio to understand the real passion that readers have for the literary works of J.R.R. Tolkien. Thanks to the vision of New Line Cinema and the work of Peter Jackson and his team, a whole new audience of impassioned fans was created. The films were adopted into popular culture to a degree not witnessed since the days when George Lucas shocked the world. We know you noticed this. You saw it at the box office; you saw it on MTV, at award shows, at the toy and poster aisles at Wal-Mart and everywhere else.

But you may not understand that we are far more than a gaggle of ear-wearing fanatics – as short-cut journalists often like to portray us. We are school teachers and we use Tolkien in the classroom. We are computer programmers and website developers. We work in Hollywood, we are opera singers, we are environmental scientists, we are students, we are accountants, we are readers; we are everybody and everything, but we are bound together by a love for the works of J.R.R. Tolkien.

So while New Line and MGM hold the rights to make and distribute The Hobbit we feel that we own it too. It is our story too. For many of us it has been an old friend for decades now. Not only is it part of our childhood, it is part of our adolescence and our adulthood. So, take good care of our story and we know – from decades of experience and lots of readings – our story will take good care of you. If you trust it, so will its fans. Trust the story.

While it does come down to that ultimately, we have so much more to say to you here in the infancy of the film. Please listen.

And by the way, we know you better than you might think. We may not know the day-to-day realities of movie studio business in Hollywood (and like how to make sausage, we don’t want to know) but at the very least we have a sense, as consumers, of who you are. Few LOTR film-fans don’t have a soft spot for New Line Cinema. We know the story of Robert Shaye saying “Why only two films?” to Peter Jackson when the films’ ultimate fate hung in the balance. We remember well the perception in 2000 when ‘the fate of New Line’ hung in the balance, again according to those short-cut media types. We also know you are home to Freddy Kruger and we were tickled when your Snakes On A Plane was all the internet rage. New Line means something to us.

And MGM, old friend, we admire you as well. Your lion and towering presence in Hollywood’s history can’t be missed. We are also aware of the business of being bought and sold and we have even visited your theme parks and casinos. While fantasy films aren’t exactly your biggest staple, we surely are giving you the benefit of the doubt.

Let me be clear that I don’t presume to speak for all fans and I couldn’t with any authority because we never all got together and took a vote on anything but I think, from my frequent and quality interactions with many other fans, that I can speak in broad terms and represent a sizeable segment of fandom.

So first things first, would somebody please call Peter Jackson? Now! Today! New Line and PJ still have this sticky lawsuit left over from the LOTR films so we are a bit concerned. Jackson has made it very clear, over and over, even again this week, that he has not yet been invited to the table to have Hobbit discussions. Let the lawyers handle the lawsuit and please, please, get the creative folks together immediately. And by the way, when we say “Peter Jackson” we actually mean Jackson, Fran Walsh, Philippa Boyens and Richard Taylor and even include conceptual artists Alan Lee and John Howe. Taylor and his Weta Workshop are the gold-standard in the effects industry these days and not just among LOTR fans. Did you see the visuals in King Kong? Actually, we know you did.

It was Taylor’s crew, empowered by Jackson, who made us believe so strongly that we did indeed see Middle-earth – the same one we read about – on the screen. Tolkien purist-scholars and critics of Jackson’s films can find fault, but can’t touch the images that felt like home to most of us. We realize “Jackson” comes as a package with Weta and Boyens and Walsh, but it is still is worth mentioning. We want the old gang back to make a film that feels like it fits right with the others. It should organically feel the same but you already know that, right?

Still, having said all that, The Hobbit isn’t The Lord of the Rings. Fans will not be looking for even bigger battles or another ‘even more epic’ quest. Resist the idea that there should be even more special special effects and if 100,000 orcs are grand then 200,000 is magnificent. For us, it is the character and heart that will lend this film magic and make it majestic. And while we are addressing characters, please don’t Disneyfy the dwarves. We want our Thorin Oakenshield brave and valiant (if a bit greedy) and we have had our fill of dwarf jokes. And don’t try to simplify the story by cutting a few out. For this story and this audience, that just will not fly.

It goes without saying that Sir Ian McKellen must return as Gandalf and our Gollum must be Andy Serkis, without a doubt. Casting for Elrond should also be finished and if I were producing I would ask Orlando Bloom to walk through the screen during the battle of five armies. Remember that Cate Blanchett and Martin Csokas sit on the White Counsel. In short, give us the Middle-earth, and its inhabitants, that we already know. Save the fresh perspectives and ‘new take on Tolkien’ for the 20 hour HBO mini-series called “The Silmarillion” or the inevitable and even welcome remake in ten years. Oh and don’t let us hear that you haven’t read The Quest of Erebor.

Just in case you wondered, ‘Star Power’ is a pointless exercise for this film so please doesn’t feel the need to drop a Tom Cruise into the cast. The only ‘name’ needed on the marquee is The Hobbit. (Although Clive Owen as Bard does sound brilliant!) Cast the perfect actors, not the perfect marketing strategy.

Another issue for fans is trust. We realize the whole internet-looking-into-films makes studios nervous, but don’t treat us like the enemy because we are anything but that. We are the best marketing tool you can hope to have and the only pay we require is some respect, trust and inclusion. Keep us informed and let us have a voice, even if you don’t agree or follow our suggestions. We don’t want to tell anybody how to make a film, but it might be wise to consider our opinions and take our counsel before some decisions are made. Consider us a collective advisor. We are the scouts that don’t need to know the battle plan, but who are uniquely positioned to report on the landscape. Treat our internet reporters as the legitimate news hounds they are and as we demonstrate our fairness and accuracy and ethics (and I don’t mean reporting-as-directed or pandering) give us the same access that you give traditional media. When media gather for a press junket we hope for the same invites, access and courtesy.

A final point: this ‘two movie’ phrase has us a little divided. Some see the possibility of the story being properly told over two films while others see the dangers of stretching a plot so thin that it gets distorted and padded. Again we ask you to trust the source and serve the story first, however that happens. If it takes two films to tell the story as well as it can be told, then we will enthusiastically support two films.

In short, trust Jackson, trust us and above all, trust the story.

Larry D. Curtis

What better way to make fun of the whacky and over-abundant LOTR merchandising than a Mariachi Sing-Along? This crowd-pleasing segment appeared in the award-winning indie documentary RINGERS: LORD OF THE FANS, and now the original, authentic toys and props used in the film are offered on eBay! Check out the Sing-Along from the film (Quicktime required) and throw down your bids to own a piece of indie film history.

Check out this sequence from the film (Quicktime required) and join the auctions!

Small file [100kps]
Large file [800kps]

The entire series of RINGERS eBay auctions are found here:

Gandalf the Grey BURGER KING Toy
VINTAGE Ralph Bakshi Aragorn Finger Puppet
GERMAN Kinder Egg Elrond Toy
GERMAN Kinder Egg Eomer Toy
VERY UNUSUAL Gandalf Diet Coke / McDonald’s Hat Pin
Lurtz Toy Biz Action Figure
Applause ‘Screaming’ Nazgul Coin Bank