Episode 1: “In the Beginning” will be posted online Friday, October 14th at 11am Eastern.

“Four Tanks and a Healer” is a funny, two-part series created by filmmaker Larry Longstreth (“The Long, Slow Death of a Twenty-Something”, “Batman’s Gonna Get Shot in the Face”) under the watchful eye of “Lord of the Rings” executive producer, Mark Ordesky. The pilot episodes were created in the hopes that they will one day result in a full-fledged series. Watch the Trailer here.

“Four Tanks and a Healer” is an Adult Swim-style look at the lives these people live, from the sole perspective of their in-game characters. Taking place entirely inside an online roleplaying video game, the series follows a group of misfit gamers as they venture across fantastic landscapes and epic quests, all from the comfort of their real-life computer chairs. Continue reading “This Friday! TheOneRing.net Presents: Four Tanks and a Healer”

In what must be the easiest convention scavenger hunt contest ever, TheOneRing.net and the gang at ‘Hobbit in 5’ bring you ‘Spot Simone’. The rules? Easy! Be on the lookout for our lovely and talented Host Simone Boyce and snap your photo with her. Tweet it out using the hashtag #Spotsimonenycc and don’t forget to include us using ‘@theoneringnet’ and you’re in to win! What’s up for grabs? A selection of LOTR posters and other goodies from the WBShop (WBShop.com) and some other really great secret prizes!

So be on the lookout for our ‘Hobbit in 5’ host, Simone, while she’s geeking out with the rest of you, they’re even planning a special location shoot of this week’s ‘Hobbit in 5’ at the convention! So like the graphic says ‘Spot, Snap, Tweet and Win!’.

*Programming Change to 5:30pm PDT* Welcome Ringer fans! For today’s installment of TORn TUESDAYS (our weekly streaming video call-in show) we are thrilled to bring you an exclusive LIVE interview with legendary fantasy author Peter S. Beagle — co-scripter of the Ralph Bakshi 1978 LORD OF THE RINGS animated epic and author of THE LAST UNICORN — ahead of his appearance alongside TheOneRing.net at New York Comic-Con! We will converse on many Hobbity things, but expect a *huge announcement* or two for LAST UNICORN fans especially. You can interact live and pose your  questions to Mr. Beagle in our Barliman’s chatroom, built-in to our LIVE event section at 5:30PM Pacific Daylight Time! [LIVE Event Area] (TORn Tuesday will take place from approx 5:30-7pm PT – See All Times)

TheOneRing.net proudly presents an exclusive special LIVE interview with Hugo and Nebula Award-winning author of “The Last Unicorn,” Peter S. Beagle, tomorrow Oct. 11th, on our weekly show TORn Tuesdays! Hosted by long-time staffer Clifford Broadway, aka Quickbeam, we bring Peter directly to the fans in a most innovative way! Expect BIG ANNOUNCEMENTS and intimate conversation with this beloved author and friend to Ringers around the world, ahead of his appearance at New York Comic-Con. Fans may participate and interact live,  posing questions in our Barliman’s chatroom. Check out the broadcast in our LIVE event section at 5:00PM Pacific Time! [LIVE Event Area] (TORn Tuesday will take place from approx 5-7pm PT – See All Times)

TheOneRing.net has an exciting LIVE show today for TORn Tuesdays! Hosted by long-time staffer Clifford Broadway, aka Quickbeam, we will have an exclusive conversation with star-designers from Fantasy Flight Games’ HOT bestselling “Lord of the Rings Living Card Game,” Nate French and Lucas Litzsinger! Expect REVEALS OF EXCITING NEW CARDS, and in-depth conversation with our guests on the challenges of adapting Tolkien, which so many artists must face. You can participate too — interacting live and posing questions in our Barliman’s chatroom. Check out the broadcast in our LIVE event section at 5:00PM Pacific Time! [LIVE Event Area] (TORn Tuesday will take place from approx 5-7pm PT – See All Times)