We’re ecstatic today to be announcing a new feature on TheOneRing.net called ‘Hobbit in 5’. ‘Hobbit in 5’ brings you the latest news and rumors from TheOneRing.net in a convenient 5 minute HD video for you to digest and pass along to your friends! Check out the first episode and press release below, be sure to check back every Friday for a new episode. Subscribe to the YouTube channel and never miss a segment!

Press Release:
TheOneRing.net and Galatia Films Come Together to Produce Unique Online Experience with ‘Hobbit in 5’
All the news of TheOneRing.net condensed into 5 minute video segments available on all platforms.

January 24th, 2011 – TheOneRing.net and Galatia films have joined forces to produce ‘Hobbit in 5’, a weekly video series of Hobbit movie news.

“The staff at TheOneRing.net have been eager to get news out to as many people as possible, producing original online videos and hosting them on YouTube is the best way of going about it” says Michael Regina, editor-in-chief and co-founder of TheOneRing.net. “The video format provides a unique experience to our fan base, while new viewers can easily catch up with the latest news about The Hobbit Movie”. Galatia Films spokesman and Reclaiming the Blade director Daniel McNicoll co-produces the series with Regina. Continue reading “TheOneRing.net and Galatia Films Present: ‘Hobbit in 5’”

Cliff ‘Quickbeam’ Broadway and Justin Sewell from Slave Boy Films have produced a series of great podcasts for TheOneRing.net over the years. We have finally gotten around to gathering them all together in our newly opened ‘TORN TV’ channel on YouTube, take a look!

We posted this video back in November, but it certainly deserves a replay. Our friends at TreeTopMedia have produced a stunning video showcasing New Zealand’s amazing landscapes. This was initially done to impress upon the world how important it was for The Hobbit to remain in New Zealand. However during the middle of the shoot the good word came down that The Hobbit was indeed staying in NZ, so the video morphed into a loving tribute to New Zealand. Take a look, and keep an eye out on more exclusive content from TreeTopMedia and TheOneRing.net in New Zealand!

J.W. Braun is back with another book review, this time he’s reviewing Sean Astin’s autobiography ‘There and Back Again: An Actor’s Tale’. Be sure to bookmark TORN’s updated YouTube channel lovingly called ‘TORN TV‘.