We have much to celebrate at TheOneRing.net as our intrepid reporter MrCere arrives today in the heart of New Zealand to visit THE HOBBIT set; and our show today will likewise cover some exciting territory! Come re-live the wild animation of the 70’s on our *live* webcast today (affectionately known as TORn TUESDAY!).  We will explore the works of animation trailblazer RALPH BAKSHI and consider his contributions to “The Lord of the Rings” history. We look forward in time as well, anticipating the newest wizard of Middle-earth to arrive, and so sink our teeth into Quickbeam’s recent editorial “Where Exactly Art Thou, Radagast?”   As always, you can join the *live* chat today and present your questions to show host Clifford Broadway (Quickbeam)! Today’s webcast launches at 5:00pm PDT — There’s a built-in Barliman’s chat room or come in via Skype in TheOneRing.net’s Stickam page. Check out our LIVE Event section right here every week! [LIVE Event Area] (See All Times)

We are proud to announce fantasy-film legend DOUG JONES will be our special guest *live* today on TORn TUESDAY!  Doug is famously known as Guillermo del Toro’s right-hand-man and favorite character actor — with consummate physical skill that shines through tons of effects make-up, Doug has brought the most phantasmagorical creatures to life! His credits include Abe Sapien (HELLBOY), Pan and the terrifying Pale Man (PAN’S LABYRINTH), and Marvel’s Silver Surfer (FANTASTIC 4), among many others! Doug will share his amazing stories of working with del Toro (and his “almost-but-not-quite” moment with THE HOBBIT) and tell us about the newly released “Mime Very Own Book,” featuring his remarkable double-jointed work. Join the *live* chat today and present your questions to Doug! Today’s webcast launches at 5:00pm PDT — There’s a built-in Barliman’s chat room or come in via Skype in TheOneRing.net’s Stickam page. Check out our LIVE Event section right here every week! [LIVE Event Area] (See All Times)

Join us LIVE at 5pm PDT tonight as TORn TUESDAY host Clifford Broadway, aka Quickbeam, and producer Justin Sewell join forces to explore in-depth the (mostly) revealing video production diaries that have been posted by Peter Jackson as THE HOBBIT continues apace! There’s more than meets the eye as we inspect freeze frames and see the nitty-gritty of what PJ is up to! Today’s live webcast launches at 5:00pm PDT — There’s a built-in Barliman’s chat room or come in via Skype in TheOneRing.net’s Stickam page. Check out the broadcast in our LIVE Event section right here every week! [LIVE Event Area] (See All Times)

If you have a Tolkien/Middle-earth inspired poem you’d like to share, then send it to poetry@theonering.net. One poem per person may be submitted each month. Please make sure to proofread your work before sending it in. TheOneRing.net is not responsible for poems posting with spelling or grammatical errors.

Welcome to the first “Getting to know…” questions that need answering.  It’s based on the old Getting to know you threads that I used to post on the message boards here, so those familiar with them will know that the questions can be a little crazy and the answers even crazier.

This month we’re asking questions of our favourite Ent, and Host of TORn Tuesday, Quickbeam.

Once again, thank you for agreeing to take part in all of this Quickbeam.

Me: Remembering, of course, that your beautiful kitty passed on just before you left for “Where the Stars are Strange“. Do you have any cats or other pets?

Quickbeam: Ah yes, that was a blow. I remember very clearly how I wanted to just “close up shop” when my little feline friend died. The thought of pleasurable vacationing in New Zealand seemed out of bounds, but obviously I went. Perhaps that is a normal response for anyone who has taken guardianship of an animal… those are the bonds of love that are peculiarly the strongest. The idea then came to me of how I might be sharing my unique trip to Middle-earth with the spirit of my lost friend. Somehow it was therapeutic and indulgent at the same time.

Continue reading “Getting to know Quickbeam”

If you have a Tolkien/Middle-earth inspired poem you’d like to share, then send it to poetry@theonering.net. One poem per person may be submitted each month. Please make sure to proofread your work before sending it in. TheOneRing.net is not responsible for poems posting with spelling or grammatical errors.

Earlier tonight Sean Astin (Samwise Gamgee) appeared on Access Hollywood to promote his special dedications for the upcoming L.A. Marathon and show his #run3rd hashtag-inspired running shirt. Check out the clip here.  Just a few short weeks ago Sean happily showed Ringer fans at TheOneRing.net a sneak-peak when he joined our live weekly webcast TORn TUESDAYS with Cliff Broadway. Sean treated us to stunningly cool movie props and authentic costumes from the LOTR trilogy and talked enthusiastically about running and training. Check out the TORn TUESDAY archive on our Live Event page where we start talking about marathons about an hour in.

Follow Sean Astin on Twitter.
Visit the official Sean Astin website.
Find out more about Sean Astin’s Run3rd special project.

TheOneRing.net is delighted to host Sean Astin tonight for a LIVE event! He will be joining our own Cliff “Quickbeam” Broadway on TORn Tuesday this week for a one-hour Q&A session!

Sean will be talking about his latest projects — including his special endurance/fitness project Run3rd to promote the sport of running as he gears up to run his third LA Marathon. (If you’re already curious, hit up his official Twitter account!)

Plus, he’ll be answering your questions! If you’re wondering how it all works, and how to submit a question for Sean, please read on below! Continue reading “Don’t forget – TORn Tuesday hosts Sean Astin LIVE Tonight!”