Update: You missed it! But don’t worry – tune in next Tuesday at 6-7pm PT!
Join in the fun with TORn Tuesday! This LIVE event will be hosted by long-time staffer Clifford Broadway, aka Quickbeam, and will feature non-stop discussion about the words and works of J.R.R. Tolkien. Cliff will be interacting live with our Barliman’s chatroom and will, of course, discuss the latest happening related to Peter Jackson’s Hobbit films. Check out the broadcast in our LIVE event section now! [LIVE Event Area] (TORn Tuesday will take place from approx 6-7pm PT – See All Times)
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Our guests next week may not be exactly LOTR themed but we’re pumped about them anyway! Join us as we chat with ‘Attack of the Show’ co-host and the hottest nerd ever to grace the cover of ‘Maxim’, Olivia Munn! Later in the show we’ll be chatting with Robert Schneider from the indie band ‘The Apples in Stereo‘. Keep an ear out for the latest news from TheOneRing.net and beyond. Join us April 25th at 2PM Eastern on BlogTalkRadio.com.
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This weekend we’re happy to bring back Hercules the Strong from Ain’t it Cool News.com. Herc is celebrating his 10 years on AICN and will be sharing his most memorable moments with us! Also on tap is ‘Hobbit Tea’ makers the good folks from Mint Brook Meadow Tea, they will share the art of making Hobbit Teas with us! Join us on Sunday April 11th at 2PM Eastern on BlogTalkRadio.com!
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Our pal Carlene Cordova writes: According to George R.R. Martin’s “Not a Blog” the latest Calendar of paintings of locations from his “Song of Ice and Fire” fantasy series will be illustrated by none other than LOTR illustrator Ted Nasmith. According to Martin’s website, the calendar will be debuting from publisher Bantam Spectra at this year’s San Diego Comic-Con in July.
For fans of Westros and other “Ice and Fire” environs, this series is currently in production with HBO starring Sean Bean. (But you already knew that…) I’m sure that Ted Nasmith isn’t the last LOTR alum to hop onboard this blockbuster fantasy series! Here’s the link with pictures. More..
TheOneRing.net Radio Show had Ted Nasmith as a guest on the show, take a listen to the show here!
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We’re pleased to have author Tad Williams on the show this weekend! Tune into TheOneRing.net Radio Show on BlogTalkRadio at 2pm Eastern for your chance to chat with Tad! Be sure to check out our BlogTalkRadio page and set yourself a reminder for this Sunday at 2pm!
From tadwilliams.com: Tad Williams has held more jobs than any sane person should admit to—singing in a band, selling shoes, managing a financial institution, throwing newspapers, and designing military manuals, to name just a few. He also hosted a syndicated radio show for ten years, worked in theater and television production, taught both grade-school and college classes, and worked in multimedia for a major computer firm. He is cofounder of an interactive television company, and is currently writing comic books and film and television scripts as well as novels.
Tad and his wife, Deborah Beale, live in the San Francisco Bay Area with their children and far more cats, dogs, turtles, pet ants and banana slugs than they can count.
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We’re pleased to have internationally acclaimed artist Ted Nasmith on the show this weekend! Tune into TheOneRing.net Radio Show on BlogTalkRadio at 2pm Eastern for your chance to chat with Ted and ask him questions about anything from his love of LOTR, to his long history on the Tolkien calendar and more! Be sure to check out our BlogTalkRadio page and set yourself a reminder for this Sunday at 2pm!
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