Ringer Morgan tells us that Daniel Reeve the calligrapher and mapmaker from The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit will be signing copies of his maps and chatting about his involvement in the films at the Weta Cave in Miramar (Wellington) this Sunday.
As well, Weta conceptual designer Greg Broadmore will be signing copies of his over-the-top steampunk extravaganza Dr Grordbort presents: TRIUMPH — unnecessarily violent tales of science fiction adventure for the simple and unfortunate on next Wednesday. Apparently there will be “a splendid high tea” as well. Entry is free.
In true retro-steampunk style, Broadmore’s alter-ego Dr Grordbort has declared: “attendance compulsory on penalty of flogging!”. Be there, or be on the run I guess!
Weta Cave artist signing details:
Daniel Reeve: Sunday July 22, 1pm to 3pm.
Greg Broadmore: Wednesday July 25, 6pm to 7pm.
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Today via a special newsletter the artisans at Weta have announced they will be producing many types of collectibles based on Peter
Jackson’s adaptation of The Hobbit. According to the newsletter the license covers both films of which The Hobbit is being split into with some of these items being on display at Comic-Con in just a little over a month. Obviously, this is very good news for fans of Middle-earth and we will make sure you get tons of pictures of anything Weta has at Comic-Con.
Read the full newsletter here: Weta Announces The Hobbit Collectibles license
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The folks at Weta dropped big news on Ringers today with the announcement of their next The Lord of the Rings environment. In their own words they’ve decided to climb the Mount Everest of environments…that’s right fans… we’re going to get a chance to own Barad-Dur, made by those that conceptualized and created it for the trilogy. Over the next few months Weta will be giving us updates on the creation of this massive undertaking, and of course we will pass those updates onto you as they become available. Stay Tuned! Until then check out the latest Weta Newsletter!
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THERE AND BACK: today on our *Live* webcast TORn TUESDAY, our intrepid host Clifford “Quickbeam” Broadway has just returned from New Zealand where many magical things were witnessed ON THE ACTUAL SET OF THE HOBBIT, but secrecy abounds! Be tantalized and teased with a unique 1st person account of travels to the real Middle-earth! We also pay tribute to our fallen friend and Memorial Day remembrance for our brave heroes abroad. Come join the show via Stickam (account “theoneringnet”) using your own Skype login or via our Live Event Page with our unique Barliman’s chat embedded in the show!
Tune into our show at 5:00pm PDT (that’s L.A. time folks — click here to see when it is in your city!), and just click to our Live Event page.
If you have a Tolkien/Middle-earth inspired poem you’d like to share, then send it to poetry@theonering.net. One poem per person may be submitted each month. Please make sure to proofread your work before sending it in. TheOneRing.net is not responsible for poems posting with spelling or grammatical errors.
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“Who now has the strength to stand against the armies of Isengard and Mordor? To stand against the might of Sauron and Saruman and the union of the Two Towers?”
– Saruman to Sauron during The Two Towers
At Comic-Con 2011 the folks at Weta announced and displayed the newest environment to land in our collections. Then
on July 31st 2011 this amazing collectible went up for pre-order to those wishing to purchase this collectible. If you were one of the first 400 people to order Orthanc, you would end up with a numbered addition, and a special gold-plated Eye of Sauron pin commemorating the day of sale. Originally, this collectible was named Orthanc Pre-Ruin but Weta and TheOneRing.net teamed up to give it an even cooler name. The winning name chosen by Weta was Orthanc – Black Tower of Isengard. This version of Orthanc shows this place as we see it when Gandalf the Grey arrives to talk with Saruman upon realizing that The One Ring has been found. This memorable moment has been amazingly captured by Weta. Follow after the break for my complete review.
Continue reading “Collecting The Precious – Weta Workshop’s Orthanc – Black Tower of Isengard”
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The Weta Cave, will be hosting a celebration of Obscura Day, an international celebration of unusual places, this Saturday, April 28. If you’re lucky enough to be in Wellington that day, this is a ‘must attend’ event! But, arrive early as space is first come, first served.
From our friends at the Weta Cave: The Weta Cave, an emporium of all things weird and wonderful, is proud to host Weta Artist Steven Saunders for a talk on the process behind Weta sculpture. Weta Workshop is the extraordinary visual design company best known for their work on the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, King Kong, The Chronicles of Narnia, and Avatar. The Weta Cave is Weta’s mini-museum, theaterette, and shop on a corner of the Workshop itself. Artist Steven Saunders will give a special Obscura Day talk taking you through the sculpting process behind Wetas new Gandalf sculpture. Not to be missed, this talk will provide unique insights into creative processes and into fantasy art from the sculptures perspective. Read More …
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