San Diego Comic Con 2015 is now in the books, let’s do a little recap for any all things related to Tolkien fandom and TORn. The TORn panel, titled “What’s next for Tolkien Fans?” was on Friday afternoon, and directly after the panel we had our annual Tolkien themed Cosplay photo Op, as seen in the first photo.
The panel itself began at 4pm, but without the snazzy little visual presentation we normally have. The laptop that the presentation was on, and had been operating just 2 hours earlier, decided it was taking the afternoon off. Apparently it helped the panel move along at a quicker pace, leaving plenty of room for questions at the end. So, what was discussed in the panel, what IS next for Tolkien fans? Continue reading “TORn’s SDCC 2015 wrap us”
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We’re delighted to bring you an excerpt from Cinefex‘s forthcoming behind-the-scenes account of The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies.
Joe Fordham’s 26-page feature in Cinefex 141 includes in-depth interviews with the film’s effects artists — and Peter Jackson — and is accompanied by 28 behind-the-scenes photos and frame clips from the movie. Many of them are exclusive to Cinefex.
Here’s a teaser exclusively for readers: Continue reading “Sneak-preview: go behind-the-scenes on The Battle of the Five Armies with Cinefex Issue 141”
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TORn staffers Ashlee Rose Scott and Greg Barrett were among TORn’s official photographers for The One Last Party at the Hollywood Post 43 of The American Legion. They took more than 2,500 photos of all the action on the night, but here’s a handful of teasers to tide you over while we sort out the very best.
Also very quickly, on behalf of, I’d like to again thank all the Indiegogo supporters and sponsors who helped make the party possible. Whether you contributed $1 or $1,000, or even simply told folks about our campaign on social media, this party could not have happened without your belief and backing! We hope everyone who attended had a ball, and that those who weren’t able to make it had fun watching our live stream.
We do still have some Indiegogo perk fulfillment to complete, and for those waiting on perks, we’ll be in touch soon to let you know what’s happening there.
In the meantime, enjoy these great teaser stills from the party!
Continue reading “Check out 24 fabulous teaser images from The One Last Party”
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There is a lot to write about and our staff is spread pretty thin these days, but this article about Weta Digital and what some of the processes were for “The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies,” is just too good to miss.
Here is a taste:
The new tools implemented for the film included the real-time lighting software Gazebo, technology in development two years ago (see “Shaping Middle-earth,” January/February 2013), new rendering software called Manuka, and a new virtual production pipeline. The scale of shots with the armies made their implementation necessary. Continue reading “Going deep with Weta Digital”
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The Art of Film Magic – 20 Years of Weta delves into the incredible work of the folks at Weta Workshop and Weta Digital, and how they’ve built Weta into one of the world’s leaders when it comes to making movies amazing. If you been thinking about grabbing this two-book set, here’s your chance to add it to your collection.
We’re teaming up with our friends at HarperCollins to give away a copy. Continue reading “Collecting The Precious – The Art of Film Magic – 20 Years of Weta Contest”
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Now that the last of The Hobbit Trilogy has been released with early showings tonight the many tie-in products are starting to hit the shelves. One of these is the next in the amazing set of production books on these movies by our friends at Weta Workshop, which have all been published by our friends at HarperCollins.
The next book in this series is The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies Chronicles: Art & Design, which covers just a portion of the amazing insider details that it took to bring this movie to the big screen. You can order this fantastic book right now from HarperCollins for a special price right now of $33.75 to give to your favorite Tolkien fan for the holidays.
Join us in Los Angeles in February at The One Last Party
We’re hosting a Party of Special Magnificence next February — a final toast to all SIX movies, both The Lord of the Rings trilogy and The Hobbit trilogy.
We’re inviting you to join us and make it happen through our Indiegogo campaign — so we can all celebrate Peter Jackson’s Middle-earth movies together!
Visit our campaign page and find out how you can help!
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