Well, that was a surprise.
Even following our spy report last week that Warner Bros. (via New Line) had registered a new title for its trilogy of Hobbit films, I thought it unlikely they actually would follow through and make a change.
Mostly because There And Back Again seemed too established as a name and it seemed a bit irrational to toss away all that brand recognition.
On the other hand, it’s almost inarguable those two words The Hobbit are the true key that deliver all that goodwill (in an accounting sense) toward the films. And Warner Bros, with nothing more than the announcement of a mid-stream title change, have just scored the film millions of dollars worth of free editorial. That’s gold for any marketer.
Continue reading “How There and Back Again became The Battle of the Five Armies. And why.”
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A little bird from Warner Bros. whispered some very exciting news to us that could benefit a lot of people, including a few Hobbit fans. On Thursday, April 24 in West Hollywood, there will be a charity fundraising event with a very cool live and silent auction, including vacation packages to places like Hawaii and New Zealand. Running parallel to the live auction is an online auction that includes 2 VIP tickets to “The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies” premiere in New York, currently scheduled for December 8. This is not a full travel package, just the actual passes to see the film and attend the after party. The charity is called ‘L.A. Family Housing’ and aims to assist families out of homelessness and poverty and on the road recovery. You can read more about them below:
The mission of L.A. Family Housing (LAFH) is to help families transition out of homelessness and poverty through a continuum of housing enriched with supportive services. LAFH provides housing and social services to 3,500 children and adults each year. Learn More at: http://www.lafh.org
LAFH is gearing up for another great event – their annual fundraiser – on April 24, 2014, and will honor Los Angeles County Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky as well as the individuals and corporations who have contributed to eradicating homelessness and poverty in Los Angeles. More than 500 prominent community, business and entertainment industry leaders are in attendance; the event sells to capacity each year and features a signature cocktail reception with hors d’oeuvres and food stations hosted by renowned chefs, a celebrity red carpet, entertainment and auction. Funds raised help us make a difference in the lives of our community’s most vulnerable families and children.
Charitybuzz is proud to host an exclusive number of auction items as an extension of the live and silent auctions conducted at the event to help raise much needed funds for this amazing cause. Buy tickets and learn more about the event below. The Hobbit premiere ticket auction can be found here: http://www.charitybuzz.com/support/lafh
So whether you are a local in LA and able to attend this big ticket charity shindig, or in some far flung area and only able to participate in the online auction, know that it goes to a deserving charity.
greendragon notes: Looking at the date for this premiere in NYC, it seems unlikely to be the World Premiere, which will probably be a little earlier. Best guess is that this will be the American premiere; no word yet as to where the actual World Premiere of The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies will be. My money’s on London…
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Our earlier post suggesting a baker’s dozen of alternative titles for The Hobbit: There And Back Again proved quite the hit.
And because so many of you tossed in even more brilliant suggestions, we thought we might as well do a sequel.
Studios do it, so why not us? Continue reading “Another thirteen possible titles for The Hobbit: There And Back Again”
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And so is TORn. Wondercon runs all three days of the Easter weekend here in Anaheim, California, just across the street from Disneyland. In fact, everyone outside was treated to Disneyland’s nightly fireworks celebration, Gandalf would have been proud. If you are coming to Anaheim this weekend for Wondercon, please remember to stop by our booth #1504, we nearly sold out of today’s supply of our Exclusive WonderCon Dragon shirt. More are coming on Saturday, don’t miss out, these shirts will never be sold anywhere else.
There have been some very last minute surprise guests announced from the big studios, three of which are of much interest to TheOneRing.net.
Sean Bean was the first announced a few days ago to promote his new show “Legends” coming to TNT for a 10 episode run this summer. The panel will be at 2:30pm in room 300DE where they will show clips and have a Q&A with cast and creative team members. This looks like a really good spy-thriller series, so if you are attending Wondercon on Saturday, make sure to stop by. There is no indication if there will be a signing anywhere, but we will tweet @theoneringnet if that news becomes available.
Twentieth Century Fox just announced that “Dawn of the Planet of the Apes” will be featured in their panel in the Anaheim Convention Center Arena on Saturday at 12:45pm. Andy Serkis will be a part of that presentation, followed
directly afterwards with an Autograph signing session at the Boom! Studios booth #319. You have to buy the limited-edition Wondercon exclusive “Dawn of the Planet of the Apes” print illustrated by Garry Brown. The autograph session begins at 2:30pm, but since this will be a ticketed event, stop by the booth in the morning.
And finally the Warner Brothers presentation, also in the Anaheim Convention Center Arena starting at 11am, will feature Richard Armitage as part of the cast presenting “Into the Storm” Not sure if he will drop in any references to “The Hobbit: There and Back Again” or not, but it would not be surprising if someone asked him a question about it. This looks like
one heck of a natural disaster flick, should be a good panel. There is no indication if any of the films in the Warner Brothers track will be doing autographs, so again, watch our twitter feed at @theoneringnet.
And finally, at the end of the day at 5:30pm, TheOneRing.net will be hosting a panel of our own in room 300DE to talk about all things The Hobbit and Tolkien. This is the same room hosting Sean Bean’s presentation on “Legends”, and our own panel is sandwiched between the TV Guide’s Showrunners panel and the TV Writers Room panel, arrive early to guarantee you get a seat. We will try to post about the other panels mentioned here, but as you can see from the timing, it might be a wrap up post at the end of the night, since all of these run one right after the other. Please do remember to come visit us at our booth #1504 and get your
WonderCon Dragon shirt, the Free Bard shirt of the TORn Book club shirt, along with a Tauriel poster. We do have a few random bits of swag tucked away too, just to make things fun, especially for families (Hobbit activity books for the kids).
On Sunday, Sarumann will be hosting a special episode of the TORn Book Club from our booth, and then taking it out onto the exhibit hall floor. Barring any technical glitches, this will be taking place on Sunday at Noon, Pacific Time. It may be loud, mad and chaotic, but for those of you who have stuck through our SDCC live feeds already understands that. Hope to see many of you at the booth over the next two days, even if it’s just to drop by to say hello.
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It may be that Warner Bros., New Line and MGM are currently reconsidering exactly what they should call the final film of Peter Jackson trilogy of Hobbit films. Or maybe they’re not. Maybe it’s for some related thing (a video game tie-in, perchance?). We’re still not quite sure.
However, IF a title change is in the air, the smartmouths of the internets would like to put in their two bob and suggest some alternatives that could prove a hit with the punters. Continue reading “Thirteen alternative titles PJ should consider for The Hobbit: There And Back Again”
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Convention season is upon us, and the first big shindig on the TheOneRing.net Calendar is Wondercon in Anaheim. Tickets are still available if you find yourself in So Cal this weekend, so head on over to the Wondercon site and register to attend. There is a full schedule of panels, screenings, an artist alley to visit, the exhibitors hall for all your geeky shopping needs, and plenty of cosplay going on. We will be reporting on the Warner Bros. panel on Saturday morning, so follow our tweets for live reporting from the con, and a post later that afternoon for any and all Hobbit details. TheOneRing.net will have it’s first big panel of the year on Saturday afternoon at 5:30pm in Room 300DE.

For the collectors out there, don’t miss some of the wonderful exclusives that will be at Wondercon throughout the weekend. You can find the list at Wondercon Exclusives where you will see TORn’s own Wondercon Dragon shirt and Badali Jewelry’s Gold plated Dwarven battle axe. TORn’s booth is #1504 and Badali is just two booths away at booth #1404. And there are some wonderful exclusives offered by a number of other vendors as well, so happy shopping.

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