the-hobbit-DOS-extended-edition-blu-rayLooks like we finally have a trailer for the Extended Edition of Desolation of Smaug, and yes, Thrain is in it. We no longer have to wonder what ever happened to that shadowy figure in Dol Guldur. This version Extends the original Theatrical Release by 25 minutes, plenty of time to see more details, get more action, and learn more about some of the characters. You will finally get to see all additional 25 minutes on November 4, but for now just this preview. The Trailer is on Yahoo Movies and after viewing, you can enter to win a prize, so double happiness to be had.

Without further ado, here is the Trailer.

The Hobbit: DOS EE trailer

Previously only seen decorating the screens of The Hobbit panel at this year’s San Diego Comic Con (and in lower quality snapshots we were able to post shortly after), the full scroll for The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies has now been released, courtesy of Entertainment Weekly.

This latest tapestry takes us through the final chapter of Peter Jackson’s epic Hobbit trilogy, beginning with Smaug’s attack on Laketown and finishing with the titular Battle of Five Armies.

Visit Entertainment Weekly’s site to take a close look at the scroll with a magnifier, or click on the preview below to see the full image.

hobbit botfa scroll hi-res preview


As contests go, this is one for the ages. And it should be, since it heralds the beginning of the end of the final installment of Middle-earth movies at the hands of Peter Jackson and his movie-making team. It’s also the final cinematic trumpet blast from the director’s home country of New Zealand that has stood in as a real-world wonder for the fictional world of author J.R.R. Tolkien.

Fans from around the world will have a chance to win a trip to see New Zealand in all its glory if they win the trip that will take them eventually to Wellington to watch the first screening of “The Hobbit: The Battle of The Five Armies,” with its director. Along the way they will stop at iconic locations the length of the island nation that helped create the cinematic Middle-earth. No doubt that will include a stop to the Hobbiton Movie Set on the farm where more than a decade ago, the literary village and home of Frodo Baggins left the imagination and books to became tangible as it was constructed for Jackson’s LOTR trilogy.

Many websites will help host the contest and will sponsor the portion of the contest that is for “the rest of the world.” Read on for details!


Entering the contest is a multi-step process (and this is not a replacement for the rules) but each entrant will need a Twitter or Facebook account to get things started. Then four challenges will be presented by each contest sponsor website but the primary judging is to be based on a video participants are asked to submit (two minutes or less). If you want to participate, we urge you to read the rules completely and to comply.


Through, you can enter if you aren’t from one of the following nations: Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mainland China, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Republic of Ireland, Singapore, Spain, Thailand, United Kingdom (including Channel Islands & Isle of Man), United States and any country to or on which the United States has embargoed goods or imposed targeted sanctions, such as Cuba.

So readers in Austria, Greece, Romania and the like (just picking off the top of the writer’s head), welcome to the show. For the readers from the nations listed above, your portal to the contest will be elsewhere. For example, those in the United States can go right here.

If you do enter from a nation that isn’t yours, you aren’t eligible so we recommend not trying it. Those wishing to enter TORn’s portal and are from the correct nation need only click RIGHT HERE!

Since it was first announced at Comic-Con International in San Diego on 27 July 2014, upwards of 25,000 people have already registered their interest to participate. We at TORn expect that number to be obliterated quickly.


Contest winners will land in Auckland, New Zealand, before embarking on a specially designed itinerary to iconic filming locations–the highlight being a special visit to Hobbiton, the famous home of the Hobbit Bilbo Baggins. Fans will enjoy a private tour through the 12-acre site, with a close-up look at the 44 Hobbit homes. (We have been and maybe its time to trot out those photos and video!)

The Hobbit Fan Fellowship will also visit other key film sites throughout New Zealand’s Middle-earth chosen by Sir Peter Jackson and end in Wellington for the ultimate film fan’s dream – a private screening of the final film, “The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies,” with Sir Peter Jackson.

About The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies

Directed by Peter Jackson, The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies features a screenplay by Fran Walsh & Philippa Boyens & Peter Jackson & Guillermo del Toro, based on the novel by J.R.R. Tolkien. Jackson also produced the film, together with Carolynne Cunningham, Zane Weiner and Fran Walsh. The executive producers are Alan Horn, Toby Emmerich, Ken Kamins and Carolyn Blackwood, with Philippa Boyens and Eileen Moran serving as co-producers. Production took place at Jackson’s own facilities in Miramar, Wellington, and on location around New Zealand. Post production took place at Park Road Post Production in Wellington.

For more information and to enter The Hobbit Fan Fellowship Contest visit

HobbitFreemanJacksonAW-620x349 Fairly wide-ranging interview from Deadline with Peter Jackon conducted around the time of the San Diego Comic-Con.

It actually contains little that’s new: the fact that The Dam Busters film is still on the cards will be of interest to war-buffs who remember the 1955 original. And apparently Jackson and Mortensen have chatted about those 3D comments that Viggo made to press a couple of months back, too. Something something misquote. Supposedly.

Anyway, here’s the meatiest bit of the entire interview about The Hobbit: Continue reading “Jackson muses on his Middle-earth exit”

THE HOBBIT: THE BATTLE OF THE FIVE ARMIESIt’s a tradition that goes back years for a great many of us – downloading the latest Tolkien movie trailer on Apple’s Quicktime Site. In the years before Facebook and YouTube, this was where we all turned to in order to get our first (second, third, fourth…) glimpses of Peter Jackson’s epic adaptation.

While the rise of the aforementioned social media venues has seen them become the premiere locations to catch trailers, video blogs, etc. – you still can’t beat the high quality presentation (and superior video compression) of Apple’s Quicktime Trailers.

Now, weeks after the premiere of the teaser trailer, the first look at the final chapter in the Hobbit Trilogy is finally available to view in high quality 480p, 720p, and 1080p video on Apple’s website. Continue reading “‘The Battle of the Five Armies’ Teaser now available on iTunes Movie Trailers”

Hobbit 3 poster Warner Bros. behind-the-scenes efforts mark this as more than merely another panel — despite the fact it’s sharing a slot with Mad Max Fury: Road, Jupiter Ascending and Batman vs Superman.

The enormous, multi-scened wraparound panaorama that muralises the walls of Hall H declares the pre-eminence of The Hobbit: the Battle of the Five Armies in the pecking order.

It’s the panel of the day. Continue reading “The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies in Hall H: the details and the spoilers!”